[21] He Is Back

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Sitting in the black leather car, Sirena stared out of the window as small raindrops made their way on the window glass. Her hand clutched her lower stomach in agony, the pain only intensifying as time went by. Her period cramps were always the worst.

Her eyes were droopy due to the exhaustion of walking around in the mall all day. She just wanted Elliott to come back as soon as possible.

Just as she was about to slip into a serene slumber, a loud bang entered her ears, making her eyes fly open.

Sirena looked around in frantic with her hand on her chest, trying to calm her poor heart which was thumping loudly by the sudden loud noise. When her eyes fell on her left side where the window was located, a shriek left her lips.

A man, probably in mid-thirties, was standing beside her window with a knife in his hand. He had a bulky structure with tattoos adorning his tan skin. The wide grin on his face only made the poor soul more terrified than she already is.

Sirena's face lost it's color after spotting the knife in his hand. Her hands shakily took the phone from her lap and begin to unlock her phone. She had to call Elliott, fast.

The man seem to understood what she was doing and acted quickly. He jogged to the front of the car and slashed the knife onto his palm. Blood poured out and went trickling down his arm as he ran his fingers on them. He then scribbled some words over the windshield of the car using blood with his hands.

By now Sirena was horrified. She couldn't even understand what was happening and why it was happening. Her heart was beating crazily, making it harder to breathe. For the first time in this terrible one month, she wanted Elliott.

Nonetheless, she tried to push back her fear and squinted her eyes to read what he wrote. Her eyes widened as she read it.

I am back to take you again, doll. This time you won't be able to run, I will make sure of it. And whoever will try to save you from my wrath will die, just like this.

A loud scream erupted from her throat as the man infront of the car stabbed the knife deep inside his neck. He made a loud gurgling sound before falling on the ground, dead, with his blood surrounding him.

Sirena could not stop the tears that streamed down her eyes, neither could she control her uneven breathing. Her chest felt constricted and her throat clogged up. She knew she was getting a panic attack. He was back.

Tapping on Elliott's number, she waited until he picked up the call. When he did, she whispered, "Pl-please, save me." With that, she lost consciousness.

On the other hand, Elliott was inside the departmental store, buying some feminine products for his girlfriend. Although he didn't show it, but he was extremely worried when he saw blood on Sirena's dress. He had very little to no knowledge about the menstrual cycle of girls. He fully blamed that on the less number of females his family had.

Nonetheless, he vowed to take care of his love, the girl whom he loved unconditionally, in his own twisted way. He always felt guilty after hurting her but tried to convince himself that he was doing it for her good.

Before coming here, he strictly ordered Sirena to stay inside the car while he was out as he didn't want to risk her escaping again. There was always this lingering fear in his mind about her leaving him. He won't be able to take that. She is the oxygen he needs to survive, a refreshing air to breathe in.

Elliott could feel the stares he was getting when he walked into the store like he owned it. As expected, everyone was terrified upon seeing the unexpected arrival of the attractive yet cold Mafia Boss. His popularity knew no bounds not only in Italy but, the whole world.

His face was the cover page of many magazines like Forbes, Vogue, Time, Elle and what not. Women kissed the ground he walked in, quite literally. Yet he could never understand why his sweet girl never even looked at him in a loving way. She would love me one day, he thought.

He made his way through the aisle of the products he was looking was. There were too many options in his opinion. He couldn't even decide what to get for Sirena, pads or tampons.

One of the female staff came in while swaying her hips sideways with a seductive smile on her red lips. "How may I help you, sir?"

The said man didn't even spare her a glance and said in his usual cold voice, "My girlfriend is on her period, pack the products that will be the best for her."

The woman's smile dropped and got replaced with a frown. Girlfriend? Everyone knew how much Elliott disliked women. Sure, he was respectful towards them but never gave any extra attention to anyone other than the purpose of business. So, who might this lucky girl be?

"Girlfriend?" She asked in an angry voice, getting agitated. "The last time I checked, you weren't in any relationships."

Elliott finally glanced at her, his face devoid of any emotions as he replied in a indifferent voice, "Yes, girlfriend and soon to be wife. And the last time I checked, no one questions my decisions. Unless you want to die, shut up and pack the things I asked you too." His tone held a dangerous edge, making the woman shiver.

"O-of course, sir." She stuttered and did what she was told. No one wanted to face the wrath of the ruthless man.

Elliott went to the cashier and paid for the items with his credit card. He felt like he bought way too less things. 10 boxes of tampons, 10 packets of pads of each different brand, an electric hot pad, two chocolate bars from each brands and a huge teddy bear. In their first date, Sirena mentioned about her love towards teddy bears so he thought why not buy it.

His guards came and took the bags as people stared at them in fear. The cashier too was confused about about he was purchasing such things but didn't dare to question him. Just as Elliott was about to leave too, he recieved a call from Sirena.

Frowning, he accepted the income call as her trembling voice echoed in his ear, "Pl-please, save me."

Elliott's heart skipped a beat as he quickly strode outside the store. He knew something was terribly wrong.

His suspicions were confirmed as he spotted his car and saw the dead man lying on the ground, surrounded by the scarlet liquid.

Clenching his fist, he thought in his mind,

Whoever the fuck did this will pay


I tried a new writing style, what do you guys think about it? :)

Thank you sm for reading this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment ♡

Stay safe and byee <3

[ Word Count : 1216 ]

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