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oh my god.

you were rolling on your bed, your head reenacting the scene in which Nagi confessed to you.

you didn't accept, saying to Nagi to give you some time. 

alone in your hotel room on the picturesque island of Pulau Tioman, you found yourself grappling with a decision that weighed heavily on her heart. 

the gentle rustle of palm leaves outside your window provided a soothing backdrop to your turbulent thoughts as you mulled over the confessions that had been laid at your feet.

Nagi's heartfelt confession had come as a surprise, his words echoing in your mind with a tenderness that tugged at your heartstrings. 

his sincerity was undeniable, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought of rejecting him.

but alongside Nagi's confession, another figure loomed large in your thoughts: Sae. 

with his quiet charm and unwavering support, he had become a source of comfort and companionship during their your together. 

his presence stirred something deep within your heart, igniting a spark of possibility that you couldn't ignore.

and then there was Rin, the quiet observer whose steadfast loyalty had always been a constant in your life. 

his unspoken affection had never wavered, his silent devotion a testament to the depth of his feelings for you.

the cuddle sessions that you had eventually evolved into something more.

as you wrestled with your emotions, you couldn't help but feel torn between the three options laid before you. 

each held its own appeal, its own promise of happiness and fulfillment. 

but with each passing moment, you felt the weight of your indecision pressing down upon you, threatening to suffocate you with its overwhelming complexity.

with a heavy sigh, you sank onto the edge of your bed, your thoughts spinning in dizzying circles as you struggled to make sense of the turmoil within your heart. 

the silence of the room enveloped you like a blanket, its stillness a stark contrast to the tumult raging within her.

but as you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to surrender to the quiet, you felt a sense of clarity begin to emerge from the chaos.

with a newfound resolve, you knew that you couldn't continue to avoid the inevitable, that you had to confront your feelings head-on and make a decision, no matter how difficult it may be.

but, before that, there was something that you had to take off.

two things, actually.

in the serene embrace of the hotel garden, you found yourself enveloped in the soft glow of moonlight, your heart heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.

walking along, you were faced with Kaiser, the man who had been a silent presence in your life for so long.

he looked majestic sitting on the gazebo, reading a book.

with each breath, the air seemed to thicken with the intensity of their unspoken feelings, the fragrant scent of blossoms mingling with the tension that crackled between them. 

your pulse quickened as you summoned the courage to confront the truth that had long been simmering beneath the surface of their friendship.

"Kaiser," you began, your voice trembling with emotion. "there's something i need to tell you."

Kaiser turned to face you, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "what is it, [Name]?" he asked, his voice soft with anticipation.

taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you forged ahead, your words pouring forth in a torrent of raw honesty. 

"i've always known," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "i've always known that you were there."

for a moment, Kaiser seemed stunned into silence, his eyes widening with disbelief. "i-i didn't mean to intrude, [Name]," he stammered, his voice filled with remorse. 

"i just...i wanted to be there for you, even if you didn't realize it."

as you met Kaiser's gaze, you saw the truth reflected in his eyes, a truth that you had been too blind to see until now. 

the countless times you had sought solace in Rin's presence, unaware that Kaiser had been listening just outside your door. 

the bottle of your favorite drink, left untouched on your doorstep, a silent testament to Kaiser's unspoken affection.

"i know," your replied softly, your voice thick with emotion. "and i'm sorry for not realizing it sooner."

with each word, you felt the weight of your guilt lifting from your shoulders, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude for the unwavering support that Kaiser had offered you, even in your darkest moments. 

and as the two of you stood together beneath the moonlit sky, you knew that you had found solace in the quiet strength of Kaiser's love, a love that had been there all along, waiting patiently for you to see it.

with a tentative smile, you reached out to take Kaiser's hand in yours, your heart swelling with a newfound understanding of the depth of your connection. 

as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the tranquil gardens of your Pulau Tioman hotel, you found yourself wandering amidst the lush foliage, listening to the soft rustle of palm fronds. 

with each step, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving the island behind.

memories of your time on Pulau Tioman flooded your mind: the laughter shared on sun-drenched beaches, the exhilaration of exploring hidden coves, and the quiet moments of reflection spent amidst the island's natural beauty. 

each memory was a precious gem, a testament to the bond that you shared with your friends.

as you gazed out at the serene expanse of the garden, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the time all of you had spent together. 

despite the challenges they had faced and the uncertainties that lay ahead, your time on Pulau Tioman had been filled with laughter, adventure, and the kind of memories that only comes from shared experiences.

but as the time came to bid farewell to the island, you felt a bittersweet ache in your heart. 

you knew that your departure marked the end of an unforgettable chapter in your lives, a chapter filled with laughter and love, adventure and discovery. 

and while you looked forward to the journey ahead, a part of you couldn't help but long for just a little more time in paradise.

with a heavy sigh, you turned to take one last look at the garden, committing its beauty to memory before rejoining your friends. 

as they made their way to the bus that would carry them away from Pulau Tioman, you felt a sense of closure wash over you, tempered by the knowledge that the time on the island would forever live on in their hearts.

and as you set sail for home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief for the memories you had created, the bonds you had forged, and the countless adventures that lay ahead. 

for in the end, you knew that no matter where life took you, the memories of you time on Pulau Tioman would always serve as a reminder of the joy of living life to the fullest.

- [Name] thinks that Malaysia is a nice country.

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