The Man in Red

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A/N - Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this story is a little chaotic, this is my first attempt at an actual story with a real plot. But some of the artwork I post is my own that I created. I may eventually make some for this story in particular. If y'all got any ideas I'd love to hear them.

"Alastor! I'm so glad you are here. I'd like you to meet y/n. She is going to be staying with us for a while!" Charlie spoke excitedly.

The man in front of you who was apparently named Alastor was very tall. He had a small stature with red hair that had two fluffy ears pointing up. The ends of his hair were contrastingly black, which complimented his fair complexion. His eyes were a deep red which looked intensely at you. However, the most prominent feature was his smile. He grinned from ear to ear showing his pointed yellow teeth.

His eyes slowly fell to your wrists which you were now extremely aware of. Without speaking, he snapped his fingers and you felt a release. The chains were gone. Before you could thank him he melted into a shadow on the floor which fled to the parlor with the others. Bewildered, you continued to follow Charlie up to your room.

The room was simple, a queen-sized bed with a nightstand on either side. A balcony that watched over the city and a connected bathroom with a beautiful rain shower.

"Tomorrow we will be able to customize your room. As you saw, Alastor is very powerful and can create this into whatever you'd like." Charlie spoke with confidence.

"Thank you for everything, Charlie. I don't know what I would be doing right now if you weren't here doing this." You spoke with a wavering tone.

She looked at you for a moment. As if she was about to say something but changed quickly. "I don't need to know what happened... but I will have Alastor bring you some clothes that will be a little bit more comfortable for you. Maybe we can take you shopping tomorrow as well."

Before you could respond, she was already out of the door. Giving you a sincere smile before shutting it.

You stood there, half-naked and caked in blood. Dumbfounded as to what in the unholy hell just happened. 10 hours ago you were being forced to dance on stage in front of a bunch of hungry demons. 7 hours ago you were chained to a radiator, the metal heating your skin until it burned off the nerves on your back. 5 hours ago you were released from your hell within Hell. Now you were supposed to just move on. Start this new chapter and pretend like none of that happened. The tears in your eyes began to well again, stinging your eyes and burning your cheeks as they fell. You ran into the bathroom to contain any composure you had left. Until you finally looked up. A mirror. You hadn't looked into a mirror since the day you died. Shaun never let you near a reflection.

"You'll look how I want you to look. No need to waste over a mirror precious."
God I hated when he would call me that.

You didn't recognize the being staring back at you. Your once a/c eyes now a deep red. Your tears were black instead of clear. They painted your grayish skin as they fell from your unrecognizable eyes. Worst of all. A neon blue X was planted right between your eyes. The sight brought the memories of your death flooding back.

In an attempt to avoid the harsh reality of what happened to you, you ran into the shower leaving Angels robe scattered on the floor.

Stay here. Don't think about it. Look at the tiles. Listen to that water fall. Smell the soap in your hands. Taste the metallic sting that still burned your tongue. Feel the hot steam engulf your body.

It took about an hour to regain composure. Finally, you were able to escape the shower. There was a towel folded neatly on the counter which you used to dry your long hair. Without any other clothes, you wrapped yourself back up in Angels robe and planted yourself on the bed. Finally feeling some relief in your ankles.

You almost forgot what it felt like to not be in pain. The serenity washed over you as the reality sunk in. You are free. The pain will finally end. The humiliation is over. You are safe now.

A knock at the door jolted you out of your trance. You stepped back onto the floor as the pain shot back up through your body again. You pushed through this to open the door and there stood Alastor.

"Hello there! May I come in?" He spoke. His voice sounded like it was playing on a vintage radio. A southern drawl with static littered through his words. Without saying anything you hobbled out of the way to signal him to come inside.

"Well dearie, this just won't do. Tsk tsk tsk. Let's fix you up before your big day tomorrow." He spoke softly. His smile never leaving his face.

You sat back down on the bed relieving some more pain. As if by magic a wave of his hand turned your damaged ankles back to their thin pale normalcy. You looked at the demon with shock.

"How did you do that? Are they — are they fixed. Like they won't hurt anymore?" You stuttered as you spoke.

"That's right! You'll need to walk to participate in tomorrows activities dearie. Which reminds me, the others don't have any clothes that will fit your tall stature so here is one of my suits. It will be fairly big on you, but it's better than being too small." His smile now seemed sincere instead of creepy.

"Thank you Alastor. I really appreciate this." You gave him a smile back, mimicking his own. He soon melted back into his shadow leaving you a little disappointed that he didn't stay longer. You still had bruises on your wrists, gashes across your stomach and back. However, once you stood up, your ankles no longer felt weak. It was as if he drained your ankles of any discomfort.

While you wished you could return to the parlor to speak to everyone, your eyes were getting heavy. It was time to sleep where hopefully you'll wake up here and this wouldn't be a sick joke of a dream.

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