Trust me.

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A/N: I mention an episode in the show here but I do not follow the plot exactly. It's more of a reimagining.

After showering and trying to make yourself appear less hungover than you were, you headed downstairs for breakfast. As you descended the stairs, you saw a table pushed up to the wall next to the parlor. You made yourself a plate before joining the rest of the group in the sitting area.
Charlie looked at you, still puzzled from your last interaction. You weren't very bothered by this as the pounding in your head began getting louder and louder as the alcohol finally left your system.
As you started on your plate, Husk approached you from behind and placed a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes rose from your filled plate to the cat standing above you. He didn't say anything but handed you a mug and gave you a soft smile. You brought the mug to your lips expecting a warm coffee.

"EGH WHAT THE FUCK IS IN THIS?!" You shouted as you spit the white liquid on the floor. The whole group bursted out laughing, even Vaggie who wasn't known for being so 'laid back'.

"Prairie Oyster." Husk said as his laughter died down.

"Yeah, your activities weren't exactly quiet last night." Vaggie explained as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, no kidding. I could hear you from the other side of the hotel. Who were you drinking with all night?" Angel asked while still laughing.

Shit. I don't know if I should say. I don't want to lie to them, but it isn't my place to share this.

"I'm sorry I kept everyone up." You said sincerely, "It's the first time since I've been in hell that I was able to actually have a drink." You spoke the truth to them, just leaving out that important detail they all wanted to know.

Instead of prying further, you all finished your breakfast before everyone headed to their rooms to get ready for the day. Since you were already dressed, you decided to stay at the bar with Husk.

"You could've warned me they all knew about my shenanigans last night." You shot out of no where.

"Hey, I'm just the one who gave you the drink. What you did after that is none of my business." He continued.
"I also won't ask why that bottle of scotch went missing from my bar last night." He said slightly under his breath, but loud enough for you to hear it.

You tried to hide the blush that crept onto your face as you remembered the events of last night. You and Alastor talked to each other like you've known each other for years. Even the silence was comfortable. There wasn't a moment you spent together that was unfavorable. Well... almost.
Your mind wandered to the end of your adventure when Al begged you to keep his suit on. You tried to make sense of this.

"He was drunk. He didn't know what he was saying. Even if he did I'm sure he didn't mean it that way." You thought to yourself as you reluctantly finished your hangover cure that Husk made for you earlier.


Everyone filed back into the parlor once they were all ready for their day. Pentious came down first, then Charlie and Vaggie followed by Angel. And the last to arrive was, of course, Alastor. His eyes remained forward, avoiding meeting your gaze. He looked much more put together. His limp was still present, but he wasn't stumbling like he was a few hours ago. He had no hangover symptoms. It was as if he completely erased the night you shared. You suddenly felt anger build in your mind. You weren't sure if he really didn't remember the night before or if he was just trying to pretend like none of it mattered. Your thoughts became quiet as you looked down and saw that he was wearing the suit you picked out for him.

"Alright everyone, we are going to work on trust today! You'll share something vulnerable with the group and we will all catch you as you fall of the stage." Vaggie spoke in a serious, almost robotic tone. Al snapped his fingers and a wooden stage appeared in the hall of the parlor.

"I'll go first!" Charlie said excitedly. She ran up the stairs and said that she loved everyone so much. No one moved besides Vaggie who ran to catch her.

After a few minutes, everyone had a turn besides you and Alastor. Charlie gave you a look and gestured to the stage.

"I know it's kind of scary, but trust us. We got your back." Charlie said at a whisper.

You reluctantly climbed the stairs and looked out at the group in front of you. Charlie nodded her head at you in an attempt to sooth your nerves. Al was looking at you now. However, his eyes never met your face. It was as if he was looking through you.

Whether it was anger from the fact he wouldn't look at you, or because he never said hello. You snapped.
"I've never known love before. I died before I could meet anyone." You spoke, looking directly at Alastor. The group could see this but decided not to mention it. You fell backwards off the stage as the group ran to catch you before you fell. As you stood back up, he was gone. Your rage grew even more knowing that he was avoiding you.

"That. Was. Amazing! You all did so great! Let's keep going! We have more to do!" Charlie exclaimed.


The day that followed was exhausting. Angel dragged everyone to a bdsm club which enraged Vaggie. Because of that she made everyone join a turf war to fight side by side.
Pentious had the shit beaten out of him and Angel tried desperately to drag him back to where Vaggie and Charlie were. You stood in the middle of this fight, unsure of what to do next. You were frozen in fear and the gunfire came closer and closer to your position. Before you could think of what to do next, a blurry shadow grabbed you from the side and pulled you into the stairwell that Angel and Pentious retreated to. You were startled by this but when your feet hit the ground, there was no one around. As you tried to regain your composure, the door at the top of the stairs opened to reveal the rest of the group.

"They making us go back." Angel said while dragging Pentious behind him.
"Come on y/n. I think we're done for today." Husk said signaling for you to follow them.

As you all walked back to the hotel, you couldn't help but wonder who saved you. Husk hid from Vaggie as she was tossing everyone down so it wasn't him. Angel and Pentious had already escaped by that time. Niffty was way to small to carry you that far and that fast. You decided to talk to Charlie.

"Hey, did you see what happened down there?" You asked somewhat carefully. She was very upset as Vaggie chose to stay behind.

"Oh, not really. I was a little. Occupied at the top of the roof." She explained and slowly started falling back again.

You didn't think anyone else who was around was worried about your safety. Everyone in the turf war was pretty busy. You realized that there was only one other person it could have been. He hadn't joined the group for these activities, but there was no one else strong enough to carry you like that. There also wasn't anyone else who was ignoring you at this point and would have saved you without saying anything.


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