[38] Drowning

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

"Wait, stop!" The door slammed open, as I practically jumped out of the car and ran after him, almost falling on my face due to how slippery the ground was

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"Wait, stop!" The door slammed open, as I practically jumped out of the car and ran after him, almost falling on my face due to how slippery the ground was. That would have been embarrassing.

Levi escaped. These two words kept circulating inside my head and I didn't know whether I should be relieved or scared. I chose the latter due to obvious reasons. Nothing gets past Elliott and I am sure he will get caught by one of the guards soon. How did he even manage to run to begin with?

Grasping his upper arm tightly, I spun him around and was met with his blank expression. His eyes narrowed down at me, as he tried to jerk his arm out of my hold, only for me to tighten my grip.

"Where are you going?" Another thunder crackled down from the sky, yet I didn't even blink. The safety of my bestfriend was the only thing that concerned me at this moment. "You aren't going to hurt him, right?"

Elliott's broad shoulders shook with a deep laugh, even though there is nothing humorous with this situation. "I am going to do more than just hurt, my love. Your little friend doesn't know what he just got himself into."

He freed himself from my grasp and starts to walk away, his each step expressing his urgency to get inside the damn mansion and either check his office's footage or ask his men to hunt down Levi. Both options set me on edge and I once again ran after him. I can't let him find Levi. This is his only chance of freedom. I want my bestfriend to get the one thing which I have been yearning to get from the past four months. He deserves it more than me.

"No, let him go! He has nothing to do with this whole thing. I married you, abide by your words and didn't try to escape in the past one month; I am doing everything you have asked me to do. Let him go, please." Despite the hint of panic in my voice, I stood my ground and met his eyes directly, even though I was scared for myself and him internally.

"Leave my arm." He demanded lowly, staring down at me with tightened jaw. The notable height difference between us only made this situation feel more threatening. He was towering over me, his face impassive as ever.

Clearly, he hated it when I talked about Levi, let alone defend him. I could almost feel the fury radiating off him and still decided to hold him back. I am signing my own death certificate at this point.

"Please, just promise me you won't do anything to him." I tugged him towards me in desperation, gripping his other hand in mine. His forest green eyes snapped up to mine and then to our intertwined hands, clenching his jaw even harder before snatching it out of my hold.

"You never even bother to look at me, let alone touch me willingly and now, because of some unnecessary low life, you are doing this?" He scoffed, running a hand through his distressed hair. "You are fucking unbelievable, Sirena."

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