help me

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Today was the first day of school. When Huey was talking to me he looked so worried.

Oh my god what if he finds out. Tyler will kill me Huey will kill Tyler.

As these thoughts ran through my head I was not paying attention just running down the hall to study hall then bumped into someone. "Hello sun shine" the vocie said I started to shake like a Chihuahua and looked up. Tyler stood there with a big grin on his face. "Aw you scared of something, your shaking " I just stood there looking at him.

"Answ-yo Jazzy fresh" Tyler was interrupted by someone yelling for me. Only one person calls me that. I turned around to see a tall Brooklyn black Jamaican running towards me.

Oh thank god.

"Caesar" I said he came up to me and looked down at me. "Hey what's up jazzy fresh" he asked me. I shrugged and looked back at Tyler scowling and then at my feet. I heard Tyler walk up. Then he grabbed my shoulder and pulled it hard. "Come on Jazmine" he demanded Caesar moved Tyler's hand and stood in front of me.

"Yo man whats your deal you don't touch a girl like that" Caesar said frowning. "She my girlfriend" Tyler scowled. "Your point is" Caesar asked crossing his arms. Tyler scowled at me. "Aye don't look at her she did do nothin to you" Caesar smricked. "Jazmine" Tyler said. "Cezz I need.. should go" I told him. "You don't have to go anywhere" Caesar looked at me.

"Jazmine NOW" Tyler said getting angry. "Caesar" I tried to say. "Nope she's not going anywhere where do you have to go" Caesar took my schedule and looked at it. "Study hall right I've got that to so I'll just walk her" Caesar said. "OK Jazmine I'll be over at 4" Tyler said walking over I started to shake. Caesar turned to me.

"That guy is a douche bag I don't know what you see in him" Caesar joked. "Yea" I mumbled then looked at my feet. We walked the rest of the was quietly. We entered study hall and I sat down at a table I picked by the door. Caesar followed and sat down across from me.

"Hey jazzy what's the matter" he asked. "N-nothing I'm fine" I told him. "Then why are you crying" he asked me tilting his head. I touched my cheek feelings the tears rolling down my face. "I guess your the most civilized one in or group when it comes to this stuff" I told him. He only looked more confused.

"Caesar you have to swear that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you" I hiccupped. He nodded then I reached for my sleeves and pulled them up showing my battered and bruised arms. His eye wided then looked at me. I pulled them back down and showed him my shoulder same bruised. "Come around and I'll show the rest" I told him.

He immediately came around the table and I lefted my shirt showing my stomach and sided bruised the same. "Jazmine what happened" he asked. I put my shirt back down and bit my lip nervously. "It was him wasn't it" he growled. I just looked down and played with my thumbs. "That bastard is going to die just wait till I get Huey and Riley oh he's gonna wish he was never born" Caesar growled.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea Caesar has been my friend since we where 11

"NO!, Caesar you can tell anyone, you don't understand he threatened to kill you guys and me" I cried. "That nigga don't scare me ma" Caesar said letting some of his Brooklyn accent out. "No he has a gun" I cried tears pouring down my face. "Riley and Huey have tons of guns and I'm not scared if them" Caesar frowned. I started to cry more.

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