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Hey now so I realized that I have been doing alot with Huey and jazzy and not making way with Riley and Cindy so this chapter gonna be dedicated to them

Cindy POV

Me and Riley decided to get married after the baby was born we would be on are feet but I'm so excited today we get to find out the gender or the baby. I am officially 6 months pregnant and its been almost a month and a half since Rileys Grandads death.

I gotta say I miss him a lot even if he did yell a lot. Me and Riley sat anxiously as we waited. "Ms. McPherson" they called out I jumped up quickly so did Riley a doctor greeted us warmly. He led us to his office. "So Ms. McPherson my name is doctor Ray i would like to know how many months are you your kinda bigger then a normal pregnancy?" He asked.

"6" I said. "Alright normally you check the gender around 3-4 months" he said a bit confused " aye shit happens" Riley said. Doctor Ray nodded. "Alright Ms.McPherson please lay down" he instructed I did as told. He pulled my shirt up and put on some cold shit.

"Ah it cold damn" I whimpered. "It's a gel that will allow the wand to slid on your belly easier" he explained. "Well da shit is cold" I frowned he chuckled. He put the wand on me which was colder. He looked at the screen for a bit and a grin appeared on his face. "Congratulations ...ITS A BOY" he said cheerfully.

"A..a boy" Riley looked shocked. " a boy" I repeated with a smile. Riley smiled widely. "I'll have the paperwork done in just a moment and you can leave would you like the picture if your ultrasound?" Doctor Jay asked.

I nodded he handed me the picture. Tears filled my eyes. "Th- this is my baby" I smiled. Tough c-mruph wasn't here right now it was Cindy I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Driving home

"Yo Riley can we put some of the furniture I got fo the baby in a room?" I asked. Riley nodded "yea...I guess we can paint Grandads room" he looked a bit sad at the mention of him "its iight Riley is wasn't yo fault" I touched his arm. He nodded when we got home jazzy tried her best at least to run to the door. Damn she getting big she like 3 months and a half.

"So whats the gender!" She said excitedly. "Baby boy" I said proudly hold up the ultrasound. "Omg look at its little foot" she jumped up and down a bit. "Oooo I cant wait till Huey gets home we have to decorate" she grinned "y'all use Grandads room" Riley said. Jazmine got a sad look on her face. "Ok" is all she said.

No one has been in Grandads room since he died. It was to painful.

1 hour later

Me and jazz and Riley move all of Grandads thing out but for one picture frame with a of him with Riley and Huey when they were 10. "OK time to paint the walls" Jazzy said. She held up a can of baby blue paint. We started to paint the walls when we heard the door open.

Jazmine POV

I was helping Cindy paint the nursery when the door opened I looked to see who it was. "Well then I guess it's a boy" Huey yawned. I smiled putting my paint brush down to hug him. He chuckled a bit. "Iight love bird I need help finishing dis room" Cindy said painting the rest of the wall. We still had a lot to do. I nodded Huey decided to help us.

3 hours later

Well it took a long time but we did it we finished putting everything together and it looks wonderful adding the letter design like Huey said did come out nice (picture at the top). I laid down on Huey's bed in shorts and a T. Shirt that lifted a bit cause of my belly.

"Hey" a deep voice said. I smiled Huey sat down on the bed next to me. "How was work babe" I yawned. "Fine" he said he took off his shirt at change in Pjs I whistled at him. "Dang hot stuff " I giggled "funny"he said plainly. He put on a T. Shirt and boxers and crawled into bed yawning shutting his eyes.

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