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You and the rest of group returned from the hospital after a few nights. You had a severe lesion on your neck from the collar, a broken collarbone, and a fuck ton of trauma from the fall. Alastor had a broken femur, two shattered wrists, multiple cracked ribs, and a shattered eye socket. Al was supposed to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks to recover, but when they kicked you out of your room, he walked out. He couldn't bare the idea of being apart from you, not after everything that happened.

You woke up the next morning feeling an extreme lack of warmth from your side. When you turned over, you saw that the area once occupied by Alastor was now empty. You figured he had some work to do so you started getting ready for the day. Charlie had paused the redemption activities since everyone was still pretty on edge from the whole fiasco. You decided to wear a casual sundress with some black flats. You've been feeling less than 'cute' with the casts and bandages so you wanted to try and get dressed up. You curled your elegant hair into beach waves and added a simple makeup look.

When you went downstairs, you were surprised to see that the parlor was empty

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When you went downstairs, you were surprised to see that the parlor was empty. There wasn't a breakfast table out and Husk was absent from his normal post. You headed to the kitchen to see if anyone was around? When you approached the door, Pentious came running out.

"Hello there red female! I've been looking everywhere for you! I sssee you've gotten all dressed up. What do you say we go for a walk, or a swim, or a run, or a-" Pen was speaking really quickly and was basically pushing you away from the kitchen. You interrupted him.

"Hold on. What's happening in there?" You asked defiantly as you held your heels in the ground to prevent any more pushing.

"Oh nothing! Niffty is simply making breakfast for everyone. It's a bit... explosive when she cooks." He assured.

"If you say so. Why don't we just go hang out in the Parlor? I'm starving and I can't wait for breakfast." You explained as you started walking to the foyer.

"NO! I mean - why don't we go check out the roof? I heard it's lovely up there!" He started pushing you back away from the parlor.

"Haha. Roof it is then." You knew something was up, but the look of fear on Pentious's face was enough to let you just roll with it.

You and Pen spent about 15 minutes on the roof together. You were both just talking about the Hotel, the extermination deadline, and your new found romance with Alastor.
"We haven't really put a label on it, but I guess we are partners now." You explained.

"Aweee that's sssweet. When will the official announcement be made?" He asked while pacing around anxiously.

"Well everyone already knows that we have something. I don't think we need to have a conversation with everyone. If they don't know by now, then they don't need to know." You said this very confidently, but also while suppressing some chuckles as you saw Pen nervously checking the time.

"Ah well that issss interesting! Anywaytimetogotobreakfast." He grabbed your uninjured arm and started pulling you back inside. As you walked down to the parlor, you saw everyone standing in a circle and Alastor was in the middle, holding some flowers and a tray of cookies.

"What's all this?" You asked as shocked as you could sound without giving away that Pen already made the surprise a little less surprising.

"Y/n?" Alastor began, "I think I speak for everyone when I say that your presence here has made an incredible impact. Your smile, your charisma, your humor. Every time you're around, the room lights up, and Hell feels a little less hellish." He paused for a moment to set the flowers and treats down and he grabbed your hands.
"With that being said, we have all agreed that we need to do something for you to show our appreciation for you. We have decided to have a dance here to celebrate your safe return. I am here to ask you, if you'd like to be my date."

Your eyes were filled with tears as everyone was anxiously awaiting your response. You had finally found a family that loves you. Friends who are always there for you. And a partner who cares for you without condition.
"I thought Hell would freeze over before I ever got asked to dance." You said between sobs. "Of course I'll go with you Al!" You shouted as your ran in for a hug, hurting both of you in the process. The crowd started cheering and Niffty and Husk started pulling confetti cannons.

"It's going to be Friday, before Charlie and I go to Heaven for our meeting. We were thinking we could invite some other denizens and maybe help promote the hotel? What do you think?" Vaggie asked.

"That's a great idea! Thank you all so much for everything."


You and Al were now sitting on your balcony together, bandaged and broken. Neither of you cared about how much pain you were in. The feeling of each others warmth, the cool swirls of mists falling from your mouths combining into one, the feeling of security that both of you felt in this moment was all that mattered.
"It feels weird to be back here. I know it's only been a week but I really thought that it was over." You broke the comfortable silence with this comment.

"May I ask you something deer? Did you try to escape?" He asked somewhat timidly. He was afraid that the question might offend you.

"I did. When the pain in my body disappeared, from you taking it, Shawn was taking me down the stairs to the club. I wanted to time my escape right so I waited until I was close to the front door. Since I couldn't open my eyes very much, I didn't realize that he had a 'leash' on me as he called it. After he saw that I was able to run, he wanted to make me perform. I promised myself that no matter what kind of torture he used on me, I wasn't going to do it. I just let him drag me by the collar. That's when everything went down." You explained the story to the best of your knowledge. There are some gaps from the trauma still.

"I see. May I promise you something?" He inquired.

"As long as you don't break it. Go ahead." Promises were very important to you, breaking a promise was the only way someone could completely shatter your trust.

"I promise that I will find him. I promise that he will hurt more than you ever did. I promise that I will kill him." He looked ahead at the 'sky', speaking to you, but also speaking it out to the universe; as if he was promising satan himself.

"May I promise you something?" He nodded, "I promise that once we are both strong enough, I will thank you properly for everything you did for me." You looked over at him as he was still staring at the 'sky'. You brought your hand to his chin, turned his head towards you and kissed him softly before letting go.

"Can't come soon enough." He chuckled.

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