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"i'm sorry, aderma- what?"

"Adermatoglyphia, also known as "immigration delay disease" or "fingerprint-less disease." it's an extremely rare genetic disorder characterized by the absence of fingerprints on the skin."

currently, Nastavnik was with the doctor, inside room 453 of the hospital. your room.

"forensics at the, well, crash scene noted that other than your fingerprints on the car, there weren't any others."

"it was peculiar since the child was there as well. digging deeper, the forensics team have also reported that this girls DNA is not registered with any countries system. it's like she was never even born."

"...would it be possible for you to keep quiet about her?"

"anything for you, coach. i'll tell the police about it. so, what'll you do with this kid? send her to the orphanage?" the doctor asked, looking sideways at your sleeping body.

"i was thinking of adopting her. a child deserves a home after all."

now what the frick is happening?

you had just woken up from that hellish nightmare by that freakish rabbit when you heard some man saying he wanted to adopt you.

"you're awake aren't you, kiddo?"

how the hell did this guy know? is he a former hitman or something? you immediately opened your eyes and tried to sit up.

"hey now, it won't be wise for you to do that. just lay on the bed." the doctor had stood up and advised you from preventing your stitches to open.

not wanting any drama, you laid back on the hospital bed.

"doc, would it be okay if we had some time?"

no. no. no. don't leave me with this creep. aren't you a doctor?

"of course. if you need anything, i'll be in my office."

after the doctor walked out, you were left with this old guy. he was probably the same guy you had jumped after your escape the other day. you wondered how much time had passed since then.

"so-um hey?"

you stared daggers at the old guy.

cursing himself internally, Nastavnik sighed. "sorry, i'm not really good with kids. wait, can you even understand what i'm saying? do you know russian?"

you opened your mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out. trauma, perhaps? you settled with a light nod showing that you can understand him.

"oh-that's great. well, my name's Ivanov Nastavnik. what about you?"

you shook your head slightly.

"you don't have a name?" you were not going to tell this guy that the only names you were usually called was 'Runt' and 'Idiot'.

"would you want a name?" Nastavnik asked.

you pondered for a bit. having a name sounds nice. nothing like those insults or labels you had endured for a long time.

then, you nodded. a sign of agreement.

Nastavnik's face visibly brightened up. "in that case, would you want to be my daughter? it'll be fine if you don't want to. no pressure or anything."

you had been thinking about this ever since you heard Nastavnik's conversation with the doctor. logically, it would not be wise to go with some old geezer you had barely known.

but the alternative was much worse. what if you ended up at an orphanage? or in the hands of some abusive family? no way. besides, this guy looks rich, so you agreed.

Nastavnik exhaled "really? i'm glad."

after a month, you had surprised everyone because of how fast you were able to recover. "it's because she's young" the doctor had said, convincing nobody.

currently, you were at Nastavnik's house. no, you could not even call it a house. this was a castle. lavish couldn't even begin to describe what this place was. (in reality, though, it seemed much more amazing to your little eyes because you've never lived in a house before.)

you had just come home from your birth registration process with the government people. they dressed and talked really funny, you had concluded.

Nastavnik had asked mundane questions like, your age (don't have one), birthday date (she eventually picked the day when she jumped Nastavnik's car) and even her favorite animal (not rabbits that's for sure).

the adoption process was a hassle too. but it got much faster when Nastavnik showed his ID card. interesting, really. who knew this guy had a lot of authority on his hands.

deciding to explore the house at Nastavnik's request, you quickly assessed that his house had around 7 rooms. (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 dining room)

why does he even need so many bedrooms? he's single as far as you know.

suddenly, a glint of light caught your eye. it was coming from one of the bedrooms. thinking nothing of it, you entered the room. only to be met with what could be described as a flash bomb in your dictionary.

what the hell?

after recovering, you were met with a shelf upon shelves of trophies and medals. woah...

you went to the biggest trophy at the center of the room and looked at a picture that was hung above the trophy.

it was a picture of Nastavnik and a team of 18 people, 7 of them were wearing jackets and the rest wore jerseys. Nastavnik looked happy.

he was putting his arms around two players, who stood out from the rest. the two people were holding the big trophy now present in front of your eyes.

one of them was a tall, skinny, and pale man, with an unusually long neck. he had black hair styled into a short bob cut with straight bangs.

while the other man was a tall pale skinned man with a muscular frame. his hair was white, and his eyes were yellow in color with black-shaded eyelids.

but it wasn't that made you attracted to this pair. it was behind them. something wispy, like smoke. if you didn't know any better, you would even say that the smoke behind the odd duo had eyes.


"what's weird?" Nastavnik appeared behind you. "that's one of the best teams i've ever coached y'know?"

"...not that. the thing behind them." you said pointing at the picture.

Nastavnik was suprised. this girl could see their egos? this was a picture, for the sake of everything holy! " it's something called 'ego'. It was what made our team win."

you stayed silent. what an interesting concept. maybe the world you had escaped to have some fun entertainment for you.

looking at you, Nastavnik shivered. your eyes had become swirly like a predator looking at its injured prey.

Nastavnik exhaled and ruffled your hair. " the government agency just called, they said they needed a name for your documents. i was thinking 'Vladimirkovna'. what do you think?"

"no." shitty ahh name

"eh? why? it's such a good name, i spent a lot of time to come up with that one!"

- the two of you eventually came to an agreement to give you the name Ivanov [Name].

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