Busted (For now)

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We surfaced from the river coughing and spurting water. I saw Matthias drag Kaz from the water. Matthias started to heave on Kaz's chest. "I- should- let- you- die." He grunted in time with his compressions. I ran over and knelt beside him. 

"Dose he have a pulse?" I asked, trying and failing to keep the fear out of my voice. 

"It's there but fading." Matthias told me. I forced his heart into a rhythm while giving mouth too mouth. The others watched. 

"Can't you just purge the water from his lungs?" Nina asked me.

"We don't all have your training Zenik." I gritted out focusing on Kaz "Come on bastard." I gritted willing his heart to take it's own rhythm. "Please Kaz you've taken worse." I said letting a rouge tear fall from my cheek. Kaz suddenly sat up, gasping. Spitting water out of his mouth as coughs raked his chest. 

"What happened?" Kaz asked his eyes unfocused.

"You almost drowned." I told him.

"Drowned?" He repeated. I looked to the others for help. 

"Kaz, Rose made out with Brum." Nina said.

"You did what!!" Kaz exclaimed turning to me. Nina blinked a few times and leaned away from him.

"That sure worked." She said. 

"I did not make out with Brum Kaz that's gross. I'm half his age." I reassured him. I leaned my head on his wet shoulder and wrapped my arms tightly around him. I did not want to let him go.

"We should keep moving." Kaz said, gently lifting my head off of his shoulder and standing up. He held out a hand to me and I took it.  "Oh and can someone explain to me why our scientist looks like one of Wylan's school pals?" Kaz asked starting to walk, his hand still held in mine.


We had made it to the bridge when we heard a rumbling noise from behind us. We all turned around, scared we'd been caught, when we saw Wylan and Inej on the tank. I turned to Kaz and smashed my lips onto his, kissing him with everything I had. "I can't believe that worked." I said when I had finally pulled away from him. We rode the tank all the way down to the harbor celebrating our victories. The sight we were met with wiped the smiles right from our faces. Rows and rows of armed soldiers met us. 

"Surrender now! You can not beat all of us." One of the soldiers said.



I had no idea how we were going to make it out of here alive. I saw someone leap from the step on the tank and realized it was Rose. She put her hands level with her face as she walked towards the soldiers.  "We surrender." She called, hands still above her head. "Lower your guns. You wouldn't shoot a lady would you?" She asked them. I watched amazed as the lowered their guns and let them hang at their sides. Rose pushed her hands forward and a gust of wind shot from them, knocking the soldier's from their feet. she than guided the wind so that they were in a cluster and aimed her fire, trapping them in a cage of fire. We all got off the tank and began to walk towards the ferolind. We heard a gunshot and Rose cursed, clutching her arm. She summoned a giant ball of water and dropped it on the trapped soldier's, knocking them out. I heard another gunshot and Rose's leg buckled. Another fired and she was laying on the ground. I knelt down next to her, stroking her hair.

"Will you be alright?" I asked her. She nodded, sweat on her forehead and her blood turning the white snow red. I briefly saw the soldiers rise and head towards Brum. One glance told me that Nina had taken Parem. I lifted Rose up and carried her to the ship. One wave of Nina's hand and the Bullets were out of Roses skin and there was no trace of the fact that she'd been shot three times.

I managed to get Rose into our cabin and kissed her as soon as the door was closed. 

"Don't scare me like that ever again." I said in between kisses. 

"Mm." She hummed as she tilted her head back to give me more access to her neck. I took it, leaving love bites all over it. I couldn't help myself really. I always found ways to claim what was mine, and now everyone would know that she's mine and I don't intend on sharing.


Rose POV

Kaz and I walked into the cabin Nina was in and I sat in the stool beside the bed. I focused on the parem in Nina's body. It came out of her in an orange cloud. After about twenty minutes I stood up, and stumbled. Kaz had me in his arms in seconds. 

"Rose what's wrong." Kaz asked, fear showing on his features even though he tried to hide it.

"There's only one way to rid anything of poison. You have to absorb it into your body. to much of it and it can kill you. I told you not to do it Rose." Nina said from her bed. 

"How much is too much?" Kaz asked, not even bothering to hide the fear in his voice. 

"It doesn't matter." I said weakly, attempting to squirm out of Kaz's arms. I didn't need him fearing for me. Kaz only held me tighter, lifting me off my feet.

"Kaz put me down." I said, my cheeks heating in embarrassment at having him carry me for the third time on this trip. 

"Not when your about to faint." Kaz said carrying me out of the room to our cabin. He laid me down on the bed and got in next to me. I snuggled close to him, breathing in his sent. I felt Kaz's tense muscles relax and smiled. I loved the fact that he felt safe around me. We were a day away from being the richest in the barrel but for now we had the boat and each other. Truth be told, I would take Kaz over four million Kruge any day.

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