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looking at yourself in the mirror, you gave a satisfied nod.

you were wearing white [insert decent clothes, please not something too out of pocket] and teal earrings that matched the color of Sae's eyes. [the two of you had decided to match the colors of your clothing].

you were about to go out, when you gave a thought that you probably needed a mask.

Sae was a celebrity; it would be bad for him if scandals rose because of you. grabbing a [favourite color] mask, you rushed out, texting Sae along the way.

"why are you wearing a mask?" Sae asked, raising an eyebrow. he wore a white dress shirt and light brown masks. he also wore a simple bracelet the color of [eye color].

"eh? isn't it like etiquette? do you want the media to make up rumors?" you answered.

"it'll be fine. i don't care much about those assholes." his hands rose up to your face and unhooked the mask that you were wearing.

looking at your features, Sae wanted to say something. but, he quickly shut his mouth.

"like what you see?" you ask Sae, a mischievous look on your face.

Sae rolled his eyes and took you by your hand to a nearby restaurant.

The place looked as if the restaurant list is for the elite gastronomes, where the prices are as sky-high as the ceilings, and the menus are as extensive as the guest list for a Hollywood gala.

It's the kind of restaurant that makes your wallet tremble in fear before you even glance at the first dish. you practically need a financial advisor on speed dial just to consider ordering an appetizer.

but hey, who needs savings when you can savor the sensation of your bank account going on a diet?

welcome to the culinary kingdom where the prices are princely and the portions are petite. enjoy your meal and may your credit limit forever stretch beyond the stars!

as you were internally monologuing to yourself, Sae was having thoughts of his own.

those earrings, he thought.

my eye color, he pondered.

so perfect.

all for me.

after eating until your stomach wanted to burst (mm rabbit memories) you and Sae went to see a movie and then took a break in an arcade.

you had demolished him in every game that was there.

"pfft, how'd you get an achievement for lowest score, Sae?" you giggled seeing his score on one of the games screen.

"shut up. i'm not good at anything but football."

you looked at him up and down. "actually, that explains a lot. cmon, let's get out of here." this time, you were the one who dragged him out and took him to a nearby bench in a park.

sitting down, you exhaled. a lot of thoughts had run into your head today.

not a lot of them were exactly pure thoughts. is this effect of being around a handsome man all day?

"today was great." you said, looking at Sae.

"...today was acceptable."

"urgh. would it kill you to say that you were happy? i can see where Rin gets his attitude from."

hearing his younger brothers name, Sae visibly stiffened.

"ah, sorry. i forgot your brother was a sore sport for you." you said. you hadn't intended to ruin the mood.

he ran a hand through his hair, frustration, and regret swirling within him like a storm.

"you know," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow, "there was a time when Rin and I were inseparable. we had this dream, you see, of becoming the best soccer players the world had ever seen."

[Name] listened quietly, sensing the weight of Sae's words.

"we trained together day and night, pushing each other to our limits," Sae continued, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

"but somewhere along the way, I lost sight of what was important. i let my ego get the better of me, and I made a decision that I thought was best for me, without considering how it would affect Rin."

[Name] nodded, encouraging Sae to continue.

"I walked away from our dream, [Name]," Sae confessed, his voice cracking with emotion.

"i gave up on us, on everything we had worked for. and now, i look at Rin, and i see the disappointment in his eyes, the hurt that i caused him. i can't help but regret my choices, wishing i could turn back time and make things right."

there was a heavy silence as Sae's words hung in the air, the weight of his regret palpable. damn, the lore between them was deeper than you had thought.

"i thought i was doing what was best for me," Sae murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"but now, i realize that i sacrificed something precious in the process. i sacrificed my relationship with my brother, and i don't know if i can ever make amends for that."

[Name] reached out, placing a hand on Sae's shoulder, and gripping it, causing Sae to look at you. you put your hands on his cheeks.

"Sae, Sae, Sae. so burdened with a mistake of the past. but that's just it. you think Rin would forgive you?"

Sae shook his head. you continued, "that's right. it's not going to be that easy. aren't you an egoist Sae? you, yourself matter before anyone else."

"who cares if your heart wants to repair that relationship. isn't becoming the best midfielder in the world your dream?"

Sae's eyes widened. he did not expect you out of all people to know about egos. and he knew you were right.

as much as he wanted to be a big brother, his dreams deserved priorities.

"i understand the guilt your holding, Sae. the guilt that being selfish comes with. but you must indulge in it. that's the only way that you won't regret anything fully. do it for yourself, and for yourself only."

with that you released his face and stood up in front of Sae, creating a shadow that towered over him. Sae looked into your eyes.

the eyes of the girl standing before him looked as if it bore the weight of a thousand battles, haunted by memories that no one should ever have to endure.

there was a weariness in those eyes, a weariness that went bone-deep, as if the weight of the world rested solely on their shoulders.

but, within your eyes, rested something he had never seen. eyes that wanted to engulf his own ego. before Sae knew it, his own eyes reflected hers, swirling with a new urgency.

suddenly you were interrupted by what seemed to be a crowd of walking cameras. shit, the media.

Sae got the memo, and quickly ran off, pulling you along with him.

as the two of you were running, you heard Sae mutter something. "if i win the U-20 match, will you go on a date with me again?"

"and if you do lose, you have to allow me to talk to other men."

"woah, slut alert?"

"large risk, large return."

"i'll win, for sure."

p.s. he did not win.

- if [Name] was a spice, she would be saffron.

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