[37] Cold Fury

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

My eyes widened in sheer terror, as Elliott strolled into the room with his eyes following our every movement

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My eyes widened in sheer terror, as Elliott strolled into the room with his eyes following our every movement. With a swift movement, the hovering man over me stealthily opened the knot wrapped my wrists and let my hands fall on my sides. The position we were in previously literally looked like I had my arms around his neck.

He jumped off me and started fixing his now crippled shirt, eyes darting here and there. My whole being, both physical and mental, was frozen in shock. I couldn't move an inch, not when I could feel the raging gaze of my husband on me.

"Sir!" Out of all the things I expected, the last thing I thought the man would do was cry. His eyes were wet with tears and his whole form was shaking. I am the one who should be crying, not the other way around. "Thank God you are here! Ma'am kept touching me even when I said no." Come again?

Gasping at the false accusation, I finally found my strength back and rose up to my feet, forcing my shaky voice to get out of my throat. "Stop lying! You were the one who touched me first."

He shook his head in denial and I peered over at Elliott for the first time since he entered, pleading him with my eyes to believe me. I wish I didn't look at him though. The terrifically calm expression on his face was enough for me to know that today was the day I die.

"Elliott, I swear I am not lying. He jumped on me the second he entered this room-"

"Ma'am, please don't do this to me. I have a wife and two daughters back at home, waiting for me. I respect Sir a lot; please don't frame me." He sobbed loudly, shocking me further by dropping on his knees with his hands joined. The honesty in his tone almost fooled me and I would have probably believed him too, if he didn't pounce on me and assault my lips like a monster.

I glanced back at Elliott again for backup, entirely sure in my mind he would believe me. He claims to love me, then he will believe me over a random guy, right?


He didn't even spare me a glance. His whole attention was fixed on the man before him, body tense and rigid.

"Please believe me, Sir. I didn't want to do this but she still forced me. Look-" He pointed to his neck and my stomach twisted upon noticing the huge dark hickeys covering his caramel skin. How didn't I notice this earlier? Why is he doing this?

What you will be facing soon will truly be a scene to watch.

My shoulders slouched and eyes stung at the bitter realisation. It was her, Zephyra, wasn't it? She said she will ruin my life. She threatened me multiple times but I disregarded all of them as empty words. How could I have ignored her hostile behaviour? It was obvious she fancied Elliott and when he married me, she just blew of like the ticking bomb she became after Leora introduced me as his girlfriend.

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