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The bright 'sun' shining through your window disrupted your slumber. For the first time in the two weeks you've been here, you rose before anyone knocked on your door for something. You decided to get the day started early and chose an outfit that accentuated your figure. You chose a rather low cut dress that flowed to the floor in the back but stayed short in the front.

Charlie told us yesterday that we were going out today but she didn't say where

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Charlie told us yesterday that we were going out today but she didn't say where.
"Dress to impress!" Was all the direction she gave us. You weren't sure how formal this was going to be, so you went with the nicest thing Charlie bought you during your first week. You complimented the outfit with a maroon eyeshadow and long but mature eyeliner. With a 'borrowed' curling iron, you turned your extravagantly long hair into beach waves. Once you were satisfied with your look, you left your room to find only Angel, Alastor, and Husk in the foyer. Angel was complaining about his boss while being incredibly flirtatious with both Al and Husk. Your heals tapped on the linoleum as you approached the group. The conversations ended quickly. Everyone's eyes lingered on you. The same way they did on your first day.
"Charlie didn't give me a whole lot of direction. She said dress to impress so I-" you were interrupted.

"Oh I'm impressed." Angel said. Still slack jawed at your elegant appearance.
"Ow! what the hell was that?!" Angel yelled. "Felt like I just got smacked on the head." I looked at him confused as to what he was talking about. Until I saw a shadow standing above him holding Al's cane. I tried my best to keep my chuckle to myself as I walked into the parlor to see Alastor sitting in the corner smiling mischievously at Angel. Husk was staring at you but only through the green glass of his bottle as he finished it off.

"Umm... we'll is this too formal?" You asked Angel as you sat beside him. He was still rubbing his head trying to figure out what had happened. You couldn't stop the smile that crept up your face.

"I don't know y/n. You look fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I'm sure we are just going to a bar or something. Maybe grab a change of clothes?" He said a little nervous but smiled to make you understand his intentions. Before you could stand back up, Charlie and Vaggie ran downstairs to meet you with Pentious following closely behind.

"Y/N YOU LOOK STUNNING!" Charlie exclaimed as she ran into you to give you a hug. You were suddenly aware of everyone else's attire. Charlie was wearing a similar suit to the one she normally wears and Vaggie changed into a dress that was shorter than her normal skirt.

"Thank you, but where are we going? I can change if I need to." You said. Trying to wash the embarrassed look off of your face.

"RIGHT! You all have been working so hard so I wanted to treat everyone to a day of fun! We are going to Church!" She basically screamed at the top of her lungs.
Everyone looked at her. Extremely confused.

"I don't know if you forgot, but we're in Hell. I think it's a little late for Church now." Husk said with a long sigh.

"No! Not 'church'. Church. The club down in cannibal town?" She explained.
We all had a sigh of relief as she explained.
"Before we go there, I thought we could have a little fun here! Alastor? Would you mind?" She said while gesturing her hands to the hallway next to the bar. As Al snapped his fingers, the wall began to crumble as a huge pool appeared. Suddenly everyone's attire changed into swim suits that mimicked our previous attire.

"A pool party!" She was basically shaking at this point with excitement. She looked over to everyone for approval. Without saying a word I stood up and ran to the water and jumped in. Charlie cheered as everyone followed us into this new luxury.
It had been a few hours of swimming in the pool and playing chicken with everyone before you decided to lay on one of the pool chairs to take a break. Alastor was the only person who stayed dry this entire time. You sat next to him to have someone to talk to.

"That shit you pulled on Angel earlier was pretty good." You said as you dried yourself off before laying down on the lounger.

"I have no idea what you're talking about deer." He said as he gave you a little wink. You chuckled back at him before speaking once more.

"Didn't like his choice of words or something?" You asked, more serious than before.

"Something like that..." he trailed off. Hoping you would change the subject.

"Did you not find me 'impressive' Al?" You said, somewhat teasing but also out of curiosity.

"Impressive isn't even the half of it." He said, gazing forward at the rest of the group in the water as Charlie called out,
"Al, we should get going soon." She said gesturing for the rest of the group to get out of the pool. Once everyone was all ready, Al snapped his finger and we were all back to our normal attire. However, your dress was different. It was two pieces, a top and a skirt that was similar to the one you had on before.

"As beautiful as your last dress was, this will be more comfortable for you

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"As beautiful as your last dress was, this will be more comfortable for you." Al whispered to you.
The group headed outside where a pink limousine waited to take you to your destination. You all piled in to the car and it sped off. After a short 10 minute drive, the vehicle stopped and everyone exited the vehicle and filed in to the club. The night was pretty typical for what you'd expect from a club in hell. Charlie said she would "look the other way" to the drinks we were downing all night. After an hour or so, our group was all separated. Angel met a group and brought them into the Hotels 'sex room' while Pentious and Niffty were dancing in the corner by themselves. Husk seemed to be enjoying himself with Charlie and Vaggie at the same table you sat at. You excused yourself to go get another drink. You decided to spend some time up there to get a break from the 'doomsday' talk at your table.

"Is this seat taken" a voice said behind you. As you turned to look, it was a thinner man with a round face and yellow eyes. He almost looked... human. It was bizarre since every sinner in hell had some sort of 'gimmick'. You shook your head no before turning to give him room at the bar.

"What are you drinking? Maybe I could get you another one?" He said again, softer than before as if he was trying to relieve your worries.

"Gin Sour for me." You said with a soft smile. Your past in hell made you very weary of this conversation. However you could see the bartender making your drink so you knew there was no harm in sharing a drink with this man.

"I'm Ci, it's nice to meet you." He said with a genuine smile.

"Y/n. I hope I can say the same, but we will have to see how this plays out, won't we?" Your sarcastic comment made Ci laugh a bit before the bartended slid your drinks down the bar.

You and Ci spoke for a while. He seemed very nice, chivalrous even. He gave you no reason to feel threatened or afraid.

"Well y/n, it's a bit loud in here, do you want to find somewhere a little more comfortable?" He said with a soft smile? You pondered his question for a moment but his eagerness for your response pushed out whatever came to mind.

"I don't know Ci. I'm here with my friends. It's probably best if I go back to them." You said standing up and turning away from the man at the bar. You started walking away as he grabbed your arm.

"Hey, I know it's scary, but I really just want to get to know you. I promise I'm not going to try anything on you." He did seem sincere, but there was something off about this interaction.

"I'll go with you but only under one condition. I'm gonna bring a friend with me....


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