The Quiet Game

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A/N: Smutty Smut Smut. It's everywhere. You can't avoid it in this chapter.
Not my artwork!

"Well how desperate are you?"

Your head turned as Angels normally high pitched voice was replaced with that familiar radio static. You saw Angel slowly walk away from the open door as Alastor replaced the arachnid in the same spot. Your face turned bright red and you couldn't find any words to say in this moment besides
"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know the game you're playing." He said polishing his monocle.

"It's um. It's not a game. I just. fuck." You said the last part under your breath in an attempt to  avoid the consequences of this encounter.

"You know... I've always been a fan of games." He said, his smile grew as his eyes narrowed towards you.
"Why don't we play a new one?" He walked shamelessly over to you. His smile wider than ever before.

"W-what did you have in mind?" You started backing up to the wall trying to retain space between you and the demon, but to no avail. His body pushed towards you.

"How about the quiet game?" His face was inches away from yours. You could feel his breath pushing it's way into your lungs.
"Whoever makes a sound first loses. It's as simple as that." He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before pulling away.

"That's it? We just can't talk?" You were puzzled by this request especially due to the intense look in his eyes.

"Oh we can talk. But we can't make any sounds. Let's head down to the parlor. You'll know what I mean then." He beckoned you to the door.

"Wait. Before I play, what happens to the loser?" Your suspicions were growing more and more as the conversation dragged on. You trusted Al. You knew that he wouldn't let anything bad happen. But he was a deal maker. Still an overlord at heart.

"Winners choice." He winked back at you and held the door open. You walked out with him and walked down the stairs where everyone still was. Lucifer was talking with Charlie and Vaggie while Angel, Husk, Niffty, and Pentious were all sat at the bar.

You looked at Alastor for some explanation. He put his hand on your shoulder and gave you a soft look. Suddenly you felt a cold touch in between your legs. When you looked down you could see a shadow's hand tracing it's way up your moving legs. You suddenly knew what Alastor meant by 'no sounds'. Alastor's shadow wasn't its own being. It was an extension of himself. He could control it as if it was his own body and mind. He knew this game would only have one loser, he intended for it to be you.

The hand moved underneath your short dress, hidden from everyone's eyes. He pulled out a seat in the parlor and gestured for you to sit across from him while also beckoning the others at the bar to join you two. The shadow waited to start moving until everyone was sitting with you. It started slow. Rubbing the outside of your slit just like Al did before. You were able to concentrate enough on the conversation at this point. Angel was talking about the deal Charlie made with her dad.

"So will this meeting actually guaran—" you stopped yourself. As soon as you opened your mouth to join the conversation, the shadow found its way to your clit. Rubbing small circles around it. You closed your mouth quickly.
"Lost.. um my thought." You spit out quickly and sharply. The group looked at you puzzled but continued on anyway. However, the shadow did not stop. It stayed consistent.

"Y/n, have you ever met Lucifer before today?" Alastor asked awaiting your response. Your face was flushed and your knees were tight to try and retain whatever control you could in the moment. The question was idiotic, Al knew what your first few months in Hell were like. He didn't ask you for the information however. He simply wanted to see how you would respond. You just shook your head 'no' and looked to someone else to speak.

"What did you think of him today?" Angel asked. He didn't know what he was doing, but Alastor did. He didn't have to try very hard to make you open your mouth.

"A little touchy -" you stopped yourself again. You looked at the floor and saw another shadow crawl underneath your legs. You knew what was about to happen so you tried to say what you could.
"Butoverallseemedlikeafineguy." You said it in one breath as your flinched to prepare for the pressure. Alastor wasn't having that though.

"Hm. I didn't quite hear that last bit." He narrowed his eyes and anticipated a response from you once again. Without another option, at least not one that wouldn't give you away, you spoke again slowly.

"He seemed like a fINE Guy overall." Your voice grew in the middle of your sentence as Al's second shadow hand found its way inside of you. It curled his fingers as it slowly began moving in and out. It was so slow you could barley tell it was moving. Your little game wasn't over yet. Your outburst got the attention of the other group and they started walking over to you.

"Sorry about the delay everyone. My dad has agreed to help us!" Charlie said excitedly. Lucifer walked over and sat next to you. Al's eyes finally moved away from you as he shot daggers in the morning star's direction.

"You all seem like lovely people. I will do everything in my power to help make Charlie's dream a reality." He placed his hand on your shoulder and looked into your eyes, lustfully. With Alastor's attention distracted, his shadow was no longer moving to the pace he started at. Instead, the hands were moving faster. The angrier he became, the more intense the movement became. This stimulation was intense and too much to bear in these circumstances. Your face was blushing bright red and you couldn't look at anyone without giving away your 'little secret'.

"Y/n," he whispered into your ear, "you can look at me darling. Don't be ashamed to blush. I like it." His words were drowned out by everyone else's excited words. The rest of the group was talking with Charlie about her plan. The only ones who were able to hear this was you, Lucifer, and Alastor. Lucifer's hand found it's way to your chin and brought your head up to look at him. Your eyes were wide and your body was shaking from the pleasure and embarrassment you were about to feel.

"Tell me. What has you so worked up? I didn't mean to make you this bothered." He looked back at you, expecting a response. Of course, Al was flaming with rage at this point. His shadow was doing anything to you at this point. With his attention directed to something else, his shadow was only moving from his subconscious. There was no way Lucifer would have known about your complicated relationship with Alastor. And there is no way he would've guessed what was happening under your dress.

"I I'm—- just excited. Like eVERY One elSE is." You couldn't hold it back any longer. As you tried to speak to the ruler in front of you, your voice squeaked and hitched in your throat. Lucifer's gaze went from lustful to ravenous at this sound. Alastor could see this change and wanted nothing more than to tear him apart. Yet, he cared about his reputation in the hotel. He didn't want anyone to see this vulnerable side of him. No one besides you.

"I think there's enough empty rooms in this place where we could talk in private." His hands moved to your lap. That was the last straw for Alastor. He quickly stood up and glared at the king

"Alright everyone, it's been a busy day. Let's get everyone settled in for the night." Alastor said this to the group, but his gaze never left Lucifer's head.

"Right! Well dad I'll call you tomorrow okay?" Charlie said this which pulled him away from you. She walked him out the front door and swiftly sent everyone else to bed as well. Alastor finally returned his gaze to you which slowed his shadows work on you.

"Come now, we must finish our game." He said as he offered a hand out to you in the now empty parlor. You didn't stand up with him. You just shamefully looked at him as his hand were still working, but much slower. He didn't realize just how much you had felt during this encounter. He nodded and helped you up anyway. Your legs were wobbling and the spot of the sofa wasn't as dry as it once was. He brought you into your room and finally brought his shadow away from you.

"You lost."

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