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 ♔ 10 years later ♔

in Nastavnik's opinion, you had grown up to be a wonderful daughter. being taller than most of your peers at 176 cm and constantly at the top of your class for any test.

well, in your opinion, you had grown up to be a (barely) living, breathing organism.

also, for some reason, you had learnt that you had the ability to juggle anything. and you mean anything. from cucumbers to passive aggressive ducks, nothing gets past you.

and now, you were on a plane, heading to Japan to meet with your third most favorite person in the world. Ego Jinpachi.

imagine your surprise when you received a text from Jinpachi. he's like that one sock at the bottom of your drawer that you don't use anymore because you lost the other pair.

nevertheless, the conversation went along something like this.



come to japan

need your help


damn not even a how are you

or a sorry for ghosting you for 2 years

this is why noel is better than you



fuck off

you owe me



damn blackmailing?!

me, personally, i would never stoop that low


get your ass over here

or i tell Ivanov about that incident


yes sir❗❗

omw rn

and so, you managed to skip school with a decent explanation that you had a dentist appointment. being a good student actually paid off for once.

after that, you proceeded to go to a convenience store to eat [favorite food]. priorities, priorities.

after fuelling up, you called your dearest father, explaining that his offspring needed money.

also, you needed him to deal with the side quests you were going to trigger after this sudden leave.

after a long conversation without the bad parts, Nastavnik caved in and within less than three minutes you had a ticket to go to Japan.

grinning at this achievement, you started to walk to the airport. the flight was a few hours away, it wouldn't hurt to take a walk.

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