there back

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Huey POV:

I paced back and forth.

How could this shit be happening again. why is she back what the fuck dose she want.

I sighed was snapped out of my thoughts by Jazmine. "Huey what's the matter" she asked. I just shook my head. "Well there obviously something wrong" she crossed her arms. "Well...last night I" I stopped debating whether or not to tell her. "Late night what?" She asked I remained silent.

"OK I think I know what this is about sorry for my out burst about the baby" she said dropping her head. "No its not that it's just, last night I got a text-


I took out my phone to dial a curtain boy that I'm working with.

" oh hello Ava, did it work"
"Yea so what know Tyler" I asked
"Leave that to me you've already done enough bailing me out, and your talk with Huey" he stated.
"OK so what do I do"
"Just me at the park in 5 there we will discuss"
"Alright.. I guess"
I hung up the phone

Now I can finally get revenge on the dumb ass mulatto for stealing my man.

Huey POV :

"WHAT!" Jazmine screamed angrily. "Jazmine calm down" I said. "HOW COULD I SHE'S BACK" she yelled. I just looked at her. Then she got quite fast. I knew that wasn't a good sign. Her she started to shake. "Jazmine?" I asked. She didn't respond. I heard a sniffling.

Damn please don't.

Then a loud wail followed."WHYYYYYYY ID SHE BACKKKKKK!" She sobed. "Jazmine stop" I told her. Shi started to hiccup. "She just trying to be sneaky, we won't pay attention to it" I told her. "B-but what if s-somthing where to h-happen" she asked. "I won't let that happen" I told her. She sighed and gave me a weak smile.

Then the Bell rang. I walked downstairs and saw Riley knocked out on the couch and Cindy drawing on his face and laughing. I shook my head at them and walked to get the door. I saw Caesar and let him in. "Yo what's up man" he asked. I shrugged. He looked confused. "Um nothing really no the government gonna take over the world and kill ever black man?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes "I'll tell what's up later I just have to finish talking to Jazmine" I told him. A grin on his face appeared " not like that" I frowned. He started to laugh and out his hands up "aye man do what ya gotta do" then he grinned. I frowned then rolled my eyes and went back upstairs to get Jazmine to calm down about Ava reappearance.

Ava POV :

I'm at the park with this goofy nigga Tyler.  I don't really care the much for him he just helping me get Huey back. "Alright what's your plan" I asked. "Well all you got to do is manage to get Huey and Jazmine in a fight then I will take care of the rest" he smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "If I do this I better get Huey back and will never see the dumb bitch" I growled.

"Well I cant tell you if you get Huey back but it will be the last time you see Jazmine" he smiled. I sighed "good enough" I stood up then head home.

I'll will get you back Freeman and you'll love me and onces i crush you like you did me you'll fell my pain.

I giggled at the thought of me winning "oh there gonna pay" I whispered then I smiled.

Huey POV:

"We'll  figure out what going on OK Jazmine" I put my arm on her shoulder. She was shaking. "No it won't what if, what if he's back to" Jazmine cried. "Who's back" I raised my eyebrow. She looked down. "When I was shopping with Cindy I thought I saw t-t-t" she stuttered and started to cry.

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