[34] Control

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

"Didn't anyone teach you that curiosity kills the cat, love?"

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"Didn't anyone teach you that curiosity kills the cat, love?"

I pinned my eyes shut, my hands clutching my dress in fists. My heart beat kept quickening, almost pumping in my ears. He wasn't suppose to be back so soon. I didn't even hear the garage door opening when his car entered. How could I have been so dumb?

Not only was I scared for myself, I was also worried about Levi's health. The amount of injuries he retained isn't exactly the healthiest. My heart aches at the thought of how much pain he has to go through for me. I don't know why Elliot is still hurting him, seeing how he promised me that he would stop doing that if I agreed to marry him. I did marry him. I did and still continue to do everything according to his wishes. Then why is he still hurting Levi?

The swarm of questions only spun harder in my head, without any possible answer. I wanted answers. I wanted to know what I did wrong that he is still continuing to punish my best friend for it. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to ask any of them. I was scared that he would get more mad than he already is.

"Turn around." He commanded, his hard voice sending shivers down my spine. I opened my eyes and looked down to see the mess I had made on the floor. All the files and papers were scattered across the glossy marble. I didn't even realise when I knocked them down, probably when he came inside and startled me.

Elliott hated it when his office becomes messy. He is a huge clean freak from what I have come to understand in the past three or four months. That explains why the mansion is always shining without a speck of dust anywhere.

"I-I am sorry." I whisper in a low, quivering voice once I had turned around and faced him, my worst nightmare. He was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, the muscles in his arms threatening to rip out of the white shirt he wore underneath the double  breasted black suit. Elliott's face was blank with his empty, green eyes staring right into my eyes.

I was absolutely terrified for myself now. He was already on edge this past week and now he had caught me snooping around in his office. Not only did I do that, I also made a huge mess on the floor. Will he hurt me now? The thought alone made me want to run away and hide somewhere. I don't want to endure his tortures anymore.

"Mind explaining why you are in my office?" He questioned, pushing himself off the door frame and taking a step further inside the room. My heart dropped to my stomach after hearing a clicking sound. He locked the door. Not that I could have escaped if he didn't.

"I a-am sorry, I just-"

"Just answer the fucking question." He clenched his jaw, taking another step towards me. I jumped in my place, feeling my legs go numb from trembling so much. Anxiety was bubbling in my stomach, making me sick. Why did I even come here in the first place? I could have gone to his room and slept by now. He is going to kill me now.

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