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the dimly lit room cast long shadows across your face as you sat in a secluded corner of the abandoned warehouse, seeking solace amidst the chaos that surrounded you. 

with the holographic projection of chibi Anri hovering nearby, you engaged in small talk with your friends, a brief respite from the weight of their mission.

"so, how's the weather back in Japan?" you asked, your voice tinged with longing as you thought of your friends and family (Noel) thousands of miles away.

Kurona chuckled, the sound warm and familiar. "same as always," he replied. "rainy one moment, sunny the next. you're not missing much."

Yukimiya chimed in with a soft laugh. "but it's not the same without you here, [Name]," she said, his voice filled with genuine affection. "the team just isn't complete without you."

a smile tugged at your lips as you listened to your friends' banter, the familiar cadence of their voices washing over you like a comforting embrace. 

despite the danger that loomed over them, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude for the bonds that held them together, stronger than steel and unbreakable in the face of adversity.

"i miss you guys too," you replied, your voice soft with emotion. "but we'll be together again soon. I promise."

but the moment of respite was short-lived as Ego's voice crackled over the comms, his urgency cutting through the conversation like a knife. 

"we've located Pontus and [Name]'s brother," he announced, his tone grave. "it's time to move."

with a sense of determination, you sprang into action, the small talk fading into the background as you focused on the task at hand. 

but even as you prepared to confront the dangers that lay ahead, you couldn't help but carry with you the warmth and love of their conversation, a beacon of hope that would guide you through the darkness that awaited.

with a sense of determination, you raced through the labyrinthine corridors of the warehouse in search of your targets. 

as you approached the chamber where Pontus and her brother were held captive, you felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared for the battle ahead.

but as you burst into the chamber, your hopes were dashed by the sight that greeted you. 

Pontus stood before you, a sinister smile playing at the corners of his lips as he held your brother in a tight grip, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"you're too late, [Name]," Pontus sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "your brother belongs to me now."

you felt a surge of rage boiling within you as you confronted Pontus, your fists clenched at your sides as you prepared to do whatever it took to free your brother from his clutches. 

with a swift motion, you injected your brother with the antidote, watching with bated breath as he slumped to the ground, unconscious but free from Pontus's control.

but before you could celebrate your victory, Pontus launched himself at you with a ferocity that took you by surprise. 

the two of you clashed in a whirlwind of blows, your movements impossible to track and precise as you fought for control of your destiny.

as you exchanged blows, you couldn't help but be struck by the irony of their situation. 

Carceron, your first love, and your greatest enemy, stood before you now, your bond twisted and distorted by the passage of time and the weight of your shared history.

"you were always meant to be mine, [Name]," Pontus hissed, his voice filled with bitterness as he landed a blow that sent you staggering backwards. 

"but you chose to abandon me, to betray everything we had together."

you gritted your teeth against the pain, your determination burning brighter than ever as you faced Pontus head-on. 

"you lost your way, Carceron," you retorted, your voice laced with defiance. "and now, you'll pay the price for your sins."

in the heat of the battle, you felt a surge of realization wash over you. you might not survive this fight, but you refused to let the man in front of you win. 

this was all your fault.

if only you had took a different route, then maybe the world wouldn't have created such a monster.

"i'm sorry. just this time, please forgive me."


with a sense of resolve, you reached out and disconnected Chibi Anri, severing the connection that tethered you to your friends and family in Japan.

as the battle raged on, you and Pontus fought with a ferocity born of desperation, each blow bringing you closer to your inevitable fate. 

the building you were in was long gone, victim to you and Pontus's deathly blows.

and as the final moments drew near, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that you had fought with all your strength and all your heart.

in the end, as the dust settled and the echoes of your battle faded into silence, you and Carceron lay side by side, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as the two of you stared up at the ceiling, your eyes locked in a silent understanding.

you looked at your younger brother, safe from danger. you and Carceron ad made a silent agreement during the start to finish this battle without dragging him in.

you were glad.

at least he would live.

"see you, [Name]" Carceron murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

and you nodded your head, a sad smile playing at the corners of her lips. "yeah, see you, Carceron." you replied, your voice filled with regret. "maybe in another world."

and as the darkness closed in around you, you closed your eyes, your heart heavy knowing that you still had a lot of things to say to your friends, to your lovers.

for that is death.

death waits for nobody.

death does not give you time to get ready.

but your spirit remained unbroken as you embraced the final moments of your life, knowing that you will miss this life of yours.

a life full of love, of betrayal.

a life that was empty until you met other people.

a life that was now full.

a life that is now meeting death.

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