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 ♔ 5 years later ♔

as she entered the café, all eyes were drawn to her with an almost magnetic pull. there was an aura of ethereal beauty surrounding her, reminiscent of a goddess descended from the heavens. 

her presence seemed to illuminate the room, casting a soft glow that captivated everyone in her vicinity.

with each graceful step, she moved with the fluidity of a dancer, her features were a symphony of perfection—high cheekbones, a delicate nose, and lips curved in a gentle smile that hinted at secrets known only to her.

her eyes, like pools of liquid amber, held a depth that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages. they sparkled with an inner light, reflecting the warmth and kindness that radiated from her soul.

clad in a simple yet elegant ensemble, she exuded an effortless charm that transcended mere physical beauty. 

there was a gracefulness in the way she carried herself, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes without uttering a word.

as she approached the counter, the café fell silent, the chatter of patrons fading into a reverent hush. 

the barista behind the counter greeted her with a smile, though it was clear that even he was struck by her presence.

with a soft spoken order, she requested her meal, her voice like music to the ears of those around her. 

and as she settled into a seat by the window, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, it was as if time itself stood still in homage to her beauty.

for those fortunate enough to witness her, she was a vision of perfection—an embodiment of grace, elegance, and timeless allure. 

and as she savored her meal with a serene smile, she seemed to embody the very essence of divinity itself, a goddess among mortals in the humble confines of a bustling café.

looking at the television, you saw snippets of the football world. highlights of their plays. 

those kids are doing well. they play as you had envisioned from their egos, the plays that were the best.

you were now 23 years old.

the Blue Lock project had long since ended.

it had been 5 years.

it had been 5 years since Japan won its first World Cup.

it had been 5 years since Nastavnik lost his battle with cancer.

and it had been 5 years since you disappeared from the face of the planet.

you disappeared for a reason, of course. to travel the planet, to find your younger brother.

you had thought long and hard about it. you couldn't have anybody else in this journey of yours.

if not, history would merely repeat itself once more, with you losing your loved ones once more.

but, it had been five years, you were sure that they had all moved on.


Anri sighed. dealing with world-class football players on the daily was making her age much faster than she would like.

Anri Tieri. current President of the Japan Football Union.

hearing a knock from the door, Anri answered. "come in."

"Anri-san. it's time for the meeting." her secretary respectfully said.

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