[19] Marry Me

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬

I quietly groan and peel my eyes open, feeling an aching sensation in my head. My chest area was hurting as well, which made it harder to breath. As I begin to observe my surroundings, I realised I was back in Elliott's bedroom, on his bed.

Just then, the memories of me trying to escape came crashing down on me. The car I was in swerved uncontrollably and hit the tree. What happened afterwards? My eyes flew open and I instantly sat up straight. Oh no, Elliott caught me.

My head throbbed from getting up so quickly but I ignored it and frantically looked around me. My soul almost left my body when I saw him sitting in a chair, sipping on wine while staring at me intensely.

I felt my breathing pick up as I clutch the blankets tightly in my fists. Elliott looked completely ruthless. The white shirt he wore was unbuttoned at the top and was a bit wrinkled. His usual neat hair was disheveled. But what scared me the most was his eyes. They looked so dark, almost black.

"Welcome back, love." I stiffened, hearing his sarcastic voice taunt me. I am back to square one again and this time, he won't let me go. I backed away against the headboard while trembling as he got up from his chair and started walking towards me.

My throat went dry and I was shaking badly. I shouldn't have tried to escape, he will kill me now. I don't even want to think what he will do to me this time. "D-don't." I whispered with tears brimming in the corner of my eyes.

He wordlessly sat down beside me and stretched out his hand to touch me. I instantly cower back, thinking he would hit me but stop when he lets out a chuckle. "Calm down, tesoro. I haven't even done anything, yet."

It was only then I realised that there was a bandage wrapped around my head. So, that is why my head is hurting so much. Perhaps I hit my head in the accident.

"Tell me, how was your little adventure outside? I bet you enjoyed that shit a lot." Elliott chuckled out, stroking my hair. It wasn't a humorous chuckle, no. It was one full of malice and darkness. I was already shivering by now thinking what the future has stored in for me.

"I hope you savored that moment of freedom as much as you could because, I will make sure you never get out of this fucking room, let alone this mansion." Saying that, he gripped my hair and tugged it downwards, making me wince in pain. The headache wasn't helping me either.

"W-what are you talking about?" I managed to whisper out, getting extremely scared now. Did I just lost my last string of freedom by trying to gain it fully?

"From today onwards, I will keep you confined within this room. You are no longer allowed to talk to anyone or interact with them by any means. I will be the only one who will hear your voice and talk with you." I just stared at him, dumbfounded as he ended his speech. His eyes held nothing but possessiveness for me. Oh God, why did you make my fate so cruel?

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