Its her.

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A/N: Brief mention of SA

"I don't know what is going to happen. She might be hurt really badly so I may not be able to walk anymore. But, if I give her this strength back, she might be able to come find us. We know she's at least on this half of town, but with the blood trail ending here, we can't be certain." Alsastor was speaking to the group, preparing everyone for what was about to happen. He closed his eyes tight and snapped his fingers. He fell to the ground as his legs were suddenly swollen and misshaped. His eyes filled with tears again as he was suddenly aware of the pain you were in. He snapped his fingers again and the top half of his body fell back. He was able to keep his eyes open as the group rushed over.

"No! Look around for her. We don't know where she is. I'll be fine, just make sure you find her." He said as he tried to pull himself off the ground.
The group scattered looking down every alley and into every store front nearby. The blood trail led everyone to the edge of the city. There were 20 bars on this street alone and no one knew if you had been taken down a different road or not. Alastor's head turned to the edge of the road where the Forrest began. He felt like there should be some kind of movement. After 20 minutes of looking, the group started to lose hope.

"I don't think she's coming out." Angel said while wiping a tear from his eyes. The group felt helpless. There weren't any other clues of where she may have gone.

"She's at a bar. I just don't know which one. She told me this in confidence but given the circumstances, I think she'd want me to tell you guys." Alastor began telling the group part of the story you told him. He explained how Shawn looked for new souls to exploit and how the first bar you see isn't the one where she would be.
"She may not even be in the front. She said something about a secret club in the basement." He continued.

"Wait. Did she say what it looked like?" Angel asked quickly.

"No, not really. Just that there was a stage with a pole and a bar. The staff was always nude." He tried to remember any more details from your story, but none came to his mind.

"Okay, this is a long shot, but Val had me do a shoot in this exclusive club a few weeks ago. It was literally just down this way." Angel said as he pointed to the end of the road.
The group tried to make a plan to infiltrate the club. Since it was exclusive, there wasn't a guarantee that anyone would make it down there.

"Angel and I will try to get in to the club. If you guys don't see us in 15 minutes, storm in there ready for a fight." Alastor said as he leaned against the building next to everyone.

"You can barely walk kid. Let me go instead." Husk said confidently.

After a few minutes of arguing, Al agreed to let Angel and Husk go in and try and find you. When the two entered the bar, there was a very eerie feeling. The bar was basically deserted with only two people sitting in booths with no conversations being exchanged. Angel nodded at Husk and led him to the back of the bar where a staircase led to much more active room. There was a big stage in front with a nude woman dancing on a pole with a bar in the corner. There was another stage to the right but it was covered by a curtain. The boys sat down at the table in the corner as they looked around for you. The curtain to the right was disturbed as two men exited it and sat at a booth next to Angel and Husk. They overheard their conversation.

"He's really gotta get some more workers here. I swear that bitch was dead by the end of that." The first guy said angrily.

Angel and husk looked at each other and silently walked over to the covered stage. Before they could get up the stairs, a tall man walked in front of them.

"400 each fellas." He said while counting a wad of cash in his hand. Angel pulled out a huge pile of bills and handed it to the man. As the boys tried to walk through the curtain, he stopped them.
"Hold it there cowboy. Gotta wait your turn. This guy paid for an exclusive ticket." He laughed as he said this and pushed them to the side of the stage. Husk and Angel looked at each other as the time inched closer to the 15 minute mark.

"How much to kick that guy out?" Angel asked aggressively.

"Shit, you must be excited huh Angel? How about another $400 plus $200 for me to keep this interaction between me and you. I don't know if Val would be too happy to see you here." He nodded his head to the corner where Valentino was sitting with two others. Angel quickly turned his head away to try and hide from his boss. He pulled out more cash and threw it at the man before running on to the stage. Before Angel could say anything to the man in front of them, Husk threw his cards at the man and his head slid clean off. They looked up at the woman dangling from the pole.

"Her face is so swollen. I can't tell if it's y/n or not." Angel said while trying to unchain the body. Just as he got the chains free, a commotion was heard from the lounge. The Gunfire and screaming were deafening but the sounds soon ended when the group ran into the stage.

"We don't have much time did you find her?" Charlie said nervously.

"We can't tell! She was chained up but her face is so swollen!" Husk yelled back. Everyone was yelling but Alastor slowly walked up the woman, limping and wincing with each step. He fell to his knees as his thumb rubbed over that unforgettable smile that was etched into your mouth.

"It's her. I know it's her." He said with tears in his eyes. The group scooped her up and began heading for the exit. Al was slower than everyone else as he tried to pull his now broken bones through the club. Once Alastor finally reached the street, he grabbed on to the group and teleported everyone back to the hotel. The group rushed you to the parlor as everyone scrambled to try and find some kind of medicine or something. Alastor stayed by your side. Holding you close to his chest as he laid you down on his legs. His pain melted away as he looked at you. Through the swelling, blood, and bruises, it was you.

"It's okay darling. I'm here" Al said as your eyes slowly opened.

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