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The next morning came soon enough and you were awoken to a knock at the door.
"Hey Alastor, Y/n isn't in her room. I'm worried she went out and hasn't come home. Could you help me find her?" Charlie asked with a very concerned voice. However, Alastor just chuckled.

"Just give me a moment to get dressed, I'm sure she's around here somewhere." He joked as he got out of bed. He was still wearing his suit pants from the night before, but he removed his shirt at some point in the night. You could see the scars on his body from the ones he took from you. Even though he took the wounds, you still had matching scars. You heard Charlie walk off as Al started changing.

"You should probably head out there now. She might send a search party for you." He walked over to you once he put on his new shirt.
"Thank you for staying darling." He said as he grabbed your hands and kissed them gently. You gave him a hug and a slight kiss on the cheek before exiting his room. You didn't get a chance to change before running into Charlie.

"Oh thank god. Y/n you had me worried sick. I didn't see you go to your room last night, and there was this strange man looking for you, and then you still weren't here this morning!" She shouted this at you as she investigated your clothes and body for any damages.

"Wait. You said a man was looking for me?" Your heart started pounding in your chest, expecting the worst possible scenario.

"Yes! He didn't say who he was or what he wanted but all he asked was whether or not you were staying here. Don't worry, I told him no." She said as she looked at you warmly.

"Why- how. Wait what? Why would you feel like you had to lie?" Your suspicions grew as her eyes turned to the floor.

"Oh I don't actually know. Alastor told me to say that if anyone came looking for you." She explained as you both started walking back to your room.

"Oh really? Did he say anything else?" You felt a little betrayed but also somewhat protected. You were hurt that he did this behind your back, especially since it was something so personal. But you were also grateful that he was trying to keep you safe.

"No he just told me to tell him if anyone ever came looking for you. I was actually wondering if you could tell me." She said puzzled.

"It's kind of personal actually. Alastor only knew based on circumstance, but I promise I'm fine. Nobody should be looking for me anyway. I don't know who that would've been." You felt bad for lying to her. She genuinely thinks you can be redeemed, in fact she's going up to heaven to prove that you, Angel, and Pentious should all be redeemed. However, your start in Hell was traumatic. Frankly, you were a little embarrassed about the whole thing as well.

"Oh well. Just let me know if you need anything okay?" Charlie said softly as you both approached your room.
"Oh, y/n! I almost forgot to tell you because of everything. Everybody is going out to Loo Loo Land, I thought we all could go out and have fun!"

Your heart started to vibrate in your chest as the offer stood in the air. You knew that last time you went out was too close for comfort. Someone wanted you and was willing to bribe someone else just to bring you to them. AND someone else was looking around for you.
"Oh that's so sweet Charlie! I'm actually finishing up a project I've been working on so I'm going to have to pass this time!" You said this as calmly as you could to not raise any alarm bells.

"Oh are you making a painting! Angel said you were incredibly talented. I hope to see it when it's finished." She walked off before you could even respond. Your tension eased slightly as you walked back into your room to find some peace.

It has been a few hours since everyone had left. You started working on a painting shortly after your interaction with Charlie. You didn't want to disappoint her when she came back to see you were lying to her face. As the hours passed, your boredom grew. In an attempt to entertain yourself, you got into your swim suit and headed down to the pool that Al created for everyone. You swam laps for a while but chose to lounge next to the water before returning to your room.

"Nice day in Hell for a swim eh?" You heard the radio static from the chair next to yours. You weren't even startled at this point since you were so used to him sneaking up on you.

"With weather like this? I couldn't imagine a better way to spend the afternoon." You said slyly at the demon next to you.

"Really? I'd much rather have dinner with someone on a day like this. Preferably someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously and doesn't mind that I constantly invade their quarters."

"Alastor! Are you asking me on a date?" You were a little surprised by this. He was very chivalrous but never seemed like the person to make the first move.

"If that is what you'd like to call it, then yes. I am asking you out on a date." He gave a genuine smile and held out his hand for you to take.

"I'll need to change first. Not a lot of restaurants will let me in like this. Not without asking me to dance on a pole at least." You gestured down to your soaking bikini.

"Not a problem deer." He snapped his fingers and your hair was dry and in a neat up-do. Your bathing suit suddenly transformed into a familiar looking, long maroon dress.
"I was hoping I'd get to see you in that dress again. Is this alright?" You smiled at his gesture and accepted his hand as he led you out of the pool area.

"Where are we going?" You asked very excitedly.

"I was hoping I could surprise you." He said as he put his hands over your eyes.

"Lead the way then!" You giggled like a little girl as he lead you to the meal. However, you were a little nervous about leaving the hotel after everything Charlie told you. It seemed safe since Alastor would be with you the whole time though.

It was only a few minutes before he stopped. You were puzzled since there was no way you guys had even made it to the front door, let alone to a restaurant in the pentagram. He removed his hands from your eyes to reveal your balcony.

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