[15] Anything for her

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𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

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𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

Today was one shitty day.

Twenty of men got shot and one of the shipments got stolen. I killed that Russian bastard with my bare hands after he pulled that shit.

However, right now I am walking inside my mansion. I missed Sirena so fucking much all day. All I could think of was her eyes, her hair, her smile and well, everything.

But recently she got really quiet and never smiles. Her pouty lips makes me want to kiss the fuck out of her but being the gentleman I am, I refrain myself from doing so.

That is why today, I ordered one of the maids to take her out to the greenhouse. I specially got it made for Sirena since she loves flowers. Sirena actually resembles flowers so much. Beautiful, delicate and sweet smelling.

Standing infront the greenhouse, I was expecting my girl to be there but instead I was met with shouting and glass shattering?

Pulling out my gun from the waistband, I stride inside the kitchen from the back door. Actually, you could get to the greenhouse through the back door of the kitchen.

"What the fuck is happening here?" My voice booms.

Silence fills the kitchen when I enter it as I let the sight infront of me sink in. Sirena, Zephyra and a maid was standing in a circle with Zephyra gazing at me with heart eyes. I held in the need to throw up when I saw the look she gave me.

Zephyra is the daughter of one of my business partner. Her father is a wise man but his daughter, fucking hell.

She is absolutely head over heels for me. Last year, she gave me a proposal for marriage and of course, I said no. I had no interest in women until Sirena came in my life. She is the one and only woman whom I will ever love.

Even after the rejection, Zephyra didn't back up and kept pestering. Last month, we got paired up in a magazine cover photoshoot and after that she goes around telling people that we are in love. That woman doesn't love me, no. She only loves my fucking money.

She was actually in a trip in Hawaii for a whole month, much to my relief. But the thing is what is she doing here?

"There you are, my honeybun! Why is this bitch in your house?" Zephyra exclaims in disgust, glaring at Sirena who just shrinked against the counter more.

Fire blazed within me when Zephyra called Sirena a bitch. My eyes met Sirena's as I watch tears fall from them. Why is she crying? Just then, I noticed blood on her arm. There was a fucking glass shard stuck in her arm.

Wait, what the actual fuck?

I dashed infront of Sirena and quickly held her arm to inspect it closely. She flinched when I touched her but I ignored it and continued looking.

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