waking up.

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Jazmine POV:

All I remember was seeing Huey, he told me "everything was gonna be OK". Then it went black. I felt trapped in this darkness. Then my eyes opened I was in a ambulance, all I asked was "where's Huey I want huey". Then it went black again, but it was peaceful, like I was sleeping in my bed.

It felt like I was gone for about 5 minutes. I woke up in a bright room. I blinked at the bright light. I sat up and looked around room.. I was in a hospital. There was a nurse that stepped in. " ah yes, your awake " she told me. I looked down to see Huey sleep in a chair by my bed and his head laying on my bed. "What, happened" I asked her. "Well sweet you where in a coma" she explained.

"WHAT HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT" I panicked. "Sweetie don't worry your fine" she told me." You been sleep for a month " she said. "WHAT" I said. "Why is Huey still sleeping" I said looking down at him. "Oh he's been here for a long time every day he comes to see you for as long as he can, he had a group of friends but they stopped 2 weeks your where sleeping,h must be very tired" she said.

"I will call your parents and tell them that your awake" the nurse said. I looked at Huey. Then tapped his head. Hes head sprung up. "Is it time to go I jus got...." Huey said then looked up at me and stopped. "J-j-j" is all he could say. "Hi Huey" I smiled before I knew it Huey pulled me into a hug. I melted. "Your.. Your awake" he said his eye softer than normal. "Yea, I am" I smiled.

Then I smelled him. "Ugh Huey you reek" I giggled. Huey smelled his shirt and frowned at the smell."I forgot to shower cause I wanted to see you" Huey said looking at me. "Awwww" I cooed at him he rolled his eyes. "Well I guess we can go home now" Huey said anxiously. "Um I don't know yet" I said. Then my mom and dad and Mr.Freeman, Caesar Hiro, Cindy , Riley all burst into the door.

"JAZZY" Cindy yelled running up to me and hugging me tight. "Cindy I can't breath" I said. "Oh" Cindy said letting go " hey jazzy " Riley said rubbing the back off his neck. I smiled at him then my mom and dad ran up to me squeezing me. I gasped and they let go. "Oh honey I was so worried" my mom kissed my face. " yea Jazzy we missed you so much" hiro said

I don't know what came over me but I got suddenly angry. I frowned. " glad you back" Caesar said. Growled "WELL IF EVERYONE MISSED ME SO BAD THEN WHY IS HUEY THE ONLY ONE WHO VISITED NE EVERY DAY, AND DID NOT STOP AFTER 2 WEEKS" I yelled throwing everyone off guard.

"Jazmine" my dad tried to say. "NO YOU GUYS DIDN'T CARE HUEY ONLY CARED IF YOU CARED THEN YOU WOULDNT STOP VISITING ME AFTER 2 WEEKS I yelled getting anger. Everyone got quite. " You know what everyone with a name besides Huey's GET OUT,NOW" I told everyone one. They got quite and looked at me. "GET OUT" I screamed. The all hurried out except for Huey.

"Jazmine I don't think that was appropriate" Huey told me. "Why not, they didn't care you are the only one who cared you didn't leave" I told him. "Jazmine I know but you can't just be like that, Cindy cried for days straight, Riley was moppy all the time so was Caesar. Hiro had to go out of town after the first week" Huey told me.

"Well if there so sad they should have stayed" I told him. Huey sighed. I laid back down in my bed Huey walked over to me. "You don't get it Huey you didn't even waste time to come see me, you even for got to shower, you where the only one who cared." I said. "Jazmine its different for them and me" he told me. " how, my parents even stopped coming " I said now crying.

Huey sighed. "Jazmine its different cause, I.." He sighed again. Huey sat on my bed and looked at me. "You only cared" I told him and before he could say anything I pulled him into a kiss. He didn't push me off he just sat there surprised before he kissed back.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "Jazmine you need to apologize to them." Huey told me looking at me dead in my face. "But" I said. "No, Jazmine you have to" I said to him. "But they don't care" I said. " Jazmine the reason I stayed is cause... I love you..as much and my parents, I never thought I could, I didn't know what I was gonna do when I thought I lost you" Huey told me. I just looked at him shocked.

"Jazmine they don't love you as much as I do that's why I stayed, I didn't care about leaving school early to see you, they wanted to see you but.. Need to go to school and work to" Huey explained. I sighed " I love you too Huey, OK I understand I will apologize " I sighed. "OK I'll tell them to come in" Huey got up and walked out and came back in with everyone they had their heads down except for Riley who was scowling and crossed his arms.

"Guys I'm sorry, I didn't understand everything. When I woke up no one but Huey was there I thought that you didn't care I'm sorry" I said. " oh pumpkin" my dad said running up to me and hugging my mom my dad did the same. Cindy smiled at me. "It's cool jazzy" Cindy said. " Caesar and hiro nodded in agreement. " Riley do you forgive me" I asked. He looked at me and scowled.

" WHAT, damnit mariah you just gonna yell at us after all this then think sorry will make it better" Riley said angrily. I looked down. Then Riley sighed. " but its good to have you back" he smirked. I sighed with relief.

"OK let's go home." I smiled I looked down at my arms the some bruises where still there. I sighed as I looked at them. "OK lil cutie pie I got a wheel chair. " Mr.Freeman said with a smile he walked up to me and out me in the chair. We sighed out and left.

I'm glad we did I didn't want to stay there anymore. As we drove home I was more focused in what Huey told me. He confessed to me, all I said was that I love you to, that not good enough I got to tell him about how I think about him. I got home and Huey pushed me into my room.

"OK Jazmine here you go I'm gonna pick up some food for you what you want" Huey said picking me up put me in my bed. "Um, mc.Woncelers buger and Fri's with a shake oo also can I have some MnMs "I asked. Huey sighed. Then nodded he was about to head to the door when I stopped him.

" Huey," I asked. "Yes" he said "Huey I love you, alot, and I want you to know that, I love you more then Riley loves to call people gay, more then Caesar love's Brooklyn" I smiled. Huey smirked and shook his head. "I love to to DuBois, now lay down and I'm going to get your bag of high cholesterol and diabetes" Huey told me. I nodded and did as he told me.

He loves me, and I love him I've never been happier.

3 days later.

Today was my first day back to school. I was nervous. Felt like I was starting my senior year over again, but only I was in the middle of the year. I walked across the street when I was done getting ready. I had to be off my feet of 3 days so it feels good to get to walk. When I got there I knocked on the Freeman's door like nothing ever happened.

Riley answered the the door "sup jaz" he said. Walking out the door. I saw Huey coming down the stairs. "Hi Huey" I smiled. "Hi Jazmine" he said with a smirked. Where dating now. I've never been happier in my life. I now Huey is the one for me.

Huey walked up to me and I pecked his lips and walked outside holding his hand. Riley saw us and frowned. "Ew y'all nigga is gay" he said walking up to Cindy had gotten pregnant while I was in a coma. She only a couple weeks tho.

"Hi rezzy, jazzy, mc.hater" she greated us all and we walked to school.

Everything is OK Tyler is not gonna be there your fine, your fine, he's in jail.

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