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There 3 days left for school for the kids . its Monday and jazmine and Huey haven't talked since the Friday incident Jazmine was already at the bus stop like normal when Huey and Caesar ,Riley and Ava and Cindy walked up to meet her.

Huey walk in front to were Jazmine was sitting with her head in her knees . "Um Jazmine" Huey asked Jazmine peaked up a bit then sprung up and hugged Huey burrowing her head in his chest. Huey flinched at her sudden tough. "I'm so sorry Huey I promise I will never do that again" she said squeezing him tight.

Ava walked up to them and looked at Huey a flash of confusion then anger in her eyes. "What" she said crossing her arms. Cindy jumped on Riley back and made him give her a piggyback. when they reached the bus stop and stopped when they saw the scene then Caesar stood next to them.

"Uh jazm-"No! I'm not letting go till you say you forgive me" Jazmine interrupted Huey sighed Caesar and Riley laughed. Ava flashed a mean look at him. "What you lookin at " Riley said droping Cindy off his back. Cindy fell on her butt. "Ow nigga you dropped me" Cindy said then she stood up up bushing off her butt.

"Huey" Ava said irritatedly "Jazmine" Huey sighed jazmine squeezed tighter. "Yes I forgive you" Huey said. "Promise" Jazmine answered back. "Yes" Huey replied " say it" Jazmine giggled. Huey rold his eyes. Ava clinched her teeth. "I promise" Huey said

Jazmine let go then smiled before sitting back down. "aww they made up" Caesar cooed Cindy and Riley laughed. Huey rold his eyes smirking. Ava balled up her fist. Then let it go she glance at jazmine who was looking at Huey. The smirked walked up to Huey and placed her lips on his. Jazmine flinched then quickly took out her phone and looked at that.

Caesar and Cindy mouth dropped and looked at jazmine. "What the fuck" Riley said looking at Ava and Huey.

Huey pushed her off "what did you do that for" he asked "I just want you to know that I love you " Ava said innocently. Huey raised his eyebrow then the bus came.

"Y'all coon's hurry up I ain't got all day" uncle ruckus said. Jazmine ran on "oh hello little mulatto girl" he said Cindy and Riley got on Cindy hand on Riley's shoulder "that a damn shame, your one lucky nigga I think that pretty Lil white girl deserves better" ruckus said Riley flicked him off.

Huey and Ava came on and sat down. "Tell me why you really did that" Huey said. "Did what" Ava asked Huey narrowed his eyes at her Caesar got on and sat across form them. "Don't play dumb " Huey told her "I really don't know what your talking about" Ava said pulling out her phone the putting in headphones.

Huey sighed Caesar shook his head. "Man you are screwed" he said "why " Huey asked " you have a jealous girlfriend and a emotional "best friend" what do you think" Caesar said. Huey glanced over to Ava then to Jazmine two seat down staring out the window then back to Caesar.

" oh I'm sure that it will be fine" Caesar grinned. Huey rold his eyes then the bus stopped and everyone got off.

At lunch

Everyone had food except Jazmine who was quitely playing with her thumbs at the end of the table. Cindy was sitting next to her, Riley next to Cindy ,Caesar across from Riley and Ava next to caesar Huey across form Jazmine. "You gonna eat" Huey asked looking at his salad that was untouched. " I forgot to pack" Jazmine shugged not looking up from her thumbs.

"Well I know you hungry so you can have my salad" Huey said jazmine head popped up "really , you don't have to" she told him then her stomach growled. "I insist sounds like you're hungrier than me" Huey slid the salad over with a fork . Jazmine flashed a smile before reaching over the table to grab Caesars ranch packet and pouring it all over. "Hey" Caesar whined Riley laughed then Caesar took his ranch "aye nigga" Riley said. Cindy laughed at them.

Ava glared at jazmine as she ate Huey salad. "You can have some of my pizza Huey" Ava told him. "Um you pizza have pepperoni on it did you forget I'm a vegetarian" he told her "I'm not hungry anyway." Huey said. Ava mumbled something under her breathe and glared at jazmine.

