its not over

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Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating normally like I do I've just had some stuff going on and I need time to think and kinda let my story slip for a bit but now I'm gonna try to update a bit more frequently and thanks for sticking with it anyway let's get on with the story

Riley POV

I sat in the nursery thinking about my situation. There was a quite knock on the door. I looked up to see who it was. C-mruph stood in the doorway tears pouring down her face. "Please don't leave me Riley, Huey told me what your worries about I'm sorry please" she begged. I never saw her like this before.

She looked so worried and desperate for a answer. I sighed which didn't seem to help the situation. She just cried harder sliding down the door frame to sit on the floor. " C look..i- HUEY I DON'T KNOW WHAT JACKET YOUR TALKING ABOUT" Jazmine yelled. We both stopped confused. "THE BLACK ONE" Huey yelled back.

"WHERE IS IT " Jazmine yelled back. "THE CLOSET IN THE LIVING ROOM" Huey yelled back. "I DON'T SE...OH WAIT FOUND IT! Jazmine yelled back then we heard her run upstairs she popped in. " you guys OK" she asked a bit confused. "Damn Jazmine stop being noise go find that gay nigga to bother" I hissed at her.

"You don't have to be rude Riley!" She frowned at me. "And just in case you didn't hear last night her not gay at all" she smirked I cringed. "Get the hell out!" I growled "oh did I add how good he was oh my he's so good" she giggled, I almost vomited. "Iight I get it he's not gay shit" I said disgusted. She smiled walking away.

I swear she gets on my nerves sometimes... And disgusts me. I saw c-mruph on the floor smiling a bit at Jazmine's comments she glanced over and her smile quickly faded. She wiped her eyes and sighed she struggled to get up at first but manage and looked at me quietly. " Riley what's your answer... you gonna leave me" she asked quietly.

"I...I just don't know if I can do this right now, I'm sorry C its stressful not knowing who the father is" I sighed. Cindy turned completely red and started to shake. It was silent, "C?" I asked. "YOU DON'T FUCKING THING ITS NOT STRESSFUL FOR ME!" She screamed loudly. "WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME YOU WOULD STAY ONLY TO LEAVE ME HIGH AND DRY !" She was furious.

Tears streaming down her face. "I can't do this on my own I thought you meant it when you said you would stay...but I guess I was wrong" she said quietly. I knew she was hurt. "C listen- save it, I'm moving back to my parents house I'll be out your way by tomorrow" she hissed.

I sighed. She walked out the house slamming the door. I sunk in my chair. "Well damn" someone said. I looked up to see Hiro with Huey and Jazmine. "How could you do that Riley!" Jazmine said tears running down her face. "How long have you...?" I asked a bit confused. "We been here since Cindy started screaming" Huey answered.

I looked down. "I just wanted to wait till the baby's was born" I tried to explain. They stood there quietly looking at me. Jazmine walked up to me slapping me in the face. "WHAT KINDA MAN WOULD DO THAT YOU WERE WILLING TO GET IN HER PANTS BUT NOT STAY WHEN THE BABY'S THERE" she yelled. "I don't - I tried to explain but only got slapped again.

" RILEY SHE'S BEEN PREGNANT FOR ALMOST 8 MONTHS IF YOU DO THE MATH YOU WOULD REALIZE WHO'S THE DAD!" Jazmine screamed loudly with that she stormed out. I blinked. Huey and Hiro looked at each other.

"Hmm i didn't think about that" Huey said. "Do you think it would work " Hiro asked. Huey shrugged "maybe" Hiro shrugged pulling out a calculator on his phone "I guess we'll find out". We walked downstairs where Jazmine was eating a whole tub of chocolate ice cream with a bag of BBQ chips.

She glanced up and frowned. "What" she muffled through her mouth of food Huey cringed at the sight of the food in her mouth. "Please eat then talk" he corrected her. She opened her mouth to show him her chewed food. Huey gave a disgusted look at her. Then glared at her causing her to smile sweetly back at him.

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