Red Hot Shame

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When you woke up the next morning, you were so excited to see Charlie and Vaggie off you didn't even bother getting dressed. You ran downstairs and saw everyone in the group congregating by the breakfast table. You approached the group and they were all talking about this meeting that the girls were going to have. Charlie explained that she was going to Heaven to prove to everyone that this hotel works. While everyone was talking, Angel walked in and looked disheveled.

"You look messy. What happened to you?" Niffty asked while dusting Angel off.

"It's who happened to me. And the answer is everybody. Val had me working 16 hours on a fucking whim." Angel replied while collapsing on the couch. You felt a slight pain in your heart as you saw the aftermath of Angels torment. It's wasn't too long ago when you yourself were being treated that way. Angel saw you staring and he tried to fix his attitude. However, a large bang blew the wall open and a woman stepped inside.

"Holy shit! Cherri bomb? Long time no see baby." Angel said to the new denizen in the lobby. Angel, Cherri and Charlie started talking but you couldn't hear what they were saying as Al's shadow appeared on the floor and he rose up from it.

"Y/n, are you alright? I heard a bang and you weren't in the room." Alastor asked frantically.

"Oh she's fine! We're all fine. I'm going out with Angie and I gotta drag your sorry asses with me." Cherri responded for you. You looked at Alastor in fear at this request. It felt like every time you left the hotel, something bad happened. However, Al placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a genuine smile.

With some persuasion from Angel and Cherri, you agreed to go out with them. Alastor assured you that he would be with you the whole way and nothing bad would happen if he was there. You begrudgingly got into an appropriate outfit after you said goodbye to Charlie and Vaggie. You met the group downstairs and you all headed out to the nearest sex club.

When you arrived, the group stopped at the bar for some drinks. You didn't want to drink in case something bad happened but Alastor ordered a shot of scotch. It took a few hours for you to feel comfortable in the club. As the time passed, you started to ease up. You enjoyed a cocktail while the rest of the group pounded down shots, even Alastor was drinking more than usual.

"Hey y/n. It's a club. Let loose have fun!" Husk said after he drank another shot.

"Yeah well I can have fun without puking my brains out. Plus I want to make sure someone here can help all of you back home tonight." You were half joking and half serious as Angel just had to run after Niffty.

"Darling, will you go with me to get another drink?" Alastor said after he stumbled past the table.

"If that is what you'd like to do, then yes." You didn't mind that Alastor was having fun and being comfortable around the group, however you were a little worried about what could happen.
You helped Al to the bar where he tried to flag down the bar tender. You turned around and waited for Al to finish up. As you looked down the bar, you saw a denizen that looked eerily family who was staring daggers at you. He looked similar to Ci, the demon who tried to take you the last time you were at a club. However, Al literally ate him, so it didn't seem like a plausible explanation. When you and Alastor returned to the booth, you tried to forget about this, but couldn't.

"Hey can I ask you all something?" You asked the group.

"Of course." Pentious replied.

"I know that demons can only be killed by angelic weapons, but if they are like eaten, how do they survive?... Hypothetically."

"Well it kind of depends. If they were chopped up first, then their body will regenerate after it has. Well. Passed the course of nature. But if they were just eaten whole, then they will regenerate and fall from the sky, just like you did when you got to hell." Husk explained.

The familiar feeling of dread came over you. It was clear that the demon at the bar very well could have been Ci. You looked at Al but he wasn't looking at you. He had in fact been looking at the same demon you were. You nudged Al's arm and looked at him with the 'let's get the fuck out of here' eyes. You stood up and told the group that it was getting late and it was time to leave. However, you couldn't find Angel or Niffty anywhere. You heard a commotion on the other side of the club and everyone ran over there together.

"Fuck off val." Angel said as you reached the corner of the room. Val stood up and smacked Angel which left him bleeding on the floor.

"You have some fucking nerve." You shouted as you helped Angel up.

"Awe. Look who wants to act tough again. Angel, you better teach this little bitch not to talk to her employer that way." Val responded.

You froze and looked behind you. Everyone was slack jawed at this besides Angel and Alastor. You didn't let anyone talk to you before you ran out the front doors and headed back to the hotel. Your eyes stung with tears and your face was flushed with red hot shame. Your secret wasn't yours to keep anymore.
"One sentence. That singular fucking sentence is all it took." You spoke aloud to yourself. Everyone is going to know what happened to me. Everyone is going to know about Angels deal. Everyone... everyone will know how weak I am.

"Surprised you can still run after that fall you had." A voice said behind you. You turned around to see Ci.

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