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today was the day.

the day where, in the future you would come to regret everything.

for this was the day something precious was stolen from you.

once again.

it started quite happily, unfortunately.

for it was the calm before the storm.

at the time, you were in a training room Ego built specifically for you. it was built with rare materials, making it a room that could withstand your abilities.

each day, you would spend some time in there, to release stress.

but, more importantly to ensure that you were ready to fight against those bastards.

you had finished your daily quota of tasks, and since it was the weekend, there were no training with the football teams.

so imagine your surprise, when you open the door to your training room to find it full with said football teams.

from Bastard Munchen to Paris X Gen, they were all here.

coming to the conclusion that you were hallucinating, you shut the door.

nope. it's way too fucking early for this.

opening the door, you hoped to be met with an empty room.

instead, you were met with multiple pairs of eyes staring at your figure.

shit, that scared me. wait, fuck, i'm the owner of this house.

"what in god's name are you all doing here?"

"oh, [Name]! i heard from Ego that you were going to be here. before i knew it, the news had already spread to all of the stratums." Loki answered.

accepting the fact that your stress relieving hour had turned into a stress inducing hour, you resigned yourself.

"[Name]-san! can you help me with my new technique?"

"[Name]. let's have a match."

"[Name]-san...do you have any tips on how to do this?"

the voices.

god wanted to test my patience today.

"argh! everybody shut up!" you shouted, pushing the closest to you away.

"i want to train. i'm not even a real football coach. don't you have them?" you asked, pointing at the group of coaches, who were in the middle of having a tea party.

"mm? but the kids really like how you train them. it's better to divulge into what they want." Noel said, sipping tea.

shit. if Noa says that, i can't really do much about it.

"fine. i'll train with you guys..."

some among the crowd of football players physically lit up. no, like literally. they became a light bulb right then and there.

before any of them could utter a single word, you raised your hand to their faces.

"but, on one condition. all of you sit quietly on the other side of the room. i need to train. it won't last long. maybe around 30 minutes or so?"

the majority agreed with your suggestion and went to join their coaches in their tea party.

secluded in the other side of the empty room, the atmosphere was filled only with the chatter of the football players and the rhythmic sound of your movements.

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