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We had finally arrived to the great north. I was so exited to be off the boat that I had run off it, the others watching with amusement.

"What? am I not allowed to be happy were off the cursed boat?" I asked looking at each of them.


The walk was horrible. Matthias had warned us to keep our goggles on because the snow could blind this far north. We had all just put our heads down and walked. when we were done for the day Kaz and I stumbled to our tent and collapsed in it. 

"I wish we were on the dam boat." I complied, glaring at the bedrolls we had got in Ketterdam for this part of the journey.

"Where's the excitement from when you jumped off of it earlier?" Kaz asked me with some amusement. 

"Gone with my fingers into this cursed wind. I hate this country." I told him, sitting down on the bedroll. Kaz took his gloves off and put them into his pack. He than walked over to where I was and took my hands in his own. 

"They are cold." He commented. I wasn't paying attention. I had a question that had been on my mind since the moment I learned the truth about him. I had never asked him because I had never known how, and to be honest with myself I was never sure if he'd answer. 

"What is it Rose?" He asked, gently lifting my chin with his fingers. I decided to just go for it and ask.

"Why is it that you can touch me and not other people?" I asked him.

"Because." He started, moving a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You looked out for me when no one else did. You were my family. You came to my rescue when all hope seemed lost. everyone else came after, You are my hope, my silver lining." Kaz told me. I smiled at him and laid down, patting the spot beside me. He got in next to me and we fell asleep to the sound of the wind and wolves howling outside of our tent.


I woke to the feeling of someone gently shaking me. "Come on Rose, Matthias says we have to get moving if we want to get to Djerholm in time." Kaz said, leaning over me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his lips. 

"Only you can wake me up this early and get me to want to get up." I told him, throwing on the rest of my outdoor gear and walking out to meet the others.


We walked on, Kaz drilling us constantly on the alarm systems of the ice court. Matthias walked a head of us a bit, slowly tugging up a hill. He turned to us aruptly.

"Wait don't." he trailed off as we made our way up the hill next to him. I let out a small gasp. Nina looked horrified and the rest just looked disgusted. We heard a low moan from one of the people. though the figure was so badly burned it was impossible to tell if it was male or female.

"I thought you said the pyres were illegal." I shouted at Matthias through my tears. Nina raised her hand to end it's suffering than turned to us, her hands shaking. 

"Guys I can't." She sobbed. I raised my own hands and used my Squaller abilities to take the air out of it's lungs. I than used my heartrender powers to feel if it had a heartbeat. Dead. I turned to Kaz and wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his chest. He rubbed my back in slow circles, muttering words of comfort. 

"We should keep going." Kaz said. I nodded and took his hand as we started off together.


All I saw were the Fjerdan's lighting that pyre. I was tied up on the one across and all I could see were the faces of Wylan, Jesper, Nina, Inej and Kaz. They all flashed in my vision, I heard all of their screams as the pyre's were lit, and I was powerless to save them. 


I awoke crying. My throat was raw. I must have screamed at one point. Kaz was looking at me with concern written all over his sharp features. I thought of just saying 'nightmare' and leaving it at that, but the second I opened my mouth to talk I burst into fresh tears. 

"Shh It's okay Rose I'm right here. What happened?" Kaz said softly wrapping me in a hug as I cried on his chest for the second time that day.


Kaz was keeping a vary close eye on me as we walked. I think he may of feared I'd burst into tears again. Inej tried to talk to me and I shut her out again. Kaz's words from the fight with Geel's flashed through my mind a split second before her screams from my dreams entered them. 



Rose had kept her composer though our fight with the Grisha on parem. If anything that fight had lightened something in her. She had a new fire in her eyes and she walked with a new determination. We arrived in Djerholm two hours after the fight with the Shu's Grisha. I took the group to a small café and we ordered. 

"Kaz if you didn't like me you could have just said so, Instead of trying to poison me." Rose told me, spearing a piece of slimly lettuce from the salad she had ordered.

"I'll take you to a different Café later, besides were here for the view not the food." Kaz opened a book and flipped it to the back cover.

"Read it for us Rose." I told her, handing the book to her.

"Why are we reading? I really don't see the point of-- Ohh!" Her confused face turned up with a smirk as she looked at the book.

"Quite interesting isn't it?" I asked her, a smirk on my lips.

"I'll say, your brilliant Kaz!" Rose exclaimed giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before passing the book around. I did my best to hide my smile. We now all had a view of the ice court. The hiest was officially in motion.


If you guys are wondering why I edited the title so it now says (Book aspect) It is because I intentioned on extending the story to the show. The chapters will be long as I intend on doing one per episode. There will be clips of what is in demons and butterflies (show aspect) In my new book cast is calling. (When it's out.) Follow to get updates on those! Love you all so much.

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