the argument

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Warning dis bout to be a long ass chapter so ENJOY - Cindy

Huey POV

I had to find Jazmine. After everything I don't feel like she's stable as she used to be. I ran back to the house "Hiro Caesar come with me Riley watch the girls" I instructed. They nodded I ran back outside.

Don't worry Jazmine

Riley POV

So jazzy just went crazy as fuck. I don't know if that nigga gonna find her. "Rezzy I don't feel to good" C whined. I looked over at her. "AHHH" she yelled then a pool of blood and water fell from her legs. "Riley her water broke!" Tia said in a panic. "Shit!" I started to panic to. "FUUUUCK IT HURTS" she yelled loudly.

Great fucking timing baby

I picked up and put her in Grandad's car Tia and Tiff get in the back. I speed now the street.

Jazmine POV

I'm so done with this. So you know what I'm gonna end it for good. I know who's trying to do this to me. It's Mr Owen's, Tyler's father. His house wasn't to far from where Huey's was. Only a couple blocks down. I walked quietly sliding the katana on the road it, quietly rattled.

I got to Tyler's home. I saw a light on upstairs. I grinned then grabbed the front door to see if it was open.

Damn it's locked

I jumped his fence and ran up to the back door. "Open" I smiled. I crept in the house. I heard arguing, probably his mother. Tyler's mother was always so nice to me. She would help me with my bruises but she never tried to help me out of my situation.

But Tyler's father on the other hand would sometimes come and watch with a grin on his face encouraging Tyler claiming I'm a bitch that needs to be put in her place. I heard someone coming down the stairs. I panicked and hid in the kitchen. I heard the front door slam.

I slowly made my way upstairs. I saw Tyler's father in his office. I opened the door and stood in the doorway he turned around and grinned at me. "Hello Jazmine" he smiled I just narrowed my eyes. "Is there something you want ?" He asked standing up. "Leave my family alone I know it was you who killed Huey's grandfather" I hissed.

"I don't know what your talking about" he smirked. "DON'T PLAY DUMB IM NOT MESSING AROUND OWEN !" I yelled loudly holding my katana up. "Now what are you gonna do with that" he asked raising his brow. "You think you can kill me" his eyes lowered. He looked just like Tyler. I took a deep breath "I'm not scared to" I hissed back.

"You sure your shaking, here give that to daddy" he smiled. I growled swinging it at him slicing his cheek a bit. He grunted "YOU BITCH!" He ran at me I quickly moved then grabbing him in a head lock I put the sharp blade up to his neck. He chuckled.

"You knew what your son was doing to me...and didn't care, he tried to kill me, and you wouldn't even care" I said tears streaming down my face. "Your a horrible human being, what kinda man let's his son beat his girl" I asked hysterically. "You need to stay in a woman's place by all means" he smiled. I growled sliding the blade a bit cutting his slightly.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't drop you where you stand" I hissed. He finally seemed to be getting a bit scared and my nerves were coming down. I was filled with rage now. "SPEAK WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTIONS!" I yelled. He started to shake "hmm strange how the rolls can switch" I giggled.

"Jazmine" I heard a voice say softly. I looked up to see Huey. His scowl was softer than normal. "Stay out the way Huey, how did you even find me" I hissed. "That's not important right now you need to stop this please" he begged. "Why should I, HE WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED YOUR GRANDAD... He saw Tyler beat me and laugh and I want nothing more then to see him dead like his son" I said wickedly.

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