Hidden and angry

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I stood feeling completely useless as Rose was carried away. I felt like punching someone. How could I have been so stupid. Why hadn't I thought Jan Van Erk might pull something like this? Pim returned with the row boat a few hours later and rowed us to black veil. I was getting my girl back. Not only that but I'd put Jan Erk through hell. It was a promise, to myself and to Rose. I sent everyone into the tombs and walked around. I stopped walking at one of the many tree's that littered the island. My need to punch something was overwhelming. I punched the trunk as hard as I could. The bark stripped and I kept punching, thinking of Rose and how I'd failed her. Hours later the sun was setting and my knuckles ached from the repeated punches on the tree. I didn't stop. I would fight everyone in the barrel with my fists if I had to. 

"Punching that tree won't get her back you know." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned and saw Inej standing behind me.

"I know it won't. Why did I have to look at her." I wondered.

"I did too Kaz." Inej said, looking at her feet. I noticed the Necklace in Inej's hand.

"What are the necklaces for? I've seen the same the same one on Rose." I asked Inej.

"Our mother made them for us, because of our bond. A Rose with an I on the back." Inej said handing the necklace to me so I could get a better view. I traced my fingers over the Rose on the front, sitting down on a rock. I wasn't angry anymore. I just wanted her back, all I felt was guilt. I forced myself to think about the exchange with Van Erk. 

"I know what to do." I said rising from my spot at the rocks. I walked into the tomb. "Wylan do you know where Alys Van Erk is staying?" I asked him.

"Yes at my father's lake house." He replied. I wanted to leap in joy. I settled for my normal scowl and said

"Good it's time for a heist. We are taking back our girl, and soon." 


We all set off to do what needed to be done and soon we had Alys out of the house and onto a boat. I had left a message on the door. The girl was so easy to kidnap it had almost been concerning. And the constant whining. It was annoying. "Someone shut her up or I will. I fumed. "If she's not quiet when I get black being pregnant wont be her only problem. I said as I stormed off, returning to the tree I had beat up on our first day here. I continued to punch the tree. It was the only way I kept from beating up every member of our crew. I felt like storming into the tomb and simply forcing Alys to be quiet. She had no right to whine when Rose was being taken prisoner by her fool of a husband and probably being tortured some where. It was Jordie all over again.

"Please Rose. Come back to me." I whispered, looking out from the island towards Ketterdam. It wasn't just my city. It was Rose's too. I couldn't do this alone anymore. I needed her, we all did. She was our anchor, our heart. She held us up when we crumbled. She cared for us. She put aside all of her demons to hear about ours. She never held anything against us. She was our angel and Saints I wanted her back.


Three years ago

She was in my office. Sitting on the window sill feeding the crows. 

"You shouldn't feed the crows." I scolded her, not bothering to look up from my work. 

"Why not Kaz?" She asked. I looked up at her than, ready to give my answer. The words died on my lips. Her brown hair was shining in the light and the sun's rays were above her head like a halo. I said the first thing that came to my mind. 

"They don't have manners." She laughed. A real laugh, not the ones she faked for other people. If I could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, I would've. 

"Neither do you Kaz." She said, still laughing. I stood up and walked over to where she was standing. 

"I suppose not." I replied, taking in her thin lips and rosy cheeks. I sat next to her on the window taking in her appearance. 

"What?" She asked me, looking in my eyes. I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and gave her a swift kiss on the lips. I pulled away instantly, shocked at my actions and worried she would hate me. She seemed to get over her surprise quickly and leaned towards me, interlocking our lips. I shuffled closer to her on the sill, pulling her closer, while deepening the kiss. It was full of raw emotion. It was the words we would never have the courage to say to each other.


How I wished I could say them now. I thought as I saw the city lights come on in the dark. I was getting her back. Even if I had to drag her from hell. I'd kill the devil myself for her. Maybe that's what love meant.


The first chapter of crocked kingdom is complete! Thanks for the 160 reads. If anyone was curios the flashback Kaz had was of their first kiss. I really wanted to add that in so, there you have it.

Just as a warning the next chapter is extremely sad.😭

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