One of many

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"Rose!" Kaz called down to me from the forth floor landing, his voice having the rasp of stone on stone. I walked up the stairs to where he was waiting. He gestured to his room and I walked inside, Kaz closing the door behind me. He walked over to the basin and started to unbutton his coat. He gestured to his bed and I sat on it, touching my fingers to the soft wool of the blanket.

"I need you to go to the Margerie." Kaz said as he pulled his black shirt over his head. He peeled the infamous gloves off his hands and grabbed the cloth from the basin.

"Another Information round?" I asked him. He nodded. I was one of Kaz's sources of information. I had many manipulative tactics. I could get information out of people without them knowing they were giving it to me. That made me his best spider, but we still paid Tante Heleen for information. The only reason we really did was to see if we could find anyone else that was useful for the dregs.


I studied her as I tossed the cloth back into the basin. I was wondering if she would refuse.

"I'll go. When would you like me back?" She asked. Of course she didn't refuse, she never did.

"By ten bells if possible." I told her, moving closer to her. I saw her stiffen slightly but all she did is ask.

"Do I need to make a stop at the crow club on my way back?"

"No come back to the slat." 'Come back to me.' I thought but didn't say.

I slid my bare hands on her back and stood her up, pulling her closer to me.

"Don't do it if you can't." Rose told me, letting her slender fingers trace my bare shoulders.

"I have to." I whispered to her. The gloves were the one show of my weakness in the barrel, I had to get over this sickness soon or Jordie would haunt me forever, and despite my best intentions I had fallen in love with Rose Ghafa. I tilted her chin up so she was looking me in the eyes. I heard her breathing quicken as I grew closer. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, ignoring the riot in my head and whispered. "I can stop, just tell me if you need me to."

"No." She whispered the word almost as a sigh. I closed the distance between us and crashed my mouth on hers. She sank into my grasp like a child seeking comfort from a parent. Comfort I could not give her. To love in the barrel was the greatest weakness, one neither of us could afford. She reluctantly pulled away, breaking the kiss but not leaving my arms.

"I'll see you at ten bells." she told me, hopping out my window and into the busy streets of Ketterdam. That was how it always ended. We share a moment, than one has to leave.

Rose POV

I scaled the rooftops till I got to the Margarie. I walked through the double doors with my head held high.

"Your late." Heleen spat at me.

"I made the appointment, I decide when to get here peacock." I told her my infamous smirk playing on my face. I learned the look from Dirtyhands himself.

"Dirty hands is a bad influence on you." She said cuffing me hard across the face.

I traced my finger up her cheek, letting the nail tickle the skin. " Careful." I cooned. "Hit me again and all your ladies will have to witness you get beat up by one of your girls. Just give me the information ya?"

The Peacock started heading towards her office. I made to follow when I heard a small voice say.

"I can help you."

I gave the girl a cold glare taking in her appearance. Purple silks and bells around the ankles. I'll have to mention this to Kaz. He may need one more spider in the barrel and she looked like she'd be good.

"Hurry up Rose!" Heleen called from her office

"Rose?" The girl asked, her eyes widening.

I gave her a light smack on the arm. "Don't speak out of turn." I told her before walking off.

"Finally that took forever." The Peacock said from her chair.

"I was merely admiring your Suli girl. Is she new?" I asked with little curiosity in my voice.

"Yes she's new, Inej Ghafa's her name."

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