Plan B

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Rose POV

I woke in the middle of the night, feeling hands in my pockets. They stopped instantly and I moved into a more comfortable position on Kaz's chest. I had almost thought I imagined it when the hands resumed their search in my pockets.

"Nina." I crocked. She froze, than put one of her hands in my own while the other dug around in my pockets.

"I'm just checking your healing." She lied.

"I don't have it Nina." I told her, moving if possible even closer to Kaz in our bed.

"Than who dose? Matthias said he gave it to you." Nina whispered.

"I burned half the stock this evening." I told her tiredly.

"And the other half?" She asked. Kaz stirred under me and I gave him a soft kiss on the jaw.

"Kaz has it. Wake him up and he'll kill you." I whispered to her.

"What's going on?" Kaz asked, the rasp to his voice more noticeable from sleep.

"Nothing love. Nina was just double checking the healing on my hands." I said. 

"At this hour?" Kaz asked, lifting my head gently so he could sit up.

"Goodnight Nina." I said, hoping she would take the hint. She did and went over to Matthias's bed, getting into it and snuggling up to him.

"Was that about the Parem?" Kaz whispered to me.

"Mhm." I whispered back, glancing at Nina and Matthias, who was stroking her hair.

"How are you faring?" Kaz asked, lifting me onto his lap.

"Okay I guess." I replied, snuggling up to his chest. I felt his chin rest on the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me.

"If you need anything, just say it. It's yours." Kaz whispered to me, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. 

"There is one thing." I whispered, leaning back so I could look at his profile in the dark.

"What's that?" He asked.

"This." I replied, bring my lips to his. He laid back down, pulling me on him without breaking the kiss. I broke the kiss after a while and moved down to his neck as he caught his breath. He put his hands in my hair and they got tangled in it. I left love bites all over his neck. 

"Not to many Rose." Kaz said in between breaths. 

"Don't worry. I can tailor them in the morning." I told him bringing my lips back up to his for another kiss.

(Just as a P.S. No they do not do it. That's just gross, considering they are currently sharing the room with six others that's just 🤮)


"We need more information on Van Erk." Kaz said as we all sat around the table the next morning.

"Than just sneak into Cornelius Smeet's office. He works with him." I told Kaz, resting my head against his shoulder. I looked behind me to see Inej standing behind me, looking around unsure of herself. I did a quick count of the seats and noticed we were one short. I moved so I was sitting on Kaz's lap and tapped the chair I was previously sitting in. She smiled at me and took it. Kaz bounced his leg under me so he was rocking me slightly.

"How would we do that?" He asked me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

"Simple. Smeet goes to a gambling den every week. Likes to try his hand at the stave. He also likes having a pretty blonde girl with him when he dose it. Likes the girls from the Manergie best. The Fjerdan coyote's. He'll buy them out for a few hours so they can sit on his lap as he plays. Never cheats on his wife though. Every girl tries to get him to stay with them, the Peacock orders them to, but he always refuses." I told everyone.

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