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You were filled with anger as you walked into the hotel. You didn't know where he was but you were determined to find out. You stormed up the stairs to his room. You knocked as hard as you could.

"We need to talk. Now." You spat out. But there was nothing. Just silence on the other side. You scurried back to your room to see if he had invited himself in again. As you searched the area, your eyes fell to the balcony. Alastor wasn't out there but the bottles and empty pack of cigarettes were still present. Your anger turned into sadness.

"I finally open up to someone and this is what happens."  You spoke in a desperate attempt to console yourself. As you stood behind the railing, you could see that familiar man in red walking up the hill with Pentious' minions following behind. You quickly retreated back into your room in an attempt to hide from his gaze. You wiped the tears from your face and took a few deep breaths. You weren't sure what his intentions were, you didn't even know if he felt the same way about your night together.

I should give him a chance to explain himself. You thought to yourself. "But not without making him work for it." You said out loud with a cheeky grin growing on your face.

"Two can play this game." You spoke aloud as you left your room and descended down into the parlor.

You really did want to speak to him again. Your night was special. It felt like you two had been friends forever. However, your spite won this battle. When you arrived at the sitting area, the boys were all talking about the day you had endured. You joined in on the banter and you were more than welcomed by them. You could hear the door open and heard the familiar clicks of his shoes on the ground. You turned your back to the hallway and continued talking with Angel and Husk while Pentious met Alastor to retrieve his egg boys.
Alastor stayed back, his eyes lingering on the group. Instead of interrupting, he chose to continue up the stairs to his room.


It didn't take long for the chatter to die out as the group began retiring back to their rooms. You were the last to leave. Husk wasn't stationed at the bar as he usually was, but you stayed there anyway. The artificial glow from the green paint was refreshing in this constant red universe. Your serenity was interrupted once again.

Click, click, click.

Alright, here we go. You thought to yourself. However, there were no witty comments traded. Instead, the man in red chose to sit next to you. His ears were lying back on top of his head as he finally met your gaze.

"I wasn't ignoring you." He spoke.

How does he always know exactly what I'm thinking? You asked yourself.

"It's not always easy for me to admit this but... I was embarrassed. I forced you to take care of me in your moment of need. I couldn't look at you because I was ashamed of what I did." He explained. His smile was only a thin line on his face.

You thought you'd be able to make him work harder for your attention, but his words were so meaningful.

"You saved me earlier, didn't you?" You said, standing up to retrieve a drink from behind the bar, avoiding his gaze.

"Yes, I did." His head fell into his hands. For a moment, you thought he was going to start sobbing. You knew it was time to end this. He was dealing with enough.

"Al... Why didn't you just tell me? We spent almost 8 hours together last night. You should know that I am forgiving." You put the drink you were making down and rest your hands on the bar, attempting to get him to look back up to you. His head stayed low, without saying a word.

You sighed in defeat. In an attempt to fix whatever friendship you had made last night, you pulled out the scotch, bitters, orange peels, and sugar cubes. You slid the familiar drink over to the demon in front of you. You walked back around the bar, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I never saw you as weak Alastor." You said before you ascended the staircase, leaving Alastor at the bar, staring at the drink you made him.


Alastors POV:

"I can't believe I let my guard down like that."  I was speaking to no one as y/n left my room a few moments ago. The room was still spinning, and my stomach was hoping for any other fluid besides scotch at this point. I know it wasn't right for me to lie to her like that. As soon as we reached my room, I realized what the consequences would be if anyone saw me drunk with y/n. I just pretended to be asleep so she would meet the group without me. However, her words still rattled my intoxicated brain.

"I enjoyed wearing your suit too."

To be completely honest, I didn't remember much from that night after the mirror incident. My mind started to piece together the night, but only fragments remained. I assumed she was replying to something I said, but I couldn't remember what I commented on to elicit a response like that.

I figured that I had a few hours before Charlie would come to my door for any 'redemption tasks', so I decided I could sleep off the night before.


When I woke, my head was pounding and the room was still spinning. In a desperate attempt to hide the great shame I felt in my soul, I sent my pain to some unsuspecting demon who was walking down the street. With my mind clear, I chose to avoid any activities the group may be doing today. I didn't want to face y/n after last night. I don't remember much, but I know that I was way too drunk to have done anything I would be proud of. However, I didn't want y/n to think I was mad at her. After a long debate with myself, I looked down at the suit that was left out for me. Maybe this will send her a message.


She looked directly at me as she spoke, "I've never known love...." Clearly, my signal wasn't strong enough. Out of pure embarrassment, I had no other choice but to escape without the group noticing. I wanted to say a million things. Y/n was surrounded by the other sinners and I wouldn't dare let them see me as anything less than the Radio Demon. I didn't want y/n to spend the rest of the day hurting because of my actions. So... I followed them. I stayed in the shadows, watching everyone participate in these bizarre activities. I watched as Vaggie threw y/n off the roof into the middle of the battle. I tried to stay out of it. I wanted to see how this would play out. However, as I saw the rest of the group slowly file back into the building, I knew that I needed to do something.


"I never saw you as weak, Alastor."

My head slowly perked up to see the old-fashioned in front of me. There wasn't anything particularly special about this drink, but it was my favorite. The mixture of flavors always sent my tastebuds into a frenzy, craving for more. I slowly swallowed the brown mixture as my eyes lit up.

"Damn, she wasn't lying. This is the best old-fashioned I've ever had." I spoke out loud, not intentionally.

"Someone makes them better than me?" Husk said as he returned to his post to get himself another bottle of cheap liquor.
He startled me, but I immediately fixed my posture and forced my infamous smile back on to my face.

"Husk my good man! Came down to chat I presume?" I spoke with my most convincing voice. Hoping he wouldn't hear the feelings welling in my throat.

"Hardly. Just looking for another bottle." He suddenly eyed my glass and reached for it. I didn't want to seem insincere so I just furrowed my eyebrows as he brought the glass to his mouth.

"Oh shit. This is better than mine. Who made this?" He asked me so calmly. Yet, my eyes narrowed. Blush crept up my face and my smile widened. I just simply grabbed the glass out of his hands and turned on my heels. Finishing the drink before placing the glass back down on the bar.

"That's for me to know Husker. Don't you worry your fuzzy little head about it."

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