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Riley POV:

Me and Cindy are walking outside. We walked over to the basketball court. "Hey nigga you got any better at B ball yet of ya still suck" Cindy chuckled. "Aye shut up I can play" I defended myself. "Mhm" she smriked. We continued to walk. I got a call from Caesar.

Phone call


"Hey Riley..uh I need your help"

"Why you need my help nigga ask Huey"

"No he doesn't know what to do in this situation"

"Did you ask him"


"Exactly, now what the fuck you want I'm with Cindy"

"Alright I'll be quick, its Tia I think she might want to break up with me because... She found out"

"Found out? Whatcha talkin bout"

"Bout..the baby, how it could be mine

I growled a bit

" why the fuck am I supposed to care your ass shouldn't have fucked her then she wouldn't be mad" I hissed.

"Fuck who, who you talkin to" Cindy asked me. "Nun it don't matter " I said as I hung up on Caesar. "Yea right yo ass better tell me later" she said with a smirk. We started to walk to the house

Huey POV:

I was laying down with Jazmine when I heard a loud crash downstairs. " GIVE ME ALL YOU FUCKING MONEY OLD MAN!!" Someone screamed me and Jazmine glaced at each other I jumped up ran downstairs.

I saw a man with a black hood over his face with a gun. He glaced and pointed it at me. "Give me all your fucking money" he said a bit quieter shaking a bit. "Huey...go, go get my wallet" Grandad ordered. " Grandad who the hell does he think he is" I asked balling up my fist walking towards him.

"BACK UP" he yelled. I continued to walk closer. He grabbed Grandad and held the gun to his head. "Huey boy back up" Grandad said I stopped. "Now your gonna do exactly what I say or old man gets it" he said. I growled. "Don't worry its just business" the man smirked "Huey?" Jazmine asked from behind me a bit scared.

"aww hey precious" the man said with a grin at Jazmine. "Come here baby" he demanded. Jazmine started to shake and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Come here!" He yelled. "She's not doing shit let my Grandfather go or I'll fucking kill you" I growled. "Really" he challenged. "Go get my katana" I mumbled to Jazmine she ran upstairs doing as told.

"I'll give you a chance now let him go or you will die" Jazmine came back with my katana and handed it to me. The man started to shake but held his ground." Ha don't think I didn't hear about you, you don't scare me..Freeman" he said with a smirk. I raised my brow a bit in confusion.

At the same time Riley and Cindy came in from playing ball. "YOO WHAT THE FUCK" Riley ran up to the man he saw and shot the bullet off in Grandads missing Grandads head going into his upper back. causing him to drop to the floor.

Riley kicked the robber in his stomach and grabbed the gun. Shooting him in the chest. "RILEY YOU DUMB ASS!" I yelled running to Grandads side. " boy...take care of your brother... I...Lov" his eyes rolled to the back or his head.

No no no this can't be happening

"Grandad!" I yelled shaking him.

Say something I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to.

Riley dropped the gun and ran over to me and Grandad. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT" I yelled at him

And anywhere I would have followed you , say something I'm giving up on you

Blood was pooling from under Grandad. I heard whimpering and knew it was Jazmine. I felt tear rolling down my face. "Grandad... Grandad please wake up" I heard Riley say weakly.

And feeling so small it was over my head I know nothing at all

"He's not getting up" Riley started to shake and hugged grandad crying like how his did when we ran to his home after mom and dad died. "Please don't leave" he begged

And I....will stumble and fall I'm just learning to love just starting to crawl.

Say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would have followed you, say something I'm giving up on you.

"We have to get him to the hospital" Jazmine said worried. I glaced up with a bit of hope. Then back down at grandad "why he's already dead..he died just like mom and dad" Riley said. "But this time it's my fault"

And I...will swallow my pride
Your the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye

"It's my fault... I im the reason why he's dead" Riley said shaking still holding him. "Riley" I said quietly. "It's my fault" he repeated over.

Say something I'm giving up on you.

Cindy came up to Riley still hugging Grandad on the floor. We heard sirens I guess Jazmine called the cops. The door soon after was filled with paramedics and police. They pulled Riley off of Grandad he started crying harder then I've seen in my life.

Jazmine balled running upstairs. Cindy was left standing in horror and shock not sure what was going on.

Jazmine POV:

Why is this happening Mr.Freeman was only one who treated me right I loved him like he was my grandpa he's gone this can't be happening... And what if Huey finds out I'm....

At the thought of it I began to cry my eyes out. " No I have to tell him I just can't right now " I calmed down a bit.

I looked down at my stomach. "It's only been 1 months and a couple weeks I'm not getting bigger yet" I sighed. "Tyler even after you die you still manage to ruin my life" I cried.

"Grandad would have understood but he's gone. I MISS MY GRANDPA!" I yelled crying. Huey walked in the room and slightly smiled at me sadly.

"I love you" he said kneeling down towards me. He hugged me tightly. I blinked a bit. Because Huey doesn't really show affection."I guess you and Riley are the only family I have now "he said I sighed. I pulled away "Huey I...I need to tell you something that I've been keeping from you" I said looking down.

He blinked and looked at me a bit before saying "alright" "remember what happened in Compton with..Tyler how he..raped me" I said. Huey nodded "I...I'm pregnant.. I've been pregnant for almost 2 months I'm sorry I was just scared to tell you" I said worried.

He had a blank face. "Huey?" I asked. He stood up and walked out. "Huey!" I yelled worried. I started to cry as I heard the front door closes.

Preview of the next chapter

"What the hell do you mean!" Huey yelled. "I mean that boy Tyler was related to the man who shot your grandfather" the detective said. "Remember the guy you killed" he said. "It was self defense! If I didn't kill him he would have killed me!"

"Anyway this boy was fairly rich and lets just say there are some people who aren't happy that you killed him" he explained. "We suspect this boy might no more on Tyler, bring him in" he slid a picture over


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