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"greetings, [Name]-sama. how may i help you today?"

seeing that Ego had bought you a vr visor, you decided to tinker with it because you were bored. Ego had given you a brief explanation on your daily routine, consisting of cooking, cleaning and routine perimeter checks around Blue Lock.

you were sure, no, positive that you could handle the tight schedule. only one thing was the problem. you couldn't keep track of the tasks for the life of you.

and so, being the genius that you are, you decided to create an artificial assistant, or in modern terms, an ai.

and what better ai than an ai with Anri's looks and voice?

"hm, i didn't actually think that it was gonna work. maybe i really am a genius." you said to nobody in particular.

you had even modified the visor, so it looked like a pair of ordinary tinted glasses. well, aside from the fact that the end of the glasses was curled to fit inside your ear.

"woi, what do you think you're doing, [Name]? my system detected a new branch of data forcing in. it has to be you."

Ego had appeared on the tv screen in your room, looking quite pissed at his current predicament.

"relax, Jinpachi. i just made an ai assistant. it's to help me with my daily tasks, so i'm sure you'll allow it?" you asked with a trace of hope in your voice.

"ugh. tell me next time before you do one of your little experiments. anyway, go and help Anri with getting ready for the unpolished gems arrival." Ego said before promptly disappearing from the screen.

"aye, aye boss." you said with a mock salute. "hope some of them are interesting."

boy, were you in for a surprise.

you were now backstage with Anri while Ego was yapping about some sort of football philosophy that you did not want to waste braincells on to understand.

deciding to look at the boys you would be taking care of, some of them looked like they belong in a zoo while some of them looked like they could be a contester for Mr. Universe.

a boy with bright pink hair with a single braid hanging on the left side of his face. he looks cute.

a boy with auburn eyes and bright, spiky orange hair. he looks like he has a nape fetish.

another boy had round green eyes, with his irises being noticeably large. he looks like he washes his toes first in the shower.

your train of thought was suddenly cut off when all of the boys rushed towards the door that opened behind Ego.

well that's my cue. you were about to walk out but you had to wait for Anri having a small chat with Ego.

"sorry for the wait Ivanov-san! let's get going now, if not the buses might arrive before us." Anri said, turning to you.

you hummed in agreement and scooped Anri up, princess-style. "it's much faster this way." you said before rushing outside towards the Blue Lock building.

the two of you also passed the buses at some point, and you could have sworn you saw a boy widening his eyes upon seeing you.

Isagi Yoichi, our ex-protagonist thought he saw a blur of [hair color] and brown outside his window. he must be hallucinating, right?

not long after that, the buses had arrived, leaving Anri to give out the uniforms while you collected the phones and wallets of the boys.

you huffed a bit, seeing as Ego had forced you to wear a black mask that had the Blue Lock logo at the corner. it was pretty, sure. but it was uncomfortable.

to top all of it, you had to deal with the bastards who didn't want to separate with their own phones.

the worst was definitely that beanstalk boy with the mayonnaise bangs. i'm not going to fucking break your phone, man.

during the brief interaction you had with the boys you had analyzed and concluded one thing. they were weak. incredibly so.

they probably would lose in a fistfight with a toddler. it was that bad. but some of them had potential. potential to grow. you grinned at the thought.

i hope some of them will survive this prison known as 'Blue Lock'.

"[Name]-sama, the next task you need to do is preparing lunch." a small chibi icon of Anri appeared at the corner of your glasses.

"Anri-san i'll be going first. gotta cook food for the boys."

"ah, yes. it was a pleasure working with you Ivanov-san. but,um..."

"hm? what is it Anri-san?"

"y-you can't do anything like that just now, okay!" Anri said, her cheeks turning red.

you internally blushed at her cute reaction. there was no way you wouldn't stop teasing her. "yeah, yeah m'sorry about that."

"ne, Ivanov-san, would you like to follow me to a press conference a few days from now? are you busy?" Anri asked.

"nope. anything for you Anri-san." you grinned, a flirtatious expression on your face.

"then i"ll see you then." with a satisfied heart, Anri left you on your own.

if somebody saw you cooking in the kitchen, people would have thought that you were fighting air molecules. but the truth was that your skills were much too fast for the naked eye to behold.

in 30 minutes, you had prepared the meals for all the boys. well, those who survived the 136 seconds in hell.

as you were cooking you had watched some of the cameras that was accessible by chibi Anri. god, i love her.

as expected, most of them couldn't grasp the true situation they were in. while others could in the blink of eye. really shows who had braincells and who didn't.

the following days consisted of you doing your normal routine. one thing that made you motivated was your soon to be date with Anri.

some players were already complaining about the same meals they were receiving. bitch, deal with it. not my fucking fault you weak.

after a internal session where your inner inside-out emotions complained about the shitty boys you were dealing with, you dressed up for your date.

got to look presentable in front of your future wife, after all.

Anri picked you up in her car and with that, the both of you went straight to the building where the press conference was held.

after you arrived, Anri stayed in her car for a while. gripping the steering wheel, she put her head down.

with a sigh, she confessed "i'm nervous. what if i mess up?"

"it'll be fine. you want Japan to win the World Cup, don't you? then go kill the media with this press conference." you replied, patting Anri's head slightly.

"you're right Ivanov-san. thanks." Anri replied with a smile on her face.

rail me.

- [Name] nearly assaulted a white rabbit costume when she was 13 because it triggered her.

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