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Shinaya's pov:

As the melody of "Happy Birthday" echoed through the room, enveloping me in its warmth, I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy coursing through my veins. Sixteen years old today, and surrounded by the love of my family, I couldn't have asked for a better moment.

Passing a smile to everyone I cut the cake and passed slices around to everyone. My family gave me warm birthday wishes, and with a heart full of joy I moved on to the next person, 

I extended my hand to the next person in line, and a wave of surprise darted through me. I knew he wouldn't eat the cake, yet there he stood, accepting the cake from my hand with a quiet nod. Did Wassal just eat the cake from my hand? 

 His unexpected gesture caught me off guard, For a moment, I was frozen in place, my mind raced with questions and doubts. But then, with a shake of my head, I pushed aside those nagging thoughts and forced a smile onto my lips. Moving on to the next person in line, I brushed off those thoughts and continued my celebrations.

 After the cake was distributed and the guests settled into their respective groups, the room buzzed with the hum of conversation. My mother, mami (maternal aunt), and aunty sat together, their laughter mingling with the gentle clink of teacups as they exchanged stories and caught up on family gossip. 

At another table, my father, Mamu (maternal uncle), and Uncle Ali (Wassal's father) were engaged in a lively conversation of their own, their voices blending in a symphony of laughter and debate. I caught snippets of their discussion as I moved around the room, fetching refreshments and ensuring all the guests were comfortable.

I was indulge in conversation with my cousin, Zaiba, when an unsettling sensation washed over me, like an invisible gaze piercing through the room. Turning slightly, I caught sight of Wassal, his dark brown eyes fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. His stare was deep, almost penetrating, yet devoid of any discernible emotion.

Attempting to brush off the unease that caught the edges of my consciousness, I forced myself to focus on Zaiba's words, nodding absentmindedly as she spoke. But even as I tried to drown out the sensation of being watched, I couldn't shake the feeling that Wassal's gaze remained fixed on me.

"Shinaya?" Zaiba's voice broke my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment. "Are you okay? You seem a bit...distracted."

Forcing a smile, I quickly reassured her, "Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking about an assignment I have due tomorrow. Haven't quite finished it yet, so it's been on my mind."

Zaiba's expression softened with understanding. "Don't worry, you still have time. You'll get it done."

I nodded but still Wassal's gesture was in my mind. Why is he watching me like this?

  His dark brown eyes weren't usually warm and inviting but they now seemed to hold a dangerous glint, their depths betraying a mystery I couldn't quite unravel.

I watched him from across the room...  Why did his eyes seem so dangerous, so different from anyone else's? Many people had brown eyes, yet his eyes held a fierce intensity that set them apart. But now it was not the right time to focus on his eyes as I failed to diagnose any reason behind his stare

As the evening wore on, the atmosphere in the room began to shift subtly. Mamu and his family made their excuses and departed early, citing the impending workday as their reason for leaving ahead of schedule. I bid them farewell at the door. Uncle Ali followed suit not long after, and once again I found myself standing at the threshold, offering polite farewells as I watched them disappear into the night. And yet, amidst the flurry of goodbyes and well-wishes, Wassal remained a constant presence, his dark brown eyes fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. 

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