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You heard the scattered chatter from outside your door. There were at least three voices, but your slumber prevented you from recognizing who they belonged to. After a short while, you heard three hearty knocks when Charlie spoke.
"Y/n. We are getting ready to go out and we wanted to know if you'd come with us to get some new clothes!" She spoke with eagerness while the other voices died out awaiting your response.

"Yeah give me a bit to get ready." you spoke with a raspy 'almost awake' voice.

You stood up expecting the pain to return. However there was nothing. You looked in the mirror and saw no cuts, no bruises, no burns. Only scars that were completely healed.

"Alastor must've healed these while I was asleep." You thought to yourself. You weren't sure what to think at this moment. Did he come into your room while you were asleep? How did he know where your pain was? Would he have been able to heal these from wherever in the hotel? You pondered this for a moment as you started to dress yourself in the suit that Alastor had left for you. His button up was longer than your torso, very loose around your shoulders as his were much wider than yours. His pants were a little baggy but overall fit pretty well. To make the outfit a little bit more your style. You decided to ditch the button up and just wear the over coat.

You left the comfort of your room to see Charlie, Angel, Vaggie, Pentious, and Alastor sitting at the bar where Niffty and Husk were tending

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You left the comfort of your room to see Charlie, Angel, Vaggie, Pentious, and Alastor sitting at the bar where Niffty and Husk were tending.
As you descended the grand staircase, everyone's eyes darted to you. Your hair finally brushed with a decent outfit on. They all sat there in awe. Even Alastor's eyes were stuck on your body as you approached wearing his suit.

"Charlie, do you have a pair of heels that might fit me?" You asked coyly.

"ABSOLUTLEY!! Follow me!" She said with enthusiasm. She dragged you up the stairs and into her room where she opened the doors to her closet that were filled with every type of shoe imaginable. Your eyes fell to a pair a nude heels that would compliment your outfit perfectly.

The two of you met up with the rest of the gang and finally headed out to the stores. You weren't quite sure what these stores would have. This was Hell after all, were there even stores around? You thought to yourself. To your pleasant surprise, there was a huge strip mall not too far from the hotel. There were tailors, tech stores, and bougie ass clothing stores. Fear suddenly sunk in as you realized that your $50 may not be enough to even buy a t-shirt over here.

"Hey Charlie, I don't know if I can afford these clothes." You said as blush rose to your cheeks in embarrassment. Charlie looked at you completely confused.

"You have money?" She asked bewildered.

"Oh yeah I only have a $50 bill that I kept between the chains and my wrist." You explained.

"Oh well honey, I didn't think you had anything. I was just gonna buy the clothes for you! Let's get shopping!"

A few hours later with many MANY more bags, the group headed back to the hotel. Alastor and Husk walked in front of the group whispering about something that you couldn't quite hear. Your eyes hung on Al as he walked. His feet were dragging on the floor when he walked and had a small, but noticeable, limp. Something that wasn't present when you met yesterday. As you investigated more, you could see a small blood stain seeping through his light red coat. You couldn't help but wonder what happened in between your last interaction to cause these changes.
Oh shit. Did he—. No there's no way. That doesn't make any sense. Why would he— how could he. You thought to yourself.

Your confusion couldn't have been very discreet as Angel grabbed your hand as you fell to the back of the group.
"What's with the starring? You got a crush or something on smiley?" He said chuckling to you.

"Oh no. Not like that. Last night he fixed my ankles with just the wave of his hand. This morning, every wound on my body was healed into a scar. I don't remember him coming back in. But now..." You trailed off.

"Wait. He just. Fixed you? Like it was nothing?" Angel asked in an almost worried tone.

"Oh yeah, but now he's limping like I was." You explained in almost a question.

"Listen toots. Al is a powerful being. But even magic has its limits. You can't remove pain, you can only transfer it to someone else. If I had to guess, he transferred it to his body." Angel explained as he stopped completely on the sidewalk.

"Why the fuck would he do that? We literally just met and I honestly thought he hated me since he didn't even give me as much as a 'hello' when I ran into him on the stairs." You questioned as Angel began walking again.

"Fancy talk, creepy voice over there doesn't do anything without a reason. He may ask you for a favor now or even try to make a deal with you because if this. Be careful y/n. Al is an overlord. A deal maker. Don't fall into the wrong arms." Angel said as he started to run to catch up with the rest of the group. You stayed behind walking slowly. Your arms still carrying the bags as you walked back up the hill. Suddenly, your arms were no longer aching from the heavy load. As if you just dropped the bags, but you could see them in your hands still. Then, Alastor looked back and winked at you as his arms fell from his back to his side.

Did he just take on more of my pain? How much can this guy take? You thought to yourself.

Angel's words stuck with you though. You wanted to tread carefully from here on out. If Alastor was truly doing this just to hold it over your head, then you shouldn't give him any more opportunities to do so.

The group soon filed back into the hotel. You brought your bags up to your room, setting them down on the bed. Before you could start unpacking them a familiar knock was heard at your door.

"Y/n deer, may I come in?" Alastor said as the door wasn't even fully closed from your entrance.

"Yes, come on in." You said a little more harsh than you meant to.

"I'm sure you must be wondering what happened last night and why your wounds are suddenly healed." He said.

Oh shit well I guess we aren't dancing around the subject.

"Yeah, were you in my room while I was asleep? And did you —" Your voice trailed off. Before you could continue.

"Heavens no! I could see your wounds through the robe last night. Once I left I decided it would be unfair to leave you in such a state. From my own room, I healed them." He explained.

"So... am I supposed to pretend like you didn't move my injuries to yourself? Or can I just ask you why you did it in the first place?" You asked somewhat aggressively.

"Nothing gets past you huh? My powers have limits. As does everyone else's. Your appearance last night spoke to me. I could tell that you had been through more than you let on. The chains, Angels robe, and the tears that stayed in your eyes. You didn't need any more pain deerie." He explained as he headed towards the door. Before you could even process what he said, he was gone. Leaving you puzzled as to what this meant.
When you looked back at the room, you saw that it changed. The once plain room was now a/c with a huge vanity and a fish tank in the corner with your favorite fish swimming around. Your balcony now had several chairs and a small fire pit that was already lit.

"I need a fucking drink after all of this" you spoke to yourself out loud.

You meandered down to the bar where Husk stood, cleaning a few dirty glasses.

"Any clear liquor?" You asked with a sincere smile on your face.

"Depends on what your looking to accomplish tonight. You wanna forget, cry, or party?" He spoke this as if it was a joke, but looked at you with a straight face.

"Why not all three?" You asked and chuckled to yourself.

"Got just the thing y/n." He said as he winked at you and turned around before grabbing a bottle off the shelf.
"This should do the trick." He said pulling out a glass.

"I'll just take the bottle up to my room if that works." You gave him a knowing look as he put the glass away and pushed the bottle towards you before returning back to his other tasks.

"Time to see what this demon can handle." You spoke to yourself.

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