Hell Gate Heist

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We arrived at hell gate and Inej had appeared. 

"You really like her don't you." I snapped my head towards Nina. 

"Who." I asked trying hard to show as little emotion as possible.

"Rose. You keep looking around." Nina told me.

"Love is a weakness in the barrel, one I can't afford to have." I told her. It was true but no one knew I had it anyway. Rose Ghafa was my weakness, and although it surprised me, it was one I didn't mind having. If I could get drunk on her laugh or kisses, I would. Nina just turned away and continued watching the Hell show. I wasn't really focused on it. I tried to find Rose in the crowd but failed. I fished around in my pocket till I found her crow ring. It was one I had given her for her twelfth birthday, shortly after we had joined the dregs. I had cornered her in our room minutes before she was meant to leave. 

"Stay safe." I had told her, fearing it might be the last time I saw her. I feared that every time she took a new job. She took off the ring and had put it in my gloved palm. She gently closed my fingers around it while looking softly into my eyes.

"Take care of it for me will you? You can give it back to me after." She told me. She had given me a soft kiss on my lips before leaving.

The Ring

The Ring

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I traced it with my fingers as Helvar entered the ring. As soon as the wheel landed on wolf Nina grasped my arm. I turned my shark gaze on her till she let go.

"You have to stop this." She begged me.

"Why? There's money to be made Zenik." I told her.

"You don't understand."

"Oh I understand perfectly well Nina, if Helvar survives we will take him out of the prison but that part is up to him." I told her as I turned to watch the fight, one hand still in my pocket.

"I like you more when Rose is here." Nina sulked. Once the fight was over we got up and began to walk towards the prison. 

"Where is your escort?" The guard asked us, placing a hand on his weapon.

"Oh thank goodness I found you guys." a guard said as she walked up to us.

"Who are they?" The male guard asked her.

"They are Ravkan tourists. They are documenting the prisons of the world to see with is the most secure place to keep a prisoner. The documents should go in a book at some point. You also mentioned comparing the prisons based off of the profit they make, right?" The female guard asked, looking at me to confirm. I nodded at her statement. 

"Now if you'll excuse us we are on a vary tight schedule." I told the male guard.

"Yes, Yes of course, If you'd like me to come with you beautiful I can." The male guard said to the female one, who was Rose. I wanted to knock his teeth in.

"Oh no I'll be fine but thanks for the offer." Rose told the man, walking towards the prison and motioning for us to follow.

"Nice touch." I told her, falling into step beside her.

"I had to say something besides He'd been on my back for hours." She told me. The rest of the group was walking slightly ahead of us so she took my hand in her own.

"I'm still yours." She whispered to me.

I took the ring out of my pocket and slid it on her finger. "I know." I whispered. We walked further down the hall and saw a Medik exiting a cell with two more guards. Instantly Rose's easy going manner was gone. She stood with her back straight. 

"You will be looking after Helvar tonight." The guard told her.

"Yes Sir." Rose responded.

"Who are they?" The guard asked.

"Tourists sir." She replied. The Medik walked up to Rose and said.

"Make sure to clean his wounds once he wakes, it's natural if he feels nauseous when he wakes up. I had to use a strong sedative to get him to sleep." Rose nodded. The Medik kissed her hand before walking away. That's it he's dead. I started to walk towards him but Rose grabbed my hand, hiding it from the others. I saw her wipe her hand on her uniform. She let go of my hand and stepped back, allowing me to step in front of her and get to the lock. I had the door opened in seconds and we stepped inside. 

Inej bent over Helvar to asses his injuries. 

"He has two broken ribs split lip and bruised knuckles." Inej said. 

"Which side." I asked her, referring to the ribs.

"The left." She told us.

"His left or your left." I asked back

"His left." She told us. Rose nodded as Muzzen took off his costume. He sat down and Rose bent down in front of him. 

It's going to feel like you've been in the fight yourself." Rose told Muzzen. He nodded, bracing for the pain.

"Why are you doing this anyway?" Nina asked him suddenly.

"Money was good." He replied as Rose sliced her hand in the air. Muzzen whimpered. 

"Can I have waffles when this is over?" Muzzen asked.

"Well all have waffles, and whiskey. If we can't pull this job no one is going to want to be around me sober." I replied.

"Nina work on Helvar." I said. Nina bent over Helvar as Rose finished up with Muzzzen. He now looked extremely unrecognizable. 

Halver had started straggling Nina once he woke up. I  cocked a pistol and pointed it at him.


We saw Jesper waving to us from the boat. Now that we had the crew we just had to manage the ice court. 

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