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The next morning came soon enough. You opened your eyes and felt a cold air hit your face. The bed was empty and the room was quiet. You could see the bathroom was empty too and you felt a deep fear growing inside of you.

"Fuck... I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Was this all he wanted the whole time?" You spoke to yourself while covering your face with a pillow. You couldn't stop the tears from falling. Your sobs were loud as the hollow feeling in your chest grew. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you instinctively flinched and swung at the person next to you. They caught your fist.

"Hey. It's okay. It's just me. What is going on?" You looked over and saw Alastor leaning next to you. Without a second thought you collapsed to the ground and continued sobbing. You were so overwhelmed that you couldn't even reassure Al in your state.

"I- I'm sorry I wasn't here. I just wanted to get you this." Al said while holding out a corsage that complimented his suit. You looked up at it and then at him.

"I-I'm sorry I'm so broken Al. You shouldn't have to take care of me." You managed to squeak out between sobs. Al placed his hand on your shoulder.

"You're broken. And that's okay. I'm broken too. There isn't anyone else I'd rather be broken with."

You stared into Al's eyes and let his words sink in.

"Thank you Alastor. I don't really know how to do this whole thing. Relationships aren't really something I have experience with." You said as your brought yourself off the floor to stand with him.

"I don't either. How about we learn together?" He said while putting the corsage on your wrist. He brought you in for a hug and held you as tight as he possibly could. After a few moments of this, you pulled away.
"How about some breakfast deerie" he said after placing a soft kiss on your head.

"That sounds lovely." You said as your breaths evened out. He took your hand and led you out into the hallway and down the stairs. The rest of the group were standing in a circle talking while Niffty started bringing the breakfast buffet out.

"Y/n! I'm glad you're here. We have a bet going." Angel said while running up to you and dragging you into the circle, pulling you away from Alastor.

"How does this involve me?" You chuckled softly at this encounter but entertained it nonetheless.

"Okay. Does Alastor have a tail?" Angel said in a whisper to try and avoid the radio demons wrath.

"Oh well I wouldn't know. Sorry to disappoint." You started walking away but turned around and gave Angel a little wink before grabbing a plate at the breakfast table.
Once everyone gathered their meals, you all sat together in the parlor. Charlie was explaining what the day would hold and when the ball would start. She gave everyone some tasks to help set up.

"It is an open invitation, so hopefully some other denizens will attend. Maybe we could get some more guests as well!" Charlie said while handing out lists for everyone's responsibilities. Your list wasn't very long. All you had to do was help with decorations and get some drink supplies from the store.

"Hey Charlie? Where should I go to get this stuff?" You asked while showing her the list.

"Oh right, I'm sorry I keep forgetting how new you are here. There is a corner store down the street that has mixers and fruits for the cocktails. It should only take a couple minutes to get everything. You nodded in response and started clearing your plate to go get the supplies. Everyone else followed shortly behind, getting themselves ready to complete their tasks. You headed for the door and Angel called out, "Hey wait up!"

"Do you have to go out too?" You asked while holding the door open for the arachnid.

"Something like that." He replied. This response puzzled you, but you both started down the path to the store. You guys talked a little bit about the party, but the conversation was pretty mundane. You headed inside and the air very quickly changed. Angel tensed up and stopped as the door closed.
"Hey, let's go to a different store, this one won't have everything." His voice was shaky and you could see sweat pooling on his forehead.

"What? We just got here? Let's at least see what they have." You said after you turned down the first aisle. As you reached the end, a tall figure stood in front of you, blocking your path forward.

"Holy shit. Angel dust, and y/n. Just the people I wanted to see." The mysterious man said. He was tall and wore a long robe that covered his entire body. His face was long and you could see his pointy teeth were white with a single gold tooth, just like Angels.

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