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A/N: Some slight gore in this chapter.

"Surprised you can still run after that fall you had."

The redness in your face remained. However, it was no longer out of embarrassment, but out of rage.
"Fuck off Ci. I have enough going on, I don't need your bullshit right now." You spat at him and continued walking back to the hotel. You could hear the steps behind you continue as you walked.
"Are you that drunk or just plain stupid? I said get lost." You turned around and stood in front of him.

"Well, I was thinking we could make a deal. I know what Val is trying to do." He replied as he grew closer to you.

"You want to help me? Why the fuck would I ever believe you." You wanted to pull away but your wrath grew inside of you and you just chose to tower over the smaller demon.

"I know a lot more than you do sweetheart. Val doesn't just want your soul." He crossed his arms confidently, knowing that each time he spoke, you became more curious.
"If you make a deal with me, I'll make sure he never gets what he wants." He held out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.

You were exhausted. The entire hotel group just learned about this conundrum and now... this. You were tired of being treated like a helpless child. You were tired of people manipulating and taking advantage of you. So, you snapped. You grabbed Ci's wrist and held on tight. You could feel your anger swell inside of you and your body began to grow. Your once feminine form grew taller and you could see a deep, hypnotic, blue glow start to surround you.
"I am done playing these games." You said, your voice echoed like the song of a blue whale.
"I am done letting people think I am weak." You could see your shadow towering over the smaller creature. Your true demonic form was showing. You tried for so long to forget who you were when you were alive. You wanted to leave that person in the past, but everyone was treating you like a helpless child. You needed to show them that you were a lot stronger than you let on.
"I will rip you apart, limb from limb. I won't leave enough pieces for you to regenerate from." Ci was 20 feet off the ground at this point. Without a second thought, you dropped the demon and watched his body splat on the ground like a bug. Your anger subsided and you shrunk down to your normal stature.

"You'll see me again sweetheart." Was all Ci could choke out between coughs of blood. You rolled your eyes and dug your heels into his neck. His body swirled in a mist of red smoke, leaving only a large pool of blood on the ground.

"What in the actual fuck just happened."

You turned around quickly and saw the group huddling down the street. You couldn't tell who was speaking, but based on their faces, it could have been anyone.

"I-I'm sorry guys. I don't know what came over me." You said softly. The tears welled up again. You were embarrassed that everyone saw you lose your temper. You were embarrassed that everyone thought you were weak. You were mortified. Before anyone could respond, a shadow slid in front of you and Alastor popped out of it. He draped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly.

"c'était magnifique chérie (that was magnificent darling)" He spoke softly as he hugged you even tighter. The rest of the group soon joined you guys as the awkward walk back to the hotel began. No one spoke on this journey. As the group filed back into the foyer, you stopped them.

"Can we all just sit and talk about what happened." You asked. The denizens nodded their heads and sat in the parlor.
"First things first. Valentino made a deal that if I sell him my soul, he will let Angel go." Everyone's eyes grew even wider and they all looked at Angel.
"This does not really need to concern any of you, but I figured that you were all wondering what happened in the bar. Secondly, I'm sure you're all very curious as to what the fuck just happened out there."

"That's putting it lightly." Husk scoffed.

"Well, that man was Ci. He tried to bring me back to... well somewhere a while back."

"Look y/n. I don't want to push any boundariessss, but if this is a confession, you might as well tell the whole truth." Pentious said coyly. You sighed and continued by explaining how your first few months in hell went. You left out some of the more traumatic details, but you explained enough to help the story make sense.

"I don't know who Ci is to Shawn, but when I left the club today, he asked to make a deal with me." This sparked Al's interest. His ears perked up and his eyes were much more focused than before.
"Something came over me and I was so tired of people thinking that I was this weak little kid who was able to be manipulated. I didn't even know I was that strong honestly. But with everything that has been going on, I just couldn't handle another person out there who was trying to take me away from all of you." You felt a weight off your shoulder as you aired out your dirty laundry. You tried to hide this for long that it felt nice to be honest with everyone.

"Y/n. What are you going to do?" You heard Angel say. His eyes were filled with tears. He held himself in a ball on the corner of the couch.

"I don't know Angel. The only thing I know for certain is that tomorrow is not going to be fun for anyone. Especially Valentino."

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