breaking down

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Jazmine POV:

After me and Hueys fight I finally finished crying because I couldn't anymore. I walked into the mirror and looked at myself. black mascara ran down my face leaving stains on my cheeks my eyes were red and puffy and my face was looked like a raspberry.

I look pitiful

I couldn't cry anymore. I heard my front door open. "Tom, where are you you jack ass!" I heard my mom yell. " came back" I heard my dad say. "Shut up I'm not staying I'm getting my clothes and leaving" my mom said back. I sighed I walked to my bed. I got under the covers and curled in a ball I wanted to cry but couldn't. I just felt the huge sadness over me.

I looked at my picture of me and Huey at his birthday. "I hurt him...I hurt him after all he's done for me" I mumbled. " I should have just died" I felt a tear fall out my eyes. "He'll never forgive me" I sighed.

No Jazmine don't think like that it will be fine...he said he loves you..he loves you

Next morning at school

I had my dad take me to school, I just wore some torn jeans and a hoodie, my hair in a messy bun. I walked in by myself I tried to keep my head down. I got to my locked to put some stuff up and I saw Huey walk up to his.

This is it go Jazmine

"Huey please I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I said looking down he didn't so much look my way. "Huey please.. Look at me" I begged. No response. "Huey please!" I begged. He shut his locker and walked away. I ran after him "Huey no don't do this please" I said following him he didn't look back at me. I decided to grab his waist and hug him. He stopped.

I wimpered in his back "Huey please don't do this" I begged I don't care how desperate I look I just want him back. He grabbed my arm gently and pulled me off of him and kept walking. I stood there watching as he walked away. I bit my lip trying not to cry as loud as I wanted to in the hallway.

I walked back to my locker and shut it not caring I didn't get my stuff I just walked to class. Huey was there I walked in and he didn't glace at me. I came in and put my head down I felt heartbroken all this sadness was to much, but then again I felt rage. Rage that Huey wasn't listing to me, rage that mom and dad were leaving, rage I look so desperate and pitiful.

Huey POV:

Jazmine walked into class with nothing and put her head down. The teacher looked at her. "Excuse me, ms. Du Bois I don't tolerate sleeping in my class" he said I glanced at her. She still had her head down. "ms. Du Bois!" The teacher said louder getting irritated. "I'm not sleeping" she mumbled. "Well put you head up" he ordered. "Or how about you fuck off " she yelled back her head popping up.

"Excuse me" he asked with a frown "you heard me fuck off, go take the 50 cent a hour you make and shove it up your ass!" She yelled. "How dare you!" He yelled at her. "Get out my classroom this instant!" He yelled at her "fine I didn't want to be here in the first place" she stood up pushing the desk on the floor and walked out slamming the door.

I glanced at the rest of the people in class. They all seemed shocked at her out burst I just looked down at my paper. It was 5 minutes later till we heard a blood curdling scream I looked up it sounded like Jazmine. The teachers facial expression turn frightened he open the door and ran out I could see Jazmine running from him punching lockers screaming and crying. Then she just tripped and fell and curled up and cried on the floor.

The teachers bent down trying to comfort her. She nodded to something he said then stood up and sighed and walked in to class picked up her desk and plopped back in her seat she looked at me I looked away from her then she put her head down again I could hear her crying a bit. The teacher was gone. He left and Cindy ran into the room.

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