Back to Hell

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A/N: Mention of S/A and abuse. If this might be triggering for you, please skip this chapter.
Not my art.

It was early in the morning but Alastor couldn't sleep that night at all. Something in his gut told him that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was. He was pacing around his room for a little over half an hour until he decided to just go check on you. When he got to your room, the door was slightly open which sent chills down his spine. When he pushed the door open he saw your empty bed and nothing else. He checked the bathroom, but it was empty as well. There wasn't any indication that anything nefarious happened until he walked over to the balcony. He saw his record shattered on the ground. He wasn't sure if it was just the wind that knocked it off but when he peered over the balcony, he could only see a large blood spatter on the floor. His heart sank to his stomach as he ran to the next room and started banging on the door. When no one answered, he slid underneath the frame to see another empty room. He started running down the hall and into the parlor to see Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie all standing next to the breakfast table. He grabbed Lucifer by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Where is she?" He asked while trying to stifle the tears. Lucifer could see this reaction but his confusion was present regardless.

"Who?" Was the only thing he could manage to say while pushing Alastor off of him.

"Y/n! Who the fuck else would I be talking about? I know you were the last one to see her so where the fuck did she go?" He was crying at this point. The tears fell into pools around the corners of his smile.

"I haven't seen her since the last time I was here. Has she been missing that long?"

"Wait? What do you mean dad? You stayed in the room next to her last night." Charlie was just as confused as everyone else at this point.

"What are you talking about? I just got here this morning." Lucifer said, somewhat annoyed at these accusations.

Charlie pulled Alastor and Vaggie aside, "Either my dad is losing it or he wasn't the one with us yesterday. Al, that man that came looking for her, does he have the ability to shapeshift?" Charlie was trying to act calm, but the anxiety in her voice was very obvious.

Alastor couldn't respond to her question. He was trying to piece together the events of last night. He started walking out the front door and everyone else followed him. As he walked past the entrance he collapsed in front of the broken pavement and the blood splatters.

"Oh my god. Did she?" Vaggie said while holding in sobs of her own.

"It's not possible. If she fell that far she would still be here right? Someone must've pushed her and stole her." Lucifer said confidently. Alastor couldn't respond again. His hands were in the puddles of blood. It was freezing. He knew it must've been hours since this happened for it to be this dry and cold. He looked forward and saw a trail of blood leading away from the hotel. He stood up and started following it.

"Vaggie, get Angel, Husk, Pentious, and Niffty. We all need to be there to find her." Charlie said while running to catch up to Alastor.
It was so dark. The fall broke every bone in your face and your eyes were swollen shut. You didn't know where exactly Shawn had taken you, but the freezing metal table underneath you was too familiar to forget. Once he restrained you, he left the room and said nothing. You didn't know if he'd be back in a day, a week, a month. He used to leave you in there for however long it would take until you were 'presentable' enough to perform again. With your eyes swollen shut, you couldn't look out the window for a sense of time. You felt helpless, again. You let yourself be captured, again. You let him torment you, again. Nothing  could possibly fix it this time. No one in the hotel knew where he was going to take you. Hell, no one even knew you were missing. Your best bet would be that Al would enter your room to see you missing. But he didn't even know where Shawn's bar was. There were hundreds of bars in the pride ring and even if they did find this one, they wouldn't know where to look for you. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open.

"She's over here, pretty much useless after she fell off her balcony. She's all yours though." You heard Shawn speaking to someone else, but you couldn't open your mouth to speak. Even when the unknown demon started removing your pants, you couldn't protest, you couldn't resist, you couldn't fight for your freedom. You could only sit there in agonizing pain as a single black tear fell from your left eye.

When the demon got off of you, he grabbed your hair and held you head up,
"I hope they fix that fucked up face of yours soon, I miss hearing those screams." He dropped your head, slamming it onto the metal table, and knocking your unconscious.
When you came to, you were able to open your eyes just enough to see the broken window. The 'sun' was at its peak which indicated that it was mid day. You weren't sure how many days had passed since you were last awake, but Shawn was already sitting in the chair next to you.

"Good morning precious. I hope you got your beauty sleep cause we got a big day today. Because of that stunt you pulled on the balcony, you can't dance or bartend so I figured I'd just set you up on the side stage. Don't worry toots, I'll have a tip jar for you." He winked at you as he started to undo your restraints. Just as he did this, the pain you felt in your legs vanished. Soon the same for your arms and chest. You were confused by this until you remembered. Alastor. He must have known what condition you were in and transferred the pain to himself. You didn't want to waste this opportunity, so you let Shawn carry you out the hall and down the stairs. As you turned the corner and saw the stairs to the club you kicked him in his balls as hard as you could before running to the exit. As you were almost at the door, but something around your neck pulled you back to the ground.

"You think I didn't learn from last time? You're on a fucking leash bitch. Good to know that your able to dance though, I'll make sure there's room for you tonight." He pulled the chain and dragged you across the floor. You tried clawing at your neck to release the collar, but to no avail. You eventually lost sight of the door and were greeted by the patrons in the club. Shawn continued to drag you to the back where all of the other dancers were.

"I know you can walk now, get your ass up and get ready." He hissed at you.

You made the decision that no matter how much he hurt you that you weren't going to give in this time. He couldn't do anything else to you that he hasn't already done before. If you kept resisting, maybe, just maybe, he would let you go. You stayed on the floor as he waited impatiently for you to return to your feet.

"You fucking bitch. If you aren't gonna dance, I'll make sure I get enough use out of you." He dragged you to the side stage, where he chained you up to the pole. The collar around your neck was choking you as it held you up, your feet barley touching the ground. As the light began to fade from your eyes again, you saw two men place a stack of bills into Shawn's hand as they climbed the stage and approached you. Before they could remove any more of your clothing, the light was gone and you were unconscious once again.

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