The Dreg's

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I walked into the bathroom shortly after the group had met and talked about our plans. I saw Rose there cutting out bandages from strips of towel.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Making bandages for Inej. I haven't gotten around to healing her yet so well need something to cover the wounds." She replied, not taking her eyes off of her work. I looked at her features, trying to put every one in my memory. 

"If your trying to think of a way to convince me not to go with you It's not going to work." she told me, still working.

"Your not coming Rose your hurt." I told her firmly.

"What are you talking about I'm fine." she replied, lifting up her shirt to revel smooth skin where the stab wound had been. 

"You healed it." It was more statement than question. She nodded, sparing me a glance before continuing her work.

"This is the city I bled for, the gang I bled for. I am one of two bastards in the barrel and I'm not running away." She said firmly, putting the scissors down.

"So you'll fight with me?" I asked her, gazing into her chocolate eyes.

"Till the end." She replied, taking my hand in hers. I flinched a little, memories of Jordie fresh in my mind. Rose slowly brought my fingers to her neck and let them rest there. I forced myself to focus on her pulse. I was in the hotel bathroom, not in the dead boat. I brought her lips to mine and focused on the soft feel of them, ignoring the riot in my head.

"How do we get there?" I asked her, drawing a tourist map from my coat pocket and laying it on the table. Rose grabbed a pen and drew two lines on the map.

"This ways faster, but it's steeper. She said pointing to one of the lines on the map.

"Well take the long way." I told her. I grabbed her hand and lead her out of the room. Better to get this over with.


Rose POV

We made our way to the slat in silence. I could tell that travel on the rooftop was difficult for Kaz, but decided not to say anything about it. We slipped in through our window and walked around the room. Everything was the same as when we left it. Kaz grabbed a new coat and put it on. I changed out of my white shirt and to a black crop top and black leather pants. 

"What I'm not ruining my white shirt." I told him. He just shook his head and moved towards the door.

"Ready?" He asked me. No. I nodded. Better to get this over with. I don't see this not getting bloody, but I can only hope most of the blood comes from them and not us. Kaz opened the door and looked at the crowd below. 

"Old man." He rasped.


Inej POV

I watched as Kaz and Rose emerged from their bedroom and announced themselves.

"Well I'll be a son of a bitch. You two have got to be the craziest bastards I have ever met" Per Haskell said as he laughed.

"Well take that as a compliment." Rose said roughly, leaning against the railing.

"You two shouldn't have come here. Unless it's to turn yourselves in like the smart lads I know you to be."

"Were through making you money." Kaz said and Rose nodded in agreement.

"You ignorant skivs! Waltzing in here like a merch at his manor." Per Haskell said, his face crumpled in rage.

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