Jazmine looked up at Ava with her cheeks filled looking like a chipmunk. Cindy smirked at jazmine with her eyebrow raised. Jazmine swallowed her food in her mouth and asked Ava "did I do something wrong" Ava narrowed her eyes at her and staying silent Riley and Caesar were still yelling at each other and Cindy watching Jazmine and Ava.

"Um.. I..dont know why your looking at me like that but I sorry for what ever I did" Jazmine flashed a small smile Huey start to watch them now. "Your so fake" Ava growled. Jazmine blinked " excuse me" Jazmine asked "your heard me bitch" Ava snapped. Now Caesar and Riley stooped yelling and watched. "Ava!" Huey harshly.

"What!" She yelled back "Stop! Now!" Huey snapped. "No" she grawled back. Jazmine shocked "you fucking act like I don't know what your doing you fucking cunt " Ava said to Jazmine. "Well newsflash Huey didn't pick your halfbreed ass, he picked me so fucking back off"Ava yelled causing the whole cafeteria to become quiet. " who the fuck you callin halfbreed cause I know you ain't talking to jazzy" Cindy yell to ava.

"Zip it wannabe" Ava snapped back "oh hell na" Cindy jumped over the table but was pulled back by Riley "I'm gonna fuck you up now you ugly Bitch!" Cindy screamed. Riley pulled Cindy back and put her over his shoulder and said "you better get yo hoe befo I let C-mupher go" before walking out. "Put me the fuck down" Cindy screamed kicking a punching Riley as the walked out "damn stop movin" they were finally out the room.

"What the fuck is your problem" Huey harshly said."you little fan girl over there" she pointed to Jazmine. Caesar got up from Ava shaking his head and sat down next to a stunned Jazmine. "You really want to know why huey don't want you, cause your a freak ,matter fact that's why no one want you"Ava hissed at jazmine "what" Jazmine voice cracked

"you heard me halfbreed freak" she growled. "Back off" Caesar growled at ava now Caesar is mad and Caesar is NEVER mad. Jazmine clenched her teeth and bawled up her fist then let then go before releasing a loud wale tear pouring down her face she smacked the salad and ran out.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Huey yell soundings like a clap of thunder scaring everone in the cafeteria. "WHAT ARE GONNA DO A BOUT IT, HIT ME" Ava yelled back. Huey sat there chenched his jaw. "Yea that's what I thought" Ava said slamming her hands on the table before storming out .

Everyone in was now was looking at Huey "THE FUCK YALL LOOKIN AT!" Huey yelled in letting some of his ghetto Chicago accent out. "Chill dude" Caesar said Huey got up and walked out followed by ceaser.

Jazmine POV:

I didn't do anything to her why would she say such mean things I can't help it that I was born with a black dad and white mom I love them both she so rude I don-

"Jazmine " someone asked snapping me out my thoughts. I looked up to see Huey standing above me. "Your in the girls bathroom" I told him still crying. "No your in the doorway" He tried to lighten the mood. He sat down next to me "I spent about 20 minutes looking for you" he said. "I didn't want to be found" I told him back hanging my head playing with my thumbs. "Huey" I asked "yea" he said "was what stuff Ava said..true" I asked

"What, hell no, why would you even ask me that" he told me. "I just didn't know cause she your girlfriend and you might tell her stuff that you don't want anyone to know and-"Jazmine stop I would never say that hateful shit" Huey interrupted. "It just that it seems true" I said not looking at him. "Don't say that stuff about yourself " he said

"I'm not dating Ava anymore well this afternoon I'm go on a break up with her" he said I lifted my head and put it on heuy shoulder. "I'm sorry" Huey told me "for what" I asked "letting this shit happened" Huey sighed. "Jazmine" Huey asked" yea"I lifted my head up looking at him with my puffy eyes. Then BOOM he placed his lips on mine .i melted there was nothing better than this I felt like time stopped.

Then he broke apart. "Do you still, ..love me" he asked my heart skipped a beat. "Yes Huey" I smiled "good" he said before kissing me again.

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