almost there

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Alright guys thus chapter is kinda short and I'm sooooo sorry I took so long to update I've been busy with school that just started up and I was being stupid with friends and sprained my ankle hehe but it was worth it hehehe anyway enjoy the update

Love ya byeeeeeeee

Huey POV:

It's been two days and I half of driving and everyone started to get irritated. "yo man why the fuck didn't we take a plane this shit taking forevea" Riley complained. "Fo real man we shoulda dun dat Huey" Cindy scowled. I glared back. "Because we don't know where in Compton there at" I told them back.

"Well then how the fuck we gonna go there not knowing where dey at" Riley asked. "Will y'all stop bickering damn I'm tryna sleep, shit a nigga tired" Hiro yawned. "You didn't do anything all day" Caesar said. "I know but still, y'all niggas need the shut the hell up" Hiro said. "Huey didn't that guy call you, just ask him where to go" Ava suggested.

"Hmm alright" I shrugged. "not right now shit I'm tired to" Ava snapped. "Y'all didn't do shit" Caesar frowned. "Whatevea nigga, do want y'all do what you want, I'm gonna get my music" Riley said putting in his head phones. "Aye nigga no you can't ignore me" Cindy pulled out Rileys head phones. " damn what gurl" Riley growled.

"I'm hungry nigga" she but her hand on her hip. "Your always hungry" Riley smirked. "Nigga I'm pregnant, y'all we need to stop for food" Cindy said. "What do you want we can just run and get it" I sighed. "Um a Mac and cheese with hot sauce and hmm cole slaw" she grinned. "Eww that's gross" Hiro said. "Nigga I thought you where supposed to be sleep" Cindy growled.

Hiro frowend. "Ok so we can stop for food great sounds good I'm hungry to" Ava chimed in. "I could eat" Caesar shrugged. "Fine will just stop at me next exit but after that we need to get on track" I told them. They nodded. "Iight good now can I get to my music" Riley irritatedly asked. "Whatevea" Cindy said.

"Good now all that resolved, shut the fuck up" Hiro hissed the stretch out on on his part of the lemo seat. I rolled my eyes. "Bruh move ya feet" Caesar told Hiro. "I'm not touching you " Hiro closed his eyes. Caesar growled.

We need to get there soon

Tim POV:

"Yo how we gonna get them." Mike asked. "I don't know man we got to think of something tho" I told him. "Na dip, I can believe my gurls stuck with that crazy nigga" Laura said she put her hands on she head and sighed. "It's gonna be cool we gonna get them iight" I told her. She nodded then my phone went off.

"Ya man you called me earlier the other day"
"Huh, oh Huey"
"Yea I'm close to Compton and when I get there I need to now where I have to go to get Jazmine"
"Um I think you would want to know in person"
"Wait what, what happened!"
"Some nigga named Tyler took Jazmine and my home gurl Dana we know where he at but he go a gun"
"Yo you still there"
"...yea show me where he's at when I get there"
"Well I don't know who you are so how will I know"
"I'm pulling up in a lemo, big afro, 5 other people with me hard to miss"
"Iight man we on the south side get there and I got ya, ok bye"

I hung up the phone. "So what he say" Mike asked. "Hes close to Compton, he want me to show him where Tyler has them" I explained. "So what we gonna do" Laura asked. "Where gonna wait on him that's what we're gonna do" I said. "What! Look we don't even know him or how close to Compton he actually is, why should we wait" Laura yelled.

"Because, Jazmine trusts him and he said he's close, all we can do is trust him" I sighed. Laura crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "Well, its been 2 days so we do need a plan" Mike chipped in. "Look do you just want to stroll up in der with that nigga with a I didn't think so y'all just shut the fuck up he's almost her' "I said getting aggravated.

Huey POV:

We were all back in the car after stopping for something to eat and picking snacks up so we don't have to stop again. Everyone in the car was asleep except for me and the driver. I sighed and looked out the window when I saw a large sign. Welcome to Compton once I read that I said. " y'all wake up" everyone remained sleep.

