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"what-what the hell is that?" Reo stuttered.

"you calling me a that, boy? rude ain't you."

the blood rabbit just spoke. it even had a thick accent. but, after the rabbit made itself present, your body had calmed down, lying silently on the floor.

"this is not real. this is not real." Aiku repeated, not accepting the current reality in front of them.

"but it is real, boy. mm, let me get into something more comfortable."

the blood rabbit suddenly shifted into what looked like a young boy wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts.

it would have been acceptable to pass as a human if it didn't have rabbit ears and the fact that it was made of blood.

he floated in the air before lying his body on the ground, his back facing upwards. he rested his head on your stomach.

"see? much better now." the boy rabbit said, with a smile that was a bit too wide for liking.

"what are you? Rin asked.

"ah, can't tell. can't tell any of you. master will get angry. don't like making my lover angry." he answered, truthfully.

"...lover?" Sae whispered under his breath. how could this pool of blood be your lover?

apparently having enough of the interview going on, Ego spoke up. "shitty rabbit. just do your job. we don't have all day for your chit chat."

"bwek. always the party pooper. i don't get what master sees in you." with a sigh, the rabbit boy propped himself up using his elbows.

he inched closer to your face.

"w-wait-" before Sae could stop what he was dreading, the rabbit boy had already kissed you. all the while making eye contact with Sae.

then, the rabbit boy disappeared. along with all your injuries. it was like they were never there in the first place.

Ego looked at the football players faces, full of shock. Ego went to your body, hoisting you up like a potato sack on his shoulder. god, you were heavy.

"let's go. seems like an explanation is in order."

you were currently falling.

you had wanted to get back to Ego, because only he and Noa had the medicine with them. you didn't bring any of the medicine with you.

knowing yourself, it would probably end up in the most random places. that would be dangerous.

suddenly, you stopped falling and tumbled on a bouncy floor.

you had seen this place in your dreams many, many times. the same warped space, filled with random floating objects.

but, you didn't hate this place because of that, you hate the rabbit that always came with it. it ate me, for god's sake.

"your friends are funny." the rabbit boy said, coming from behind you. where did he come from?

you stayed silent, staring into the space in front of you. the rabbit boy slithered his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulders.

"your body is fine. it really is pity to that Eros guy. i really liked his eyes. well now you know why i like eating you, right? we can be cannibalistic lovers now." the rabbit boy said.

"you're disgusting. anyway, let me wake up. i've got things to handle." you retorted back with an eyeroll.

"nuh-uh. don't wanna. you barely come to see me nowadays."

"ha. you're being a drama queen. you can see me anytime you want, and you know that. you're me after all." you said, a dangerous glint in your eyes.

"argh. i don't want a solution to my problems! i just wanted to be theatrical. i love being theatrical. especially if the audience is you. besides, you're the same, aren't you? you don't need my permission to get out of here."

we really are the same. and maybe that's why i detest you so much.

waking up is not a delightful experience.

being all comfy, when you are interrupted by your mother saying that you should wake up is not delightful experience.

it was even more dreadful when a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on you.

man, fuck you Ego.

of all the ways to wake someone up.

opening your eyes, you saw Anri. i take it back. waking up is a very nice experience.

Anri rushed to hug you. "Ivanov-san! Ivanov-san! oh, i'm so glad you're okay!"

you hugged Anri back. it was nice to feel warmth.

Ego, holding a bucket in his hands, side-eyed the both of you. he was the one who saved you and this was his treatment?

"hey, hey. break it up. i woke you up so you could explain to those boys. they're getting more restless by the minute."

"okay, sheesh. can't let me enjoy a hug."

with that, you were now in front of the boys. damn, i fainted in front of all of these hot guys?

trying to maintain a normal personality, "so, what do you guys want to know about?"


"yeah, why the fuck could it talk?"

"i feel like i've seen you before. who are you?"

"are you single?"

voices and questions overlapped, creating a sort of whirlpool of noise. you snapped your fingers once. the boys immediately stopped talking and waited for you to same something.

there was something undeniable about you. was it the way you brought yourself, with an elegant aura or maybe it was the look in your eyes, a look of something beyond the realm of humans?

"hmm. sorry that was my bad. should have known that you talk were going to react like this."

"i won't repeat any of this, so listen carefully. well, to start with, i'll introduce myself. my name is Ivanov [Name]. i'm the adopted daughter of Ivanov Nastavnik, the retired football coach."

"i am also the masked woman that ones in Blue Lock fought with in the Second Selection. i am the only employee in Blue Lock aside from Jinpachi and Anri-san."

"let's see. to start with, i am an ex-child soldier. well, less of a soldier and more of a human experiment. i escaped from the people who abducted me around 10 years ago."

"the black pill that Jinpachi gave me was a medicine that has regeneration abilities. i made it when i was still in captivity."

"the rabbit boy that all of you saw, is well- i don't know how to really say it, but he's sort of a second consciousness within me."

"he only comes out in the physical dimension when i'm in danger. usually he's just within my head."

"oh, the injuries you all saw the day i fainted was when i fought a member of that hellish organisation, the group that abducted me."

"his name was Eros. he used to be one of my mentors. i escaped because that origination is fucking hell."

i'm not going to tell what happened though. all of you are much better off not knowing."

"...well, i think that's about it. any of you have any questions?" you asked, an innocent expression on your face.

"there's no need to ask. they've already overheated from the amount of information you just dumped on them." Ego answered.

you took a double take at the boys.

was that smoke coming out of their heads?

- in the end, [Name] made a slideshow with pictures so that the boys could fully understand.

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