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in accordance with the incident and to ready preparations for the new selection, you and the blue lock boys were given a vacation.

finally, freedom. you were in front of an ATM machine, basking in the amount of money that was in your account right now.

the money that your father had sent you and the salary from being Blue Lock's slave.

to say the very least, your money contained around 8 digits now.

now then, with all that money, what would an 18-year-old teenage girl do?

shopping, of course.

you had longed to do this. in Russia, Nastavnik didn't allow you to spend money that often since he did not want one of his only two children to become a shopaholic.

come to think about it, i haven't called [Brothers Name] since that incident. deciding to call your precious brother now, you quickly sat at a nearby bench and took out your cat themed phone.


"[Name]? IS THAT YOU?"

immediately after answering the call, [Brothers Name]'s voice had pierced your ear. your brother was a result of a one-night stand between Nastavnik and some supermodel.

the actress could had done better. this came to that and eventually your family of two became a family of three. you had to admit, you were glad [Brothers Name] grew to inherit his mother's features and not his father's.

Nastavnik wasn't exactly Mr. Universe, after all. still, maybe it was fate that he had a one-night stand with a supermodel that had the exact same hair color as you.

nobody ever mistook you and [Brothers Name] as anything other than siblings. with the same hair color and belittling gaze, that was the only sane conclusion.

"yes, yes. it's me. why are you so excited? i bet you missed me."

"huh? n-no. of course not." you could feel him blush from the other side of the phone.

"sure. delusion is always the solution. sorry i haven't called you recently. been a bit busy."

"wow. nice lie, there. that creepypasta wannabe already told us everything."

Ego you fucking snitch.

"really now? how did Nastavnik react to it?"

"mm, not bad, but definitely not good. we're heading to Japan right now."

oh, my days. this man will be the end of me.

"w-wait a second. you're heading here? now? there's no need. i can handle myself."

"too late, sis. you know how Nastavnik is like. besides, i even got to take a break off from school."

"when's the flight?"

"in a few weeks. still a long time before we get to see you."

as you were about to answer, you heard a car parking and the familiar rustle of keys.

"ah. Nastavnik's home. see ya, sis."

"mm. love ya."


that little shit. you were not happy about this. if Nastavnik knew about the truth, he would take you away from Blue Lock to ensure your safety.

ah, i was just starting to like that place. but, you could always pull a few strings to get what you wanted. after all, he was coming here too.

you were currently debating whether to waste your money to beat every single high score in the arcade.

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