love is strange

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Huey POV:

I sat in my room thinking when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't respond, they just walked in "Huey my boy you have to eat its been 3 days" grandad said. I continued to think I heard him sigh. "You can't just sleep" he said. I nodded my head. "I made your favorite veggie burgers" he bribe. I sighed standing up and walking downstairs I sat at the table Cindy was there as normal she was staying with us since Riley vowed to take care of the kid if it was his or not.

I stared at my plate. "Hi Huey" Cindy said I didn't respond. "Damn nigga you still ain't talking" Riley asked. I shrugged. "Yo man you need to get yo shit together cuz I'm tired of lookin at yo depressed self." He told me. "Shit at least eat" Cindy told me. I glaced at my food. "I'm not hungry" I mumbled. "Oh so you do talk"Cindy said. I stood up and walked back upstairs and fell asleep in my bed till there was a knock on my door which made me sit up.

Earlier in Jazmine POV:

Huey hasn't been to school in 3 days since I kissed Henry. I'm kinda worried about him but he deserved that. Me and Henry have been hanging out he's really cool and sweet. Today was Friday and he asked if I wanted to go to a movie I didn't mind to so I just threw in some light blue skinny jeans and a pink crop top.

I met up with him at the movies. " hey" he smiled. "Hey Henry what movie are we gonna see" I asked. He shrugged "what do you want to see" I gasped. He blinked confused. I started to jump up and down "omg we should see that" I said pointing to the movie that had a blonde lady with a puppy in her hand. He shrugged "if that's what you want to see" he said. "OH MY GOSH REALLY!" I squealed loudly. He chuckled a bit. I blushed "thanks" I said I kissed him on the cheek before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the theaters .

After the movie

"Wow that was amazing" I grinned "well I'm glad you liked it I got a headache from all the squealing blondes". I rolled my eyes and giggled. " whatever I thought it was good" I said. "Good OK we'll just call it that..I would say it was *cough * terrible *cough*" he smiled at me and I playfully punched him in the arm. "Ow that wasn't nice young lady" he said with a smirk.

I giggled "I'm sorry you highness did that hurt" I asked. "What if it did" he said back walking closer to me. I smirked. "Want me to make it feel better" I said he blushed I got closer and stuck my lips out he came in for the kiss and I moved. "YEET BOI" I giggled. "I learned that from my friend Cindy" I said with a smile. Henry pouted.

"Aww Jazmine" he said I giggled. He rolled his eyes. "Ok jokester let me take you home its getting kinda dark" he said. I nodded and we walked home.

I stopped at my door. "Well I'll see you on Monday" Henry said he turned to leave when I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I moaned a bit I slightly opened my eyes and glaced at Hueys house then at his window. I pushed Henry away. He blinked.

" something wrong" he asked. "No I'm fine I..I just don't know if what I'm doing is right" I sighed. "What do you mean" he asked. "Well..Huey " I stopped and looked at him his eyes softened. "Oh...I understand" he sighed. "Um I'll see you later" he said rubbing the back of his neck "Henry, I didn't mean to upset you" I said. "No its fine he was first I'm sure you love him I don't want to get in the way of that" he said. I smiled weakly. "Really" I asked.

He nodded. I grinned and hugged him tight "oh Henry thank you so much" he chuckled a bit. "It's alright jaz you should get some sleep" he said rustling my hair a bit I giggled. "Ok" I told him he started to walk down the street and put in his headphones.

I ran across the street to Hueys I knocked on the door. Riley answered "damn finally" he said opening the door. "Go do something with that sorry ass nigga upstairs" he said. I ran upstairs and knocked on Hueys door there was no answer so I just opened it and Huey was sitting on the bed his eyes were red and puffy and his signature scowl was gone. it was more of a sad stare. He glaced up and glared at me.

"What do you want" he hissed. "Huey..are you OK you don't look to good" I said sitting on the bed next to him he scooted away from me. "Why would you care anyway go rub up on your boyfriend leave me alone" he mumbled. "Huey what are you talking about " I asked. "Jazmine leave I don't want to talk to you" he told me. "Huey I know I shouldn't have kissed that boy it was uncalled for" I said.

"Why are you here what do you want from me" he asked he glaced up his eyes where sad and filled with hurt. "Huey Im sorry I really am I don't like fight like this" I said my eyes watering. He sat quietly "aren't you gonna say something" I asked my voice cracked a bit. "I have nothing else to say to you" he told me turning from me

"But" I sighed. I started to tear up "Huey I love you.. I just want you to know that whatever happens that I'll always love you no matter what" I said tears pouring down my face. "I really want things to work out and I thought that I could fix things but I just manage to fuck everything up" I cried.

"I'm really sorry I am and if you can ever forgive me I would be so grateful" I said looking at him he looked away. I sighed "can we at least still be best friends" I asked desperately . Huey said nothing "OK..I understand" I whispered I stood up. I walked out the room and shut the door. I ran downstairs crying Cindy stopped me."gurl chill what happened " she asked. "He...he said he has nothing left to say to me" I hiccupped.

"Well what did you do" she asked. "I....I kissed that new boy Henry" I mumbled. Cindy blinked "... in front of Huey" I added. Cindy smacked me. "GURL WHAT THE FUCK" she yelled. I started to cry "I know I'm sorry I fucked up, ...I..I was just tired and thought if I did that he would realize that I won't be there forever and he stop acting this was but...but I just fucked everything up" I fell to my knees and curled into a ball and started to cry.

"Jazzy I can see where your coming from but you shouldn't have done that" she said. "I KNOW IM A FUCK UP I RUINED EVERYTHING!" I yelled. "HUEY WILL NEVER LOVE ME AGAIN, MOMMY AND DADDY HATE EACH OTHER NOW BECAUSE OF ME AND MR.FREEMAN IS PROBABLY GONNA KICK ME OUT RIGHT NOW FOR YELLING" I yelled tears pouring down my face.

No one answered but I felt a large and on my back I looked up and I stopped crying. "H-huey" I asked looking at him.

Boom cliffy Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm sorry I know you guys hate when I do that I sowwy lol but I hope you like it as always

Love ya byeeeeeee

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