The Contract

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After the less than comfortable talk you had with everyone, you all returned to your rooms. Alastor joined you in yours and you both wrapped up in the blankets as the night grew darker. When you and Al woke, you heard a lot of yelling from downstairs and you both ran down to see what the commotion was about. You saw Vaggie yelling at Angel and Charlie was sobbing on the couch.

"I don't think this concerns us." You whispered to Al as you turned to retreat back to your room.

"AND YOU!" Vaggie shouted as she heard your voice. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW Y/N!"

You dragged your feet down the stairs, the same way you used to when your mother would reprimand you.


"VAGGIE STOP!" Charlie shouted. She ran upstairs and Vaggie went to follow her, but stopped herself. Vaggie sighed and gestured for you to sit in the parlor with her and Angel.

"The courts in Heaven saw what happened yesterday. After that, they decided that there isn't any proof that a soul can be redeemed." Vaggie said shortly. Your eyes grew wide and you looked at Angel who was already informed of this.
"Things are going to be a lot harder on everyone here. I'm sorry I got so angry, but you guys need to understand what happened."

"You think we don't understand?!" Angel yelled, "We understand perfectly well what happened. I understand how shitty this is going to be. I understand that I fucked up and I'm sure y/n understands that too. We have our own shit to deal with today Vags." Angel stood up and offered his hand to you. You accepted it and walked up the stairs with him. Alastor stayed downstairs and spoke with Vaggie as the rest of the hotel group joined them.
You and Angel spent a few hours talking about the situation. You had a plan but thought that it would be best if no one besides you, Al, and Lucifer were aware of it. When the clock hit 12, you gave Angel a look and you both stood up and headed down to the parlor. Alastor was sitting with Pentious, Husk, Niffty, and Vaggie.

"Al. It's time." You said and the rest of the group perked up as you and Angel walked over. Al nodded at you and stood up.

"Excuse us." Al said as he walked into his room.
"Are you sure about this y/n?" Alastor asked.

"This is the only way Al."

You tried to convince the rest of the group to stay at the hotel, but they insisted on coming. You all walked to Valentinos studio and before you could knock on the door, Val swung it open.

"Ahhh. I see you've brought an audience for you first day." Val hissed at you.

"I haven't agreed to anything yet." You spat back as he opened the door wide enough to reveal the dimly lit room. You and Angel sat at a table with Val and the rest of the group stood in the corner.

"Well then. What have you decided my dear? Will you let Angel be free?" Val asked. His eyes were hungry and his claws were tapping on the table in an impatient manner. You looked at Angel and then at Al. You gave him a soft smile and pulled a pen out of your pocket.

"No..." Al sighed as he tried to step forward, but husk stopped him.

"Hold on boss." He huffed. Al tried to push him away but you put your hand up in protest.

"This isn't what we talked about! What are you doing?" Al yelled. You turned to look at him.

"It's for the best, Al. Please don't make this harder than it already is." You sighed and put your hand out to Val.

"Good girl. Now sign here-" Val started but you cut him off.

"First, let Angel go." You said dryly. Val smirked and pulled out Angels contract. He placed both of his hands on the top of the paper.

"No funny business." Val ripped the paper and pushed the pen towards you.

"Y/n..." Angel looked at you dumbfounded. You could hear Husk struggling to hold Alastor back. Before Al could free himself you grabbed the pen and signed your name on the contract. Val's eyes narrowed as he inhaled a puff of smoke. His exhale began to transform into a chain as the smoke wrapped itself around your throat. As the collar started the form, another neon green collar solidified on your neck. Val's smoke disappeared and the ink on the contract vanished. You looked up.

"What the fuck is this?" Val shouted out as Alastor finally pushed past Husk, exposing his hands which held the end of the chain.

"Did I forget to tell you that I don't own my soul, Val?" You said smugly while ushering Angel towards the exit. You opened the door to signal the rest of the demons to leave as well. Leaving only you and Alastor in the doorway.
"Maybe you should make sure I actually have something to sell you next time." You winked and closed the door behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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