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Rose POV

I woke to a sharp pain in my side. I winced and turned my head to the side. I saw Kaz sitting on a stool beside the bed with his eyes shut.

"Kaz." I crocked. I didn't realize till now how dry my throat really was. "Kaz." I tried again. He stirred but didn't wake up. I gently took his hand in my own and his eyes flashed open.

"Shh It's okay Kaz it's just me." I said sitting up against the pillows. He stared at me a moment and I took him in. He looked exhausted. His posture was more slouched and he had bags under his eyes. The next moment his lips were on mine. He kissed me softly as he moved over me on the bed to sit next to me. He touched his hip to my side and I winced, a bolt of pain going through me. He got off of me and sat next to me on the bed.

"Sorry Rose." Kaz apologized.

"It's fine darling, your just lucky your handsome." I told him leaning in for another kiss. Nina suddenly burst into the room.

"Kaz you can't just..." Nina started but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. "Your alive! Oh thank the saints we were all so worried." Nina left the room and a minute later everyone was crowding around me. After telling everyone I was fine I pleaded exhaustion and they left. Well all but Nina.

"Nina, love do you mind getting Kaz and I waffle's? I girl has to eat you know." I said quoting her. She squealed and gave me a huge hug to which I returned.

"I'm not hungry." Kaz said.

"Nina how long have I been out?" I asked ignoring Kaz.

"Three days." She replied.

"Did he eat anything in that time?" I asked, glancing at Kaz.

"No." She replied

"Your getting waffles too." I told Kaz. Nina nodded and left the room.

"I told you I'm not hungry." Kaz protested. 

"You haven't eaten in three days Kaz." I said glancing at him. Nina brought our food in and put it on the bed. I grabbed the fork and speared a piece of waffle on it, taking a bite.

"Oh that is soo good." I mumbled around it. I speared another piece and held it up for Kaz. He glanced at me and I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and opened his mouth, allowing me to feed him. I smiled, knowing full well if anyone else tried to do this with him they wouldn't have a hand. We ate in silence, enjoying our meal and the peace that had settled over us. It wasn't until after we were done eating that Kaz asked.

"What happened at the silo's Rose." I looked at him in surprise.

"You don't know?" I asked him. He shook his head. I thought Nina or Inej would have told him but I guess not. 

"I met up with a women. Her names Sapphire but she goes by the blue death."

"Why Blue death?" Kaz asked.

"She is an extremely rare grisha who wields lightning. She shocked me quite a lot through that fight but that wasn't why I got hurt so bad. She threw a knife at me. One that was laced with inferi fire. One of the ways to kill a grisha is to use their power against them so." I trailed off, not wanting to think of the ally.

"You did die." Kaz said, looking away from me for the first time.

"What?" I asked, searching his gaze.

"You did die." He repeated. I looked away from him and said the only thing that came to my mind.

"Oh." How was I here if I had died. Nina wasn't a heartrender anymore. She controlled the dead not the living and no one else had that power but me, unless.

"When did I die?" I asked him. I didn't really think that that part mattered but I was curious.

"Shortly after we brought you here." He replied. I just nodded.

"Who brought me back to life?" I asked. He looked confused but answered anyway.

"I did." He said, looking at me with confusion.

"Mmm well in that case I want to try something. Close your eyes." I told him. He raised an eyebrow at me but closed them anyway. "Focus on your heart beating." I said 

"Rose what is this?" Kaz asked, with his eyes still closed.

"A test. If I'm wrong it means nothing but if I'm right, well well cross that bridge when we get there. Now focus." Kaz relaxed on the bed and focused.

"Now what?" He asked after a few minutes.

"Now I want you to reach out. See if you can feel my pulse, hear my heart beating." 

"Okay now what." Kaz asked after a few more minutes. I did my best to hide my surprise and replied.

"Now make it do something. Make it slow down or race." I told him. I waited and suddenly I felt my heart pounding.

"Oh saints Kaz not that much." I told him, clutching my heart. He opened his eyes and I felt my heart return to normal.

"What dose that mean?" Kaz asked, looking at me nervously. 

"That means that your a heartrender Kaz." I said softly, opening my arms and allowing him to slide into them.

"How do I control it." He asked.

"I'll teach you how don't worry. I'm already teaching  Jesper to use his. One more student wouldn't matter. I'd teach you privately of course." I said to him. I glanced over at him and saw him thinking. He still looked nervous.

"Don't worry Kaz, you'll be fine." I told him, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Would this have made a difference?" Kaz asked me

"What?" I asked back furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"If I had used these powers to save Jordie." Kaz trailed off but I could see where he was going.

"Kaz, we can't focus on what if's. It's just a rabbit hole. But no I don't think it would have made a difference. Vary few kids can control their power that young. At least not well enough to revive someone."

"Why did it only come out now?" He asked me.

"Sometimes it's like that. Santa Alina didn't discover her powers till she was eighteen." Kaz mumbled a response. I leaned in and kissed him softly. We fell asleep in the comfort of each others arms.


I'm writing the Dreg's chapter next and I'm so exited! Love you all

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