"I smacked Riley. " AH NIGGA I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU" Riley yelled loudly. Waking up the rest of the car. "Damn Riley shut the fuck up" Hiro said rubbing his eyes. "Caesar just looked around. Cindy grumbled " damn what y'all want" Ava blinked "where are we" she asked. "Compton" I answered. Everyones head shot up.

"Yo Fo real" Riley asked. I nodded. "Sweet now we can get Jazmine and leave" Caesar yawned. "Ya but this time fuck all that drivin shit we gettin on a plane" Riley said. "Fine whateva nigga" Cindy said.

20 minutes later

"Ok just stop here" I told the driver. He nodded and let us out the car in front of a mini carnival. "Iight what now" hiro asked. "I'll call him." I answered.

"Yo man are you her' yet"
"Yea I'm on the south said by this carnival thing"
"Oh shit really sweet that by my gurl place iight be there in 5"

"So what he say" Cindy asked. "He gonna be here in 5" I answered. "Yea yea nigga" Riley grinned.

Jazmine POV:

Dana was starting to lose hope. "Man I don't know if there coming back" she sighed. "No,no I know they are OK don't give up" I said. Tyler walked in. "Feeding time" he grinned. I sighed "where are the plates of food" I asked. "Not that feeding" his grin got bigger. I raised my eyebrow. "But I think its Dana's turn first" he said walking over to her with his grin.

"Nigga don't touch me" she growled. "Aw or what are you gonna do" he said lifting her chin up to him. "Jazmine, your friend is really feisty" he said. Dana kneed him in the balls. "Aw damnit" he yelled. "Your gonna pay for that" he said punching her in the face. "OW YOU ASSHOLE!" She screamed.

Then there was a loud crash from upstairs. We all looked to the door then it cracked open but we didn't see anyone. "Nigga open the doe" I thought I heard Riley say. "Shut the fuck up Riley" I thought I heard Caesar say "RILEY, CAESAR" I yelled. The door flew open. Then I saw Huey walk in. Then...Ava? With Riley hiro and Caesar ,Laura, Mike and Tim.

" ah Huey your back" Tyler grinned. Huey had a cold scowl in his face as he walked closer to Tyler. Tyler walked up to him with a grin Huey quickly punched him in the face catching him off guard. Ava ran up to me untied me and Dana. "What are you doing here where's cindy" I asked. "She's in the car we didn't let her come in cause she's pregnant remember" she answered. I nodded

I looked over to Huey "get up" he growled. "I should have killed you when I had the chance... I won't make that mistake again" Huey said. "Yea nigga" Riley chipped in running over to Huey. "Oh you think so" Tyler said standing up. He pulled out his gun. "Cause I don't think you have the guts Freeman" he smiled.

My eyes widened in fear. Caesar grabbed me and Dana pulled us to the door. "Wow wow wow, what the fuck y'all niggas doing" Dana asked. Caesar didn't say anything he just stopped and made us sit by the door.

Huey POV:

" come on do something cause you sure do talk alot" Tyler challenged. I pulled my gun out and tossed it to Riley. "Yea nigga" he grinned. I walked up to him. Pulled off my bullet proof vest threw it to Hiro. And walked up to him. "Aw you want to die that bad" he said. I punched him in the gut. "Aw" he yelled. I kneed him in face making fall.

Tyler growled. "Son of a bitch" he cocked the gun. I just kept walking up to him. "Huey stop your gonna get shot" Ava yelled running up to me. "You two timing bitch now your gonna watch you love die" Tyler yelled


I heard a loud gasp in font of me I look to see Ava who was blocking me. She slowly fell to her knees before falling to her side. I looked down my mouth dropped she held her stomach blood pouring onto her hands and shirt.

"H-huey....I'm..sorry, I didn't want this to happen... I..I just really love you GASP a-and...wanted you back..t-tell GASP Jazmine I'm sorry" she gasped before slowly closing her eyes. Everyone in the room remained silent. I glanced at Jazmine tears pouring down her face and her hands coverings her mouth.

Tyler stood there then a grin appeared on his face before a loud chuckle came out. "Haha well that's one problem done with hahah " Huey growled.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH" I yelled.